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Posts posted by Vlad

  1. I can only assume that the rules are supposed to define what the "real" or "perfect" 1911 is supposed to be. Given the INSANE variety of 1911 options on the market I argue that there no perfect design.

    I have a whole rant in my head about how the world and the 1911 have changed. But I think that before I get my blood pressure up I'll step back and let the market decide. So far around here the market shruged and couldnt care less, but it has only been 1 month, so we'll see what happens.

    I'll only note that comparing the rules of the 1911 Division to those of production is like comparing apples to transitor radios.

  2. Well .. you can do that now. There is no rule against it as long the frame is a metal alloy. I'm not really sure why you have something against changing the balance anyway, if John Brownings balance was perfect people wouldn't want to change it and it isnt perfect then why so pationate about setting it in stone?

    Gary, I really believe that you meant well, but I really hope these rules get a MASSIVE re-write after a year or so. So far, around my neck of the woods, everyone thinks the rules overly restrictive and don't add anything. Everyone that sees them says "If only they got it right, I would shoot it". Of course they all disagree on what right is, and you can never please everyone, but so far I don't know anyone who came out and said "Great! I'm going to be shooting SS now!" and we get around 70 shooters to outdoor matches in January.

  3. Recently I've developed a habit for Pria bars. They are a Powerbar product and from their website I guess the aim it a women, but I'm not ashamed to buy them. At the local warehouse type store I can pick them up for about $17 per 20 and they come in about 4 types, each type with 3 to 5 flavors. Currently I'm buying their Complete Nutrition Bar, 170cal, 6g Fat, 22g carb (7 sugar, 5 fiber), 11g protein and and insane list of vitamins and minerals.

  4. If you think that a full dust cover is somehow "better" or "faster" then use a weight limit. Me, I've shot my friend's TRP Operator and I think it is a nice accurate well fitted pig of a gun. I think that a full dust cover is one of those things that allows the gun to balance better for some shooters and worse for others, far from an absolute advantage. After all lots of limited guns do not have them and people win pleanty without them. You can argue that optical sights bring an advantage to all shooter to use them but I think the general experience with dust covers is that some people prefer them and some people dont.

    I think that if you really think that weight makes a critical difference (and I really don't, noting that the last L10 national champion used a plastic gun) then introduce a weight limit. And I dont even own a railed 1911.

    I really hope that we see a revision of the rules, I think as they stand they are a real problem. BTW, at our last match we had 19 L10 shooters (mostly 1911's) and 1 SS shooter, and he was shooting SS because he was playing with his commander sized gun in carry gear in preparation for a pocket gun match.

  5. Oh yeah .. UPS .. a pox upon them. They've "delivered" my new Bowflex the other day. And by "delivered" I mean they took the 8 giant boxes (which where so heavy I thought someone shipped me a disassembled steam locomotive) and dumped them in my back yard. Did I mention this was during a rainstorm, and that they droped the boxes in muddy puddles and left them to be rained on ... $2500 worth of steal bits in cardboard boxes all nice and soggy wet when I got home .... Grrr .. Its not like I dont have a friking porch they could have put them on. They leave boxes of ammo and once a handgun on my porch so why the decided to haul the 8 giant boxed behind my house is a friking mistery to me.

  6. I hate all rebates. Most of them nowdays are scams. What Carina is complaining about is pretty much standard procedure, with places like Best Buy getting sued over it. I NEVER consider a rebate part of the price, its just a bonus on the offchance that I actually ever get it, and I stay away from them.

  7. Take the slide off and turn it upside down. Now look at the part under the firing pin, between the ejection port and and firing pin safety plunger. The center is raised, the sides have channels. The center and its edges are the parts that drag on the bullets in the magazine. If there are machine marks or burs that could be your problem. While you are there look at the angle that center rail makes with he breach face. Mine was very sharp and abrupt. Other CZ's are slightly rounded. I rounded mine up some as well.

    Does your problem happen with ALL your mags or only some. I marked mine (with bits of brown tape) as they failed and I noticed over time that the failure happened with only 3 of my mags, and never with the rest.

  8. So get a decent one. About 5-6 years the place I work at had some spare money they had to spend before the end of the fiscal year and a we got a batch of Aeron chairs. It was almost of joke with most of us laughing at the waste of money for plastic mesh chairs, which we didnt think would last more then 6months. ALL of the chairs are still in use. I park my fat ass in one for most of my work day. I've gained and lost some weight along the way but for parts of it life, that chair supported my top weight of 320lb. It is by far the most comfortable chair I have ever sat in. I use it as I type this an the only problem it has developed over the years is that the plastic knobs that tighten the arm rest adjustment are getting a bit loose.

    A good chair is worth the money you pay for it.

  9. Being that I shoot the same matches Jim refers to, and being one of those guys fighting for top B production, I have to say I like the payout per class/division. Not that win often, I think I won like $20 once. But it is nice to come by next match and hear you named called and being handed a check. It isnt even about the money, it is about the recognition.

    As Jim said, some people will never move out of C or B. But they still compete. We keep on telling new shooters that they dont shoot against the whole field, just against themselves and those in their class, it might as well try to make it true :)

  10. I dont speak for Jim, but there are some differences, Neil. Lets see ... USPSA is a separately incorporated entity, the Areas are not. Shooters join USPSA, not areas or IPSC. USPSA is the association covering a internationally regonized self-governed nation state, areas (and for that matter IPSC) do not. Also, while I haven't been around that long, it seems to me that USPSA areas dont really disagree, if nothing else because they are a fairly homogenous in their makeup and opinions, where clearly the same is not true for IPSC affiliates.

    So my answer to an area would be to fly a kite or go shoot their own separate game. But of course thats not really the correct answer. The truth if that BOTH IPSC and USPSA do make exceptions. I hear that there are some areas of the world where the laws don't allow shooting on the move or certain calibers, or other such things. IPSC allows for exceptions in those cases, I think. Do you really want to take the postion that IPSC will allow for exceptions to the rules if some restrictive government ruling says you have to .. but if the shooters themselves want it then tough for them?

    People have already expressed a possible solution in this thread. Would you support modifing the IPSC constitution to allow for separate rule books, and one which governs international competitions (ie: the sailing example). If not why not?

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