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Posts posted by Vlad

  1. You know .. my first reaction was to say you could but after re-reading the IPSC rules I dont know. I think its clear that they are ok in USPSA, but the IPSC rules are a bit murky:

    20.2 allows for after market sights of the same type as OFM.


    19.3 says sights may be trimmed, adjusted or sight blacked.

    One reading of it would be that you can only trim, adjust, and black the OFM sights and if you want something else you need to buy and aftermarket one. This sounds a bit odd, but there is a precendent for it with the magazine ruling which says you can buy aftermarket magazines and change their springs if you need to, but that you can not use aftermarket springs in your OFM magazines.

    However another reading could be that, that once you took the sight off, and modified it A LOT you manufactured a aftermarket sight of a type offered by the OFM and thus you should be ok.

    You should proabably send a letter to the IPSC rules folks and see what they say.

  2. Also, do you guys have the problem of Limited shooters deciding to download and shoot L10 so they can win the division?

    The guys that always shoot L10, generaly win L10. Mostly they shoot single stacks. I have not heard a single one complain when someone shoots a wide body. I think the Limited shooter who sometimes downloads and shoots L10 is at a disadvantage to the L10 shooter who really knows how to plan his reloads. Plus some single stack folks around here make a sport out of reloading their guns about as fast as a wide body.

  3. If you are interested to try USPSA/IPSC shooting, seeing how you live in NJ you should join us at one of our introductory/practice matches at Old Bridge. We welcome new shooters and give them an introduction to the game and then pair them up with one of the regulars for a simple 4 stage match. Our indoor matches are every first and third friday of the month. Send me an PM if you need more details.

  4. Around here, we recently developed a related problem. One of the regulars is getting worse and worse about controling his temper. He starts massive fights ovwe being assesest some procedurals. He starts loud arguements because someone said something that upset him while he was shooting a course of fire, that result into people having to go and have hour long discussions with him in the parking lot. His impulse control is getting so bad that people are refusing to be squaded with him. Its getting so bad that people wonder not if he needs to be banned or removed from the club, but what with his reaction be when he is asked to leave. Nasty problem.

  5. No one will ever mess with you. Any man that has the stones to take that out in public is no one I would mess with.

    At the end of all things though .. If you like it and it shoots well, there is room for it in our game. I'm glad you like it.

  6. There are proabably more then a few reasons for this, but I think Patrick had the core of it in his hands. Most 94's still work. I bought one made in 1954 and it cost me about $200. These guns are great and if not abused they work and work and work and keep their value. As older generations pass on, the newer folks inherit them or buy them at estate sales, because given 2 working examples of the same gun at about the same price almost everyone will buy the older one for its history/character/etc.

    The model 70 may be well loved but it suffered an image problem for about 40 years, until it was recently redesigned. The 1300? They proabably sold one for every 10 870's or 5 Mossbergs.

    Quick poll .. How many people bought a new Winchester in the last 3 years? I'll bet not that many. You can't complain when a company retires a line of products which no one is buying, just because you can't imagine it not being on the shelves. Not much Burma Shave at my pharmacy.

  7. Guys there has been a lot of dancing around the issue of money, and how much the parent club has asked. It seems that for some reason George and Jim are both not publishing that number and I will respect their choice. I'll just say that it was more then Tapton and less then most numbers you have seen in this thread for Cowboy matches. It also would have made the total amount going to the club fit very nicely into that $500-$1000/day bracket given a 5 day range closing.

    Yes it would have been more expensive that traditional club "takes". Yes the match would have been a factory gun match so the final number may or may have not worked out. Yes, central New Jersey is a LOT more expensive then pretty much any other non-metropolitan spot on earth and the cost of business is much higher. Our club membership is $300 per year. Asking 500 members to forego range priviligies for a week would have cost more then in other places.

    Edited to add: Old Bridge does put 7 stages matches EVERY month. You can always come down and join us. We normaly get between 60 and 75 shooters, so what's a few more :)

  8. I dont have all the details and I'm sure that sooner or later the people involved will chime in, but it is my understanding that 2 of the main sticking points were 1) the amount of money per shooter which was to be payed to the OBRPC (the club which owns the range, a super set of the Old Bridge USPSA group) for the use of the facilities and 2) the managment and staffing of the match itself.

    However this is second hand information, so please take that for what it's worth. Hopefully the principals involved will get the chance to explain their positions.

  9. Actually it looks a lot like a deadringer for the new S&W M&P

    here is a link from 1911forum.com


    They look alike but they have 3 rounds capacity difference. It may be that we are seeing a batch of new platforms because of the new military contract thats floating around. The M&P and this Kimber seem to be in the right ball park if they make them in .45, and the M&P will.

  10. Sorry, no can do. It does not have the rail attachment on the left side of the receiver. This one is purely a limited gun, unless I put some rail adaptors on the fore-end.

    Get a reciever cover with the built in weaver rail. Then you can get weaver Kobra. That way you can remove for limited or add it for tactical or use a real scope if you want too. I have no idea how rigid they are though

  11. Colt also has a pimpin' .38 super check it out at Colt's site.


    Less Pimp then the Springer. But I did read the text that came with it and Colt says "Colt is the only major American gun maker who has produced .38 Super pistols.". Now that takes guts to put on a website.

  12. I've decided to go with all nickle brass in my 610. I'm using Ranch moon clips. I'm looking for opinions and thoughts about what brand brass to go with. Got any? Opinions that is..

    Federal, Winchester, Remington, Speer,......

    I use nickle plated brass in my 9mm, so my experience may not carry over. I prefer the Speer brass. Federal seems to flake off and die faster then Speer. I get both in large batches as police range brass. I get a few Win and Rem in my pile from range pickups but not enough to form an opinion. They all work just fine.

    However, I hate Speer brass in .45 because it has a strange concave shape to the brass head which makes it a pain to prime. No such thing in the 9mm brass. No idea about 10mm/.40 though.

  13. I loved Season 1 and 2, but I have a very hard time watching the other ones. I have a simple question: Couldnt they hire one single computer science college grad, pay him $50k per year, and STOP WITH THE TECHNO CRAP??? They spend countless scenes chating about computer crap in CTU and it is all MADE UP NONSENSE. I love the show from a lot of points of view, but that and the ocassional really bad actor, pull me out of the their world very quick. I tried watching it last nite and when they started talking about sending parameters to screens my brain screamed and ran away. I'll try again.

  14. One thing is for sure, such a holster probably gives the "daily carry/CCW/origins of the sport" crowd vapor lock.

    Hehe .. funny stuff.

    Though do the "trigger guard only" hoslters have anything to do with reality? Heck, the divisions that care (Production, SS) already limit that stuff. The rest have left "daily carry/CCW/origins of the sport" at grandma's house and wonder off into the woods never to be seen again.

  15. On the legal side, anything over 15 rounds is not legal, unless blocked. It is not clear what blocked means. It can be argued that "temporary" blocks are fine, but some argue the opposite. Nobody wants to be the legal crash test dummy to figure it out. I think it is safe to assume that if the match is held in NJ it would be a factory gun match, for everyone's legal safety.

  16. My buddy and forum member Raz-0 when out to the range tonite to introduce a co-worker of ours (who I will call J) to the shooting world. J just got himself a Glock and a Ruger .22 so we spent about 2.5 hours plinking and instructing him.

    But we noticed something odd. Both of Raz-O and I shot J's Glock 19 and for both of us shot it at point of aim. We both hit exactly what we are aiming at without adjusting the sights or using any "windage". However if I shoot Raz-0's adjustable sighted Springfield I shoot it to the right and if he shoots my sight adjusted Buckmark he shoots it to the right. We are talking about about a few inches off at 75 feet, but consistant. I could understand why we shoot eachothers guns slightly off as we are different people with different eyes and different habits. But then ... Why do we both shoot the fixed sights gun to the same spot?

    I'm so confused.

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