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Posts posted by openclassterror

  1. Both of my Noveske 16" barrels shot 1/2MOA different with my 77gr Nosler handload from XM193s at 200 yards. One click of elevation on my Razor HD scope. HOWEVER, when you have significant POI shifts as you describe, it usually means a barrel harmonics issue. Try increasing/ decreasing the velocity of one load or the other and it may come in closer than what you have been getting. If that doesn't help, the crown may need to be trued. An uneven crown plays hell when switching between flat-base and boat-tails for instance.

  2. I love everything about my Razor except the weight. It almost makes the rifle top-heavy if the rest is a lightweight build. As said by others, the Strike eagle will get it done, but the Razor is better. Other than adjusting when testing different types of ammunition, I have made only one zero correction in 3 years, a change of 1/2 minute vertical. It has been off the rifle 20 or more times, removed as a unit with the excellent Warne RAMP mount, and never required any adjustment when re-installed at the same slot. All other zero adjustments have been for bullet weight or high elevation changes for matches that require it. It has been on more than a dozen flights , and suffered no ill effects. Absolutely the toughest scope I have ever used. For me, NEVER having to worry about the scope after flying to a big match is worth the price difference by itself

  3. 1/8oz vs 1oz is a 12% increase in weight, which is a direct equiv in recoil. 1350 fps vs 1200 is also a 12% difference, but since velocity is squared when calculating kinetic energy, the 12% difference FEELS like more, and has a noticeably greater effect on steel. If you are thinking about increasing your load, velocity is more helpful than adding shot, assuming you use the correct choke.

  4. +8 will give 12 rounds in the tube, but with some of the shorter slugs, you may get one extra. My +9 will hold 13, but if 4 of them are Truball slugs it will take a 14th in the tube. Not all 2-3/4 shells are created equal........

  5. You can go from running great to single shot just going from one box of ammo to another box out of a different lot when you are at the very threshold of required power. Especially in inertia guns. The reason I caution people against using Estate shells in inertia guns is simply because of the power variation. Some lots run 100%, others not at all. Chrono'd, there might be 30fps difference, but it is enough. Unfortunately shotguns aren't like an AR, where you can open up the gas or increase the load until it locks back on an empty mag. Your first indication that you are light in a shotgun is that it won't go :(

  6. I feel for ya buddy. I am addicted as hell to Mountain Dew, can't stop drinking it for more than a week no matter how hard I try. And it isn't nearly as addicting as cigs. Don't know how the successful people do it, but they are an inspiration to me. :blush:

  7. M3k can go hog-wild with the loading port, but my son and I load weak-hand quads and with a biased port the M3000 is just fine. WE NEED TO KNOW, THOUGH. The shaping is different for weak hand quads to account for the SN position.

    My opinion-

    1) The Stoeger Oversize safety is very stiff, and I feel our double-head safety is a legitimate improvement. Throw it away.

    2) I don't like a big handle that won't spin, but that is personal preference. Take it or leave it.

    3) Their oversize bolt release is TOO big for me, and increases the likelihood of accidentally bumping it and getting a "death-jam", as Jesse Tischauser also found out. Downsize it, or take it off.

    4) Is the SN worth an extra $100? For me, no. Because I have machined hundreds of these ports and can make either one fly like the wind.

    BUT- IF YOU JUST WANT TO BUY A GUN, THROW A MAG ON IT AND SHOOT IT, the M3K is great, and when you want to go crazy on the port the sky is the limit. Or more precisely, the lip that retains the follower is the limit :)

  8. Is it a common problem for a new M3K to have occasional issues with feeding 3dr 1 1/8oz loads (Federal Walmart bulk pack)? About every 8th to 10th round I will get a failure to feed where the bolt goes forward on an empty chamber and the next round is still on the carrier. I ran 2 boxes of Winchester AA 3 1/4dr 1300FPS today and they ran 100% with no malfunctions.


    Yes, some polish on the magazine tube and inside of the carrier will accelerate the "break-in" otherwise, it might be up to 1000 rounds on some of them with particularly rough surfaces. Better lube like Lucas Extreme Duty will help too. If you are in a wet climate, the stock tubes need to be wiped and lubed after use or they might rust. Some rust, others do not.

    Unlikely you would have rough, dry and rust, but if you do, fix those three areas and you should be okay with 3 dram.

    This is a few weeks old, but worth an easy answer. In about 90% of the cases where a customer asks me this question about a factory M3K that he just bought, I tell him to lube the hell out of it. Run it WET, on the outside of the mag tube, carrier rails, and bolt lugs. CLP works great if it isn't winter, but gets gummy below about 35deg. At a local club match a new guy showed up with a brand new M3k and it was doing exactly thisa couple months ago. I always bring my portable gunsmithing box to any match I don't fly to. We pulled the fore-end, sprayed CLP as I just stated, and it ran 100% for the rest of the match. After 3-500 rounds of break-in, you can get lazy about keeping it wet. Or run hot loads from the get-go and forget about the oil, your call.

  9. Their service guys treat everything like it is no big deal. I don't think it is because they see that failure all the time, but they really honor the 5yr warranty like they mean it. It isn't like Mossberg where they make you feel like you need top-secret military clearance to get a part......

  10. We have used the Nordic 20ga tube for this conversion, but machine the adapter nut and tube for a flush fit, rather than the end of the factory mag tube. Whenever possible I prefer to hack on the easiest to replace or cheapest part of the equation. Of course it helps that I have a lathe.......

  11. For lowest recoil, run the smallest amount of reciprocating weight that will run. ANY time you reduce carrier or buffer weight, you will want to reduce gas flow to get the best effect. Lighten everything up but run full gas, and the buffer bottoms out so hard it is worse than the actual recoil as far as gun movement is concerned.

  12. My 1100 was very soft-shooting but kept breaking in matches. Almost made me give up 3gun before I went to the inertia guns. If it gets used little and cleaned often, and mostly for smaller low-round-count local matches, the 1100 will be fine while he decides if he wants to stay in it. JM Pros are wildly unpredictable. May go 100% for years, or may be a dog from the get-go. Never know when it comes out of the box, but I would be VERY wary of buying a used one. Versa is really soft, but also really heavy. Very exhausting for younger shooters to shoot a whole match with.

  13. Update on my health issues-

    The surgeon pulled the plug on my hip surgery 3 days before it was supposed to happen. He is concerned that because of my Crohn's disease and the fact that Immune Suppressants and Steroids have been used to treat it that I am more prone to infection than he would like. In the meantime, I had been off of the immune suppressants since November prepping for the surgery so my Crohn's symptoms have been flaring badly. So now, they won't do surgery until my Crohn's is better, but don't want me to take the drugs that help with the Crohn's. Now I am looking for another surgeon who understands that I am willing to risk a surgical infection to regain some mobility. It has been severely depressing losing the ability to do the things in life that I get enjoyment from, and toughing out each day just trying to get enough work done to feed the kids when I hurt too much to ANYTHING afterwards. I can't even sit on the bleachers long enough to watch my sons play little league games. Trying some supplements and other things to help, but because I have already had so much of my intestines removed through surgeries I don't get much benefit from them. Looking for long term solutions, but not seeing a lot of avenues at this point. All of your well-wishes and support have been greatly appreciated, and I hope at some point to get back in the game.

  14. I have worked on over 350 of the Stoegers, and many hundreds of inertia guns over the last decade. I have never seen a complete failure of the inertia spring like that. Stoeger will send a free replacement if you contact their service dept. In addition, the inertia spring in the M1, M2, Franchi Affinity, and all other 3in chambered 12 ga inertia guns are interchangeable in my experience, and fairly readily available. The color of the spring varies on some models, but spring diameter, length, and wire thickness is the same.

  15. Bimmer-

    If you obtain one and send it to me, I will evaluate it for 3gun use, open up the port, find or make the right adapter for a mag extension and do whatever custom work you want, for the same price as we would do on a Stoeger. Then I will do a writeup on the forum about what I think of it. The only fly in the ointment is that I have a hip replacement surgery coming up 30 days from now, and I will be on, light duty for a few weeks thereafter. So, if you aren't in a huge hurry I can do a lot of the evaluation during my recovery, but won't be able to do the machine work until the doc releases me back to the shop.

    Edit- Looked at their website. The shotguns are made in Huglu, Turkey. Which is where many of the economy guns are coming from the last decade or so. If they are made as well as the Stoegers, they could be solid.

    Cody- It isn't one gun that can run gas or inertia, it is a platform available in either operating system. Buy one or the other. Not both in the same gun.

  16. I use Carlson's, with the exception of a Briley Diffusion choke because Carlson doesn't make an equivalent. The Carlson Sporting Clays chokes are extended and knurled, so you can change chokes quickly between stages even with a long mag tube in the way. I have measured them in every way possible (concentricity, wall thickness, parallelism, etc) and cannot find an area where they are inferior to the Brileys at about half the cost. I use Diffusion for any stage that doesn't have a spinner or any steel past about 18 yards, skeet if there is a close spinner and/or knockdowns are less than 25 yards, and Light Mod for pretty much everything beyond that. I have every choke up to Improved Mod in .005 increments, but I use those three in 95+% of 3gun situations. Keep in mind that all shotguns do not have exactly the same bore diameter, and US made shotguns typically average .005" larger bore than European guns, so choke restrictions won't do the same thing in every shotgun. For instance, an Improved Cylinder choke is supposed to be .010 restriction, but the SAME diameter choke in a European shotgun with a .005 smaller bore will give a Skeet choke pattern, because the differential between the bore and choke is less. I use a Stoeger (made in Turkey), and the bore is tight. So the chokes that work best in my gun may not be the best in yours. Test for yourself and find out

  17. Based on the parts that have been swapped, and the continuation of the problem, I would almost wager money that the gap between the disconnector and the trigger hook is too big. Here is a picture of the issue. What happens in this case is that the hammer is releasing from the disconnector before the primary trigger hook is positioned to catch the hammer. If the timing is marginal, it won't show up unless recoil is included in the mix. If severe, the hammer will fall during bench testing when the trigger is reset very slowly. The correct fix is to remove a TINY amount of metal from the two little tabs that the disconnector rests against, allowing the disconnector to travel further forward. If you go too far, our replacement disconnector has a little tail on the bottom that allows a set screw to adjust the distance between the hooks (second picture)

    I would be happy to help if needed, but it is fixable without a gunsmith. Test as follows:

    Remove trigger group from gun. Cock the hammer, and disengage the safety. The hammer will be engaged on the primary (trigger) hook. Now, if you push the hammer further back by hand, the rear hammer hook should have basically no clearance as it passes the disconnector hook when the trigger is at rest. It is, in fact, OK if the hammer brushes against the disconnector a little bit, as long as it doesn't catch. If there is a visible gap between the hammer and the disconnector when you push the hammer past it, THAT IS THE PROBLEM. If it looks like the first picture, the gun will double from time to time. Let me know what you find out




  18. I am not very good at putting together Enos Handles and customer names, but all the shotguns that arrived before SHOT should be going out this week. We lost a big chunk of time after the wreck, but we are getting back on track. Unfortunately, the biggest hurdle has been catching up on emails. We typically get 2-300 emails a day, but between SHOT show and the week we lost from the accident, we have literally THOUSANDS of emails. I spend 2-3 hours a day responding, but that cuts into time spent on the guns as well. We are getting there, slow but sure. I have already been here 12 hours today, and yesterday was a 16-hour day. Small parts orders are caught up through yesterday except custom recoil pads, and we ONLY have about 15 custom Stoeger builds going simultaneously right now :)


  19. To be clear I never said that ALL shotgun mags over 5 rounds don't work. The Tooth and Nail mags have a great reputation in the MKA world. Specifically, I was referring to shotguns that use a true AR308 lower. The Akdal-type magazines physically slide into an AR, but were never intended to work in one, so they don't. I don't see the need for another MKA based gun. The guys who have it figured out (Matt, and scarce few others) already have the competition market well covered.

  20. At Ironman, the consensus as explained to me was: You are a big boy. Case or uncase firearms in a safe direction into a berm. If you point a gun at somebody (loaded or not) you will be asked to go home and learn not to be an idiot. Too many guns, too many options ( some troopers have 5 or 6 guns on them at all times and are constantly re-arranging their packs between stages) to babysit everybody. DON'T BE A MORON.

    Aside from THAT ONE MATCH, most everything requires safety table handling of pistols. That said, I see people at nearly every major with their holster on some type of QD mount, and the whole package comes off and goes into the bag when necessary. I always find a safety table ( old USPSA habits die hard) before touching the pistol, but others are more lax.

    As stated by others though, if you know the next stage won't need it, and no safety table is nearby, case it at the end of the stage run. Problem solved. OR, ask an RO where he would be comfortable supervising you removing the pistol in the absence of a safety table. I have yet to meet an RO who got upset because you asked him to ensure everyone's safety.

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