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Posts posted by dminor

  1. I believe that Arnie and I had only one meal in our entire 10 days in Italy that did not include macaroni. I think I am still lugging it around. :)

    As for wine, I had to drink it as no other beverage was in sight. Wine in many colors, had to try them all, and couldn't drink just one. :D

    I may not be Italian but I gave it a good try. Thanks again Luca! :P

  2. Dalmas,

    You are correct. Ed Brown is located in Perry, MO which is about 1 hour from PASA Park. Dich Heinie is located right in Quincy.

    Chriss & Bill,

    I am not sure why you cannot find more to do. I will be happy to help, as I am from the area.

    The Ice House Inn is only 3 miles from the range. The number is 1-217-335-3377.

    I believe your Nationals experience can be a great time, but like anything else you have to put some effort into it. It has been a very long time since I have worked a Nationals of over 500 shooters. I am sure to be very tired after putting in 5 full days of at least 100 shooters a day, but that does not detract from me looking forward to having dinner every night with the Lee family and socializing with all my friends at the Ritz and elsewhere. Life is too short not to enjoy to its fullest. ;)

  3. Here is a trick that works well with the timer. Turn it over your shoulder and let the scorekeeper read it as you are watching the shooter unload and show clear, of course only after having given that command. :) Also it is nice if the scorekeeper gives you a small pat with their pen to let you know they have recorded the score. This works very well and you never have to take your eyes away from the shooter.

  4. Mig,

    I hate to burst your bubble, but the Kansas City USPSA BOD meeting was two weeks ago, not this weekend. The date of the meeting was April 24th and 25th. I observed the meeting all day Sat. and part of the morning Sun. with my Area 3 Director, Arnie Christianson. I see there are no minutes up on the USPSA members page for this meeting as of yet. I think you should be concerned.

  5. Chris,

    You may be thinking of the Hotel Elkton. It is located across the street from the Holiday Inn and is connected with The Patio. This weekend Arnie and I got our room there for $34 a night.

    Do not stay at the old Travelodge. Nationals put ROs up there 2 years ago and it was awful, even the Day's Inn is better. There is a Christian motel/hotel called The Shepherd's Inn which use to be a Ramada Inn which is nearby also . I have not been in it for a very long time.

    On the east side of town there is a Super 8, a Fairfield Inn, Stoney Creek Inn (spendy) , a Confort Inn, and some small others scattered around. Hope this helps! :)

  6. Hi Troy,

    I am here this morning. :D It looks like you covered most of the questions in regard to Quincy with the exception of including The Pier Restaurant as a very good place to eat at.


    There is camping available in Quincy, Pittsfield, and Hannibal. Please send me a PM letting me know what you need, dminor@adams.net. There is some very limited camping at PASA Park.

    Any one else needs anything please let me know and I will give you as much info as I can. I will be at PASA this weekend for the single stack match, so I can look for info while I am there! :)

  7. BDH,

    Lovely post. Tell Deb we love her. I am glad that she had a good time at Area 3 last year. The sport needs a few good people to do the other jobs not associated with actually shooting the match, ie. ROing, stats, etc. There is just as much room for these members at matches and that then leaves shooters to be just that, Shooters! :P

    I will agree that it is nice to have your significant other at the range with you instead of one being left at home! :wub:

  8. Hi Ivan,

    I realize that it is not the RO's duty to check the competitor's gun. For some reason it has always been part of my routine, it could have something to do with my short stature, so guns on a regular person tend to be at my eye level. :P

    I feel this rule makes me, as an RO look like a range nazi. Right or wrong that is just how it makes me feel. :( I can always tell if there is a mag in a gun, I cannot always tell if there is a round in the chamber. That is what I find contradictory. I am just glad that in all the years I have been an RO this has only happened to me one time.

    The new command "If clear" does at least roll off the tongue fairly well. I believe it is only going to be a little tough on *old* ROs to get use to it. In Italy I only got it wrong a couple of times. :D

    BDH-I do not know where you got the idea about international shooters doing more gun handling on the line than US shooters. In Italy this month, shooters came to the line very ready to go. US shooters who shoot outside of our country will find matches much harder for them with the new rule book, especially the taking of sight pictures.

  9. Troy,

    I had this same debate with Vince. At Factory Gun Nationals last year I had a competitor who loaded and make ready, then quickly settled into the start position. He had chambered a round and then dropped his starter mag and put it away behind his back. As he stood there holstered and ready to go, I was looking at a very large empty hole in his gun were the mag should have been, I proceeded to give him the LAMR command again. He proceeded to do a slide check and was about to reholster again when I gave him one last LAMR. At that point he finally check his mag which of course was missing.

    I believe that every competitor should start in the required start position under the rules and following the stage procedure which generally includes a loaded handgun. I think the two contradict each other.

    OK Vince, I know you are going to flame me! I love you anyway! :wub:

  10. Having just returned from Italy, I have used tape for the very 1st time at a level 3 match and will return with my own lot of pasters next time. <g> No white or black tape to be found anywhere. We only used rolled tape at the match in a nice brown color. It worked fine, but what I noticed is that people tend to use more tape than is needed to patch the target. That being said tape is fine, just not what I am use to using.

  11. I also had robins in the yard here in St. Paul, MN this week. The best part is the snow has all melted! I fed the finches all winter and seen quite a few Cedar Waxwings. Sping is here and it is wonderful. :)

  12. Hi Big Boy Brian!

    I am very sure that IPSC Italy can handle my well deserved infamy! Skywalker can let you know how I stacked up after my visit there. ;)

    It has been a long time since we have had a chance to talk, BE. I just want to thank you for offering up the forum for everyone here and on the world scene. :D



  13. I have been very fortunate to have met Vince, Kees, Myro, Feri, Ivan, Neil, Bob, Tim, Steen, Fritz, Chepit, and a few others during my time in this sport. It is sad that the US shooters and ROs do not make it overseas more often. The best matches I ever worked at were the North Americian and the Pan-Am here in the states. These matches gave me the chance to meet shooters and ROs from around the world. Especially watch out for those ROs from Brazil. It was great fun! I hope to travel to a match or two outside the states this year. :D

  14. Since Valentine's Day was during SHOT Show and on a Saturday, Arnie & I ventured over to the lobby bar at one of the nicest hotels. We got a table that was perfect for people watching, ordered champagne, and watched a vast number of brides going to the conservatory for their wedding pictures for a couple of hours. We then went back to our hotel and changed for the evening. We spent time at the OLC party and the Glock party. Dancing was mandatory for the evening, just ask Chris Edwards. ;)

  15. The reason for this is that the USPSA BOD have not yet finished with the rules. NROI is a very profitable area for USPSA. The BOD is causing the organization to lose money, which I believe is a very bad way of doing business. It is hard to tell how much longer this may go on as it has been at least three months, so no new classes, no new RO's, no new CRO's, or anything else. :(

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