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Posts posted by rvb

  1. I use 3.3gr Titegroup under 147gr Zero JHP at 1.150" oal for my load. Makes 131 pf in my EliteII and shoots flat (TGs not as soft as VVN310, but cheaper and easier to find).

    I run a 10-11lb recoil spring.

    I run a 15lb 1911 mainspring with 2 coils cut off. That with good trigger word makes for a VERY light DA stroke and I love the way the gun handles (though lock time is slightly compromised). Fed primers are a must. Gun shoots very flat. I'd like to use a regular weight slide as I think that would make it shoot even flatter than the heavy Brig slide on the EliteII, but regular G models are hard to come by...

    I HATE the wolff trigger spring unit. Fast way to ruin a good trigger job. Replace the factory spring every 5k or so and you'll never be left stranded (as well as the trigger bar spring).


  2. I'm new to open also.... Have about 3500 rounds through my gun and maybe 4 matches. I'm still battling the dipping dot. I'm running a box-stock STI Trubor except I did some extractor tuning and put in an 8-lb recoil spring. I would suggest focusing on grip change before you mess with springs and milling the slide. Those things are good and I will eventually get some metal removed from my slide, but not until I can control the dot in stock form.

    I asked some of the experienced open guys at my local matches, and what I've learned is you can't carry a super firm limited/production gun grip to open division. Shooting a "normal" gun your muscles are timed to push the front sight back down and you are trying to tame the recoil. My timing was causing me to push the gun back down under the target, which sounds like what you are struggling with, also.

    I can get my dot to go straight up and come straight back and stop at dead center, but only if I am neither over-gripping or under-gripping the gun. The key is to let the comp work. I put 300 rounds down range tonight working on just that... training the proper grip into the subconscious and getting that dot to come right back on target. Splits are much faster and accuracy much better when I can manage the right grip and don't have to wait on my brain to track the dot and bring it back up on target.

    Hope that helps..... I'm only passing along my similar recent experience and the words of wisdom that were passed on to me.


  3. The last time I was buying a gun in a shop (a S&W 642), some gun-shop expert started telling me I'd be better off w/ some other brand/model/caliber/whatever and that nobody could possible control a .38 in such a small gun, yada yada. I got rid of him by asking a simple, honest, heart-felt question..... "who the hell asked you?". He went away and I bought my gun.


  4. Sounds odd have you checked your scale ? Stainless is lighter than carbon.... I have a .40 built on a caspian carbon frame, steel FLG and steel S&A arched MSH, stainless essex 5"slide, ed brown non ramped barrel. Metal form 9 round mags no base pads. light hammer, titanium hammer strut, msh cap, firing pin and trigger. Carbon creations carbon fiber grips. Seems to me .45 should be lighter, same OD barrel larger Inside hole and a little less meat on breach face.


    That's actually a good point. I've only checked on one scale, and it could be off.

  5. Everyone, thanks for the information and thoughts.

    Getting the area under the grips milled is up there on the option list... I'm thinking of even calling local machine shops... if they can do it while I wait/watch they wouldn't even need an FFL, and it would save shipping, etc. May be a cheap option. I will have to decide before I start doing any finish work.

    I'm also thinking I could just throw in a GI recoil system and/or plastic MSH if/when I shoot cdp (always shot ssp anyways). But you helped me balance my options. I've kind of put the holes on the backburner.... although if my planned setup is -close- w/ a GI guiderod/plug, I may put it under the drill press (can do for free). Or, very likely, I won't do anything and if I do shoot it, do it for fun in esp division.

    On a related note, I shot it for the first time last night.... and it went great!! I shot a total of 25 rnds w/ lots of stopping to inspect, and it ran 100%. Can't wait to get sights on it and see how well it groups (slide doesn't even have serations to help line things up). Just need some ejection tuning, cases were going out a little too vertical...

    This building guns is fun.... I already have ideas for a .40 single-stack floating around in my head (and a frame in the safe to build on). tho it does cut into my dryfire time....

    Thanks again.


  6. rvb...I didn't take it as a gripe session. You just stated facts and concerns. Many others echo your thoughts as well.

    If you really want a milling machine for home use, Harbor Freight. I know a gunsmith that uses one on small jobs..


    I've had my eye on them.... can only afford so many tools at once. Tomorrow I'm picking up a lightly-used blast-cabinet for bead blast work on this gun... A mini-mill is in the future, but I need a bigger work shop first. My one-stall garage is not large enough for all my wants/needs (nor is my wallet.... putting siding on the house this month, too!). This type of non-tollerace-critical work would be perfect for one of those cheapo mills.....

  7. Aircooled6, thanks. That's what I was figuring, I was just hoping there would be a better solution than milling that area out (the hassle of sending out the frame to someone w/ a mill, etc... man I want a mill... )

    Rik, I had thought about a plastic MSH, but I was keeping my fingers crossed on using a mag well. I may just get a well for uspsa and use a plastic MSH if I shoot the gun in IDPA. Good suggestion.

    Buddy, I didn't intend this to be a gripe session. I seldom gripe about the game rules, because I believe as you do, that it's a game... however, what does bother me and makes this paragraph pertain to this 'smithing forum is all the "competition specific equipment" I need to play in the "no competition-only equipment" game. My no-frills .45 build is overweight; my old leather jacket didn't "cover" enough so I had had to buy a vest; I can't use regular cheap sports knee pads and I got tired of bleeding all over my socks so I had to buy 5.11 pants w/ soft knee pads that I only use for competition and forget about wearing shorts.... etc. I think equipment is such a MINOR part of competator performance that I hate to see it be SO hard to meet the equip rules in what's supposed to be an "everymans" game. And while at the club level it would be very easy to shoot w/ an extra oz and no one would know or even care.... *I* would know....

  8. Ok, so I'm trying to build my first 1911. I'm almost done, just needs sights and plunger tube (will wait till I know it runs well to make it look pretty). I'm hoping to put a few test rounds down range tomorrow.

    While I'm focusing more on USPSA lately, and would like to use this gun in L10/SS, I still occasionally shoot IDPA and might use it in CDP.... except it's already 41.15oz w/o the sights/plunger tube!!

    It's a no-frills build, and I think that's hurting the weight. It's a Caspian basic s/s frame, Caspian s/s slide (no front serations, no flat top), bushing barrel. The current grips are even plastic. The only "extra" is a FLGR. I was hoping to add an SVI magwell.

    1) can you guess how much weight is saved w/ a USGI recoil system vs my EGW s/s FLGR?

    2) The Caspian frames have extra metal under the grips in the "empty" area on a GI frame.... would it be worth it to have that extra material machined out? Could I put it under a drillpress and "cheese" that area? If so, lots of small holes or a few big ones?

    3) Maybe it's time I completely give up on IDPA. The rules always frustrate me every time I play, and if I can't build a no-frills gun and be legal, well, ... that's just goofy.

    4) It may not matter since this is my first attempt and it may not even work! :lol:

    5) Other suggestions????




  9. That being said, a lot of people get behind a keyboard and become nine feet tall and bullet-proof. The lose all regard for common courtesy and really become jerks.

    You have to keep in mind that typing takes longer than talking, so thoughts/intentions/ideas get shortened. At the same time, a lot of people read faster than spoken word, so now an already abreviated thought becomes "short" and "rude."

    I've re-read some of my posts while searching topics on various places on the www and thought wow, I sure come off like a ***. When at the time I felt as if I was conversing, not trying to be nine-foot tall. IMO, the same number of rude people exist on www as in the real world, but more people come across as rude online due to the nature of shortened/typed thoughts and the lack of vocal/facial/body expressions....... just thoughts. Of course, I'm sure there are people who come out of their shell w/ the anonimity of the internet. who knows. time for beer.


  10. I don't know if they have voted yet or not. I cannot seem to find any information. At the hearing the chairman called for a vote on Friday (3/2).

    Following the hearing, myself and a couple others were talking w/ Senator Raskin who is on the committee AND a co-sponsor of the bill. He said he would not be voting for the bill... yes, we may have convinced one of the co-sponsors. That could potentially make it 7-4 in our favor if they call for a vote.

    Until the bill's website (http://mlis.state.md.us/2007rs/billfile/SB0043.htm) is updated w/ a vote tally, or I hear word on a vote count, I'll be keeping my fingers crossed. I may call the Judicial Proceedings Committee this week to see if they did vote Friday.


  11. I purchased a .38super TRUBOR from Brazos last fall, one that he had in stock. Had him do a basic trigger job on the existing Trubor parts. Not having shot open, I didn't know what I wanted, and what I didn't. I decided the Trubor would be a good way to start. If I ever decide to have a gun built the way I want, I figure I'll have it as a backup gun.

    I'm pretty happy with it so far, though I have not yet shot a match with it (all the local stuff has gotten rained out for the next couple weeks, too). I've put about 1k rounds through it so far, trying to learn the timing, trouble shooting, etc. I had to do some tuning on the extractor, it was riding too far fwd and gouging the taper fwd of the groove on the brass. A few minutes with a stone fixed that, plus I rounded the bottom corners of the extracter a little more. Every now and then it would hang up while feeding due to the bad extractor setup. I've only put a few rounds through it since fixing it, but so far so good.

    I also modified the slide stop to keep the slide from locking back (cut back the lip on the ss, and cut back the followers, and dimpled the ss so the plunger would hold it). I did this after buying Gram guts after pulling the spring out of one of my new 170mm mags in a big knot the first time I used it..... It seems the Gram follower must ride higher or something as the slide was locking back WAY too soon. So my minor mag problem led to a whole string of extra work...

    Now that everything seems to be running and I'm getting used to driving the dot, I can't wait to get running in OPEN! :)


  12. 2/27 is the date for the committee hearing in Annapolis. Be there if you can!! 1pm.

    Also note HB441. A 10% tax on Assault Weapons (it's "for the children," with 80% of the revenue to go to education). So they are trying to tax what the senate is trying to ban! :wacko:


  13. I never have felt like I had to lock my truck that contains a back up gun and a carry gun. I always felt that if I need to worry about fellow shooters stealing from me then I should find a different hobby and better class of people to be around. I have always found shooters to be the most honest and ethical group of individuals I have delt with. It is a nice contrast to the dregs of society I deal with at work.


    If only we could make the legislature understand this.... they think we are one step from robbing a bank.


  14. Senate Bill 43 has been registered.

    It's pretty rough.... basically all semi-auto rifles, lots of shotguns, some handguns will be banned. It also prevents transporting them into the state if you shoot any matches in MD or travel to matches through MD.



    I like how theres always a LE exemption...if all the 'bad' guns are banned, why would the cops need to keep theirs?

    Isn't that the definition of "police state?"


  15. When you allert friends to this dangerous bill (its still a toss up as to whether it will pass) please also meantion that its a:


    Why? Because any pistol "that CAN ACCEPT" a threaded barrel is banned for coming into the state - even for competition.


    For competition's sake, lets hope it does not pass.

    You are 100% correct. I tell everyone that the bill basically would ban anything semi-auto.

    My letter I sent to my senator and everyone on the Judiciary committee (including the sponsor and some co-sponsors).........

    Honorable Senator xxx,

    As a proud citizen of Maryland, District 32,

    I wish to express opposition to Senate Bill 43, “Maryland Assault Weapons Ban of 2007.”

    First, and foremost, I believe that every individual in The United States of America is guaranteed the right to keep and bear arms, and that this bill does infringe upon this right.

    While I understand the desire to reduce crime and save lives, I do not believe this bill accomplishes this goal. Preventing violent crime, gang membership, and drug involvement needs legislation that reaches the root of the problem such as significant mandatory-minimum sentences for violent offenders, a strong policy against repeat offenders, and a tougher stance on gang-related activities such as violent membership initiations and witness intimidation.

    This legislation will accomplish nothing to reduce crime. It is important to note that statistically, long guns (“assault weapons,” a sub-set of long guns, are not tracked statistically) are seldom used in violent crime. The Maryland State Police has even testified in committee hearings in both the Maryland house and senate (hearings which I have attended) that these weapons are used so seldom that they did not support similar ban legislation.

    This legislation is so broadly written, that it is hard to think of any semi-auto firearm (ONE shot fired per trigger pull) that does not fall under its purview, be it a long gun or handgun. This means this legislation would potentially impact millions of law-abiding Maryland gun owners.

    Every year at committee hearings in either the house or senate (which I have attended the past 3 years), proponents of these bans state that they do not affect “sportsmen.” This argument is a blatant LIE. Even hunters may be affected. In Maryland, it is possible to compete in CMP, USPSA, NRA, IDPA, and many club-level events using equipment banned under these proposed laws. Competitors from out of state will not be able to attend these sporting events, creating a revenue loss for Maryland clubs and local businesses. In 2006, I personally competed in approximately 30 events in the state of Maryland using firearms that this bill proposes to ban; I practiced hours per week with firearms that this bill deems “non-sporting.” Yet I have never committed a crime.

    I urge you to oppose this bill and work to create legislation that will impose tougher penalties for criminals instead of penalizing law-abiding citizens and sportsmen.


  16. Let me just say this: besides marrying my wife, best thing I EVER did was leave Maryland and follow her back to her home state here in Texas. :)


    Man, I would LOVE to move to TX (I always joke that as soon as they secede from the union, I'm THERE), but we want to get closer to family in OH before we start our own family, and TX wouldn't accomplish that goal. :(

  17. Well guys, it hasn't passed yet........

    we'll do what we can to stop it.

    anyone know of any good jobs in the midwest for an Electrical Engineer or technical program management. Yea, I'm trying to get out of MD. Been cleaning up my resume. I owe my employer a couple more months since they pd for my masters degree... now that I'm done with that milestone, I want to abandon ship.


  18. There is some confusion...

    He is looking to run an Open gun. ...

    Ah yes, big difference. Never see enough powder w/ a 147 to work a comp. I retract my earlier suggestion for 147gr.

    from billdncn

    "Looking for around 130PF" why not go for major? Or load whatever makes the comp work best, whether it's 130, 145, whatever pf?


  19. I might thrown in 2c as a guy who has shot IDPA for years and finally started shooting USPSA in '06 (a "new customer" perspective).

    Be carefull about having too many rules to "keep every-day equipment competative."

    That situation creates.... AN EQUIPMENT RACE!

    Here is an oportunity to learn from IDPA.

    Let me share where I see this going with an analogy to IDPA. The first couple years I shot it, I had no trigger work, used a simple bladetech paddle holster, and a coat/jacket for concealment that I had CCWd with. New rules came out to eliminate "competition only equipment" and my non-gun gear fell outside those rules. I found myself buying or modifying equipment with IDPA COMPETITION in mind. Bought a slick vest in place of my old leather jacket. Even their kneepad rules are screwed up (couldn't go to Dicks or even Lowes and buy some kneepads to keep rocks out of my skin and keep me from bleeding all over my socks... no, they had to be soft and under the pants, so out comes the CC for some 511 pants). I sure look tactical now. :ph34r::lol: I needed new equipment anyway, so now I'm a "gamer." :lol:

    The analagy is that people are still going to NEED legal gear, but still WANT that gear to be competative, therefore the trigger pull guage accomplishes this....

    A new shooter does one of two things:

    brings their favorite box-stock blaster and shoots a couple matches, then "to keep up with the Jones'" sends it out for trigger work to someone guarenteeing a 3.5# pull to meet the rules. OR. They now have to spend extra money to buy a guage to check their own or existing trigger work. Either way you are confusing the issue and forcing people to adopt "competition only" mods in the name of meeting the rules. IDPA screwed up big here, don't follow suit!! While IDPA hasn't lost a customer (member) [yet], they sure see a lot less of me. (not just equip rules, but game rules and very inconsistant 'interpretations' are my main complaints). Guess what.... people are still going feel they need trigger work to be competative! The net result is you are not accomplishing what you are setting out to accomplish.

    I know USPSA wants to attract the CDP and SSP IDPA shooters. IMO, they have a place to shoot already... my "fresh perspective" (being new to USPSA) says

    -- ditch SS division[!!] and keep L10 and make it clear you can use 10-rnd .45 mags in L10. L10=10 rounds and major pf, run what you brung no scopes/comps. If a new shooter thinks a lighter slide will propel them from D to M, then his squad should have a nice chat with them if they hear him/her grumbling.

    I also think L10 has a place for people to wet their feet w/ shooting major. I have a buddy who is talking about buying a new single-action .40 Sig to play in L10. Not limited where he's hampered by round count, and not SS since it's double-stack, but he wants to buy a gun to play in L10! He's a new USPSA shooter (customer), too... talk about a bigger field of competition when you have SS 1911s competing w/ Sigs competing w/ 2011s competing w/ glocks. what fun!

    -- leave production as it is so IDPA'ers have a place to shoot our IDPA guns. There are people like me still shooting both with 1 gun. If there are glock/XD guys who already have their gun rigged w/ 2# triggers that meet IDPA rules, don't force them into choosing only one game. That is potentially bad from a business standpoint! If you want to clarify some rules ('no slide cuts other than dovetails' or something), fine. But the trigger pull is bad for business.

    There are still newer shooters who don't care about the race rules and just want to shoot what they brought. THEY are the ones you are trying to help/attract here. I just think the proposed rules of getting rid of L10 and the PD trigger weight are the wrong approach. New shooters want simple rules so they can glance at the list and say "oh, good, my Sig P226 is legal." They are still going to feel they "need" a trigger job to be competative whether it's 2# or 4#.

    disclaimer: I compete w/ a Beretta 92, so I'm NOT arguing against a trigger pull minimum simply because my gun won't meet that rule... Even w/ an awesome trigger job I'm sure I'm not close to 3#DA. I'm simply talking out what I think is best for the game.

    I hope the "new" USPSA shooter perspective helps.


  20. I'm running 3.3gr TG under Zero 147gr jhps at 1.150 oal. Makes 131 pf. Not quite as soft shooting as VVN310/320, but pretty close. TG meters great, too. Averaging 10 throws I get 3.29 to 3.31 at the extremes, often it's right at 3.30; the standard deviation over the chrono is great.

    Have had no problem w/ zero bullets, except that I seem to always need more of them....


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