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Posts posted by Brophy-J

  1. Its been a long time since Ive posted anything here but rest assured, I am still training hard every day. Progress is starting to show.


    I shot my second Major match, the Central New Mexico Scorcher (IDPA). I had some great stages but a couple of dumpster fires as well. I ended in 28th place overall, but I feel it could have gone a lot better had I not dropped 33 seconds worth of misses one a single stage. It cost me, but I will force myself to learn the lesson at least. For at least he next few months every live fire practice I do will have long range precision shooting (30-50 yards).


    My next major isn't until September but I do have a class with Elias Frangoulis in July that I'm looking forward to. Until then its just more practice and local matches.


    Here is a clip from my local USPSA match. As always, any advice or constructive criticism is welcome.






  2. Saturdays Steel Challenge went OK. I shot the traditional stages well but the wildcard stage ate my lunch and dinner. We had to clear a plate rack SHO, WHO, freestyle and freestyle outside in. Strong hand took me over 15 seconds and for week hand I 30ed out. This is a bit disappointing because I have consistently been working on week hand only shooting in my dry fire. There is obviously some disconnect between the practice and execution. I plan to dedicate live fire time to improve this weakness.




    Accelerator is the only stage I've shot before.

    Accelerator 2-10-18 image.png.92cf4eec14c20833a628654fba79f91f.png

    Accelerator 3-10-18 image.png.36cbda49a18da06f1bb79b1386caa362.png


    Total time actually went up. Oh well.


    USPSA coming soon...  


  3. That freaking sucks man. Hope you heal quickly. Only thing you can do is use this as a chance to get your strong hand shooting sharp.

  4. Local IDPA match this past Saturday. Shot pretty well, took 1st overall. Got to do the x5 classifier. Time was 19.42 with +5 down putting me into expert, previously was Sharp Shooter. I failed to charge the pistol on one of the strings, costing me 2-3 seconds. It feels like this new classifier is much easier then the standard one or it could be because I've improved a lot. Master is defiantly reachable, just need to clean a few things up.


    Takeaways from the match: twice I failed to intentionally dump a 3rd round into a target to setup a reload. I need to improve my focus and stop missing these little details I setup in my stage plan. I execute the plan in my head over and over but when the buzzer goes of I still miss things.


    Steel Challenge is this Saturday. Ive been reading Ken Verderame's (aka @Nimitz ) book, as well as listening to his podcast. Ive picked up a lot of good information and hope to begin applying it this week. I have also been considering picking up a set of steel shoot dry fire training banners, also Ken's product. I first saw these on @stick 's range journal and they seem like a great way to practice.


    My goal this week is to grind down my draw time as much as I can. I am going to be doing lots of high speed reps to build up the muscle memory at that speed.


  5. Got a nice live fire practice day in over the weekend. I got a good baseline of times to track progress. All of these are on a 2/3 IPSC torso at 12 yards.


    Feb 2018

    Draw 1 shot, hands at sides; Fastest 1.1, average 1.25

    Draw 1 shot, surrender; Fastest 1.15 average 1.2

    Draw 2 shots; ~1.5 with ~.30 splits

    Bill drill (6 shots?): ~2.75 with .25 to .30 splits

    Reload splits are about 1.5

    SHO doubles 2.06 to 2.50 with .6 to .7 splits

    WHO from 45deg doubles are 1.90 to 2.2 with .8 to 1 splits

  6. Thanks for the feedback, ill be sure to try the reload drill.


    For the door, my goal was to get a good grip but not draw the pistol while opening the door. Once the door was open and out of the way that's when I drew. To me this felt OK but looking at the video my week hand could have potentially gotten swept if I wasn't careful. In this situation it might have been better to wait until my body rotated a bit more. Regardless, at some point I'm going to need to open a door with a drawn pistol, when that happens ill try to remember your advice and keep it high.

  7. USPSA on Saturday went well but had at least one issue on nearly each of the stages. Stage 1 missed reload, stage 2 missed reload and stage 3 missed a steel hiding behind a lager popper. I thought I had good reloads planned out but just forgot them with the buzzer went off. Missing the steel was just a lack of attention to detail.  Aside from that I was first in production and 10th overall. Minus the missed reload I'm happy with the way I shot stage 2. I was at a full sprint between boxes and the shooting was quick for my abilities.


    I'm a bit unsure on the best way to approach stage 3. Should I just run straight to one side an work my way across? Is there benefits to shooting the middle sections first?





    No match this coming weekend, so just practice.

  8. Steel Challenge 2-10-18

    The windy/dusty Steel Challenge is over and I'm very happy with how I shot. I ended up with a match win and showed huge improvement.





    Here are my Smoke and hope times from just two months ago.


    From 16.12 to 12.49. Very happy with the progress here.


    I feel like my stance and starting position have improved along with my draw speed. From surrender position my draw and shoot one times are 1.2-1.3 on a target that requires some aiming.



    As always, please take a look, any advice is appreciated.

  9. Got my first local IDPA match win! Overall I shot really well, one miss on the last stage was the only real mistake. Unfortunately I didn't get any footage but I'm confident that my movement is getting better. This match had some hard leans that defiantly slowed me down a bit. I need to do more dry fire while leaning.


    Steel is coming up this Saturday. Draws and transitions are going to be my main focus in practice.

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