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Posts posted by Turtle

  1. The two basic methods are the "pinch" and the "flip" (or a combination of the two together). The "pinch" is accomplished by grabbing the gun by pinching it with the stronghand thumb on the grip safety and the middle, ring, and pinky fingers on the frontstrap. The instant the gun is slightly lifted from the table you "pop" it into your firing grip (as if you would intuitively readjust after a bad draw). This way no downward pressure is put on the gun and consequently the mag catch.

    The "flip" is what Graham described earlier. You either pinch the grip as previously described or let your hand hover over the gun as you flip it up with your support hand fingertips. I use the back of my C-more as a flipping point but you can use the back of the slide or the edge of your Bo-mar or any other such place.

    If it's a stand and shoot stage I'd probably use the flip but if it's a grab the gun and run stage I'd use the pinch. ;)

  2. I was the only one on my squad to shoot it the way I did. I liked a couple of the other runs (Megan's comes to mind); it's funny how different shooters see it different ways. I don't think there was any "best" way to shoot it, just whatever way you can best execute. It was a fun stage, as were most of 'em.

  3. First time at this, but here goes...

    I drew to the paper then took the 3 plates grouped to the right; took the plate and the paper in the left port; loaded and shot all the paper and steel visible from the next port; indexed to the plate in the next port and shot the rest of the paper visible from left to right (except the far left that I already shot); shot the remaining plates and paper from the second to last port and finished on the last paper to the right. I think I had two extra shots on steel in the second to last position that cost me the stage win. Hope that makes sense... :blink:

  4. Anyone stick around for the drawing???

    Yes I did, and I won! Woohoo! I won the airsoft "Python" pimp gun and my son thought it was pretty cool.

    The match was great, as we all have come to expect. I've been blessed enough to have shot every Summer Blast since the first one in '01 and I can't say there has been a bad one. Thanks to all the people that worked so hard to make it happen! Without you, where would we be?!? I was bummed that the 'Flex crew' was absent, missed you guys.

    I had a great time, appart from a few mishaps (mag falling out on the classifier, jamming my finger on the drawer start, a couple of misses, a wierd jam, etc.) and didn't finish up too badly. Incidentally, this was my last match as an Open Master, I managed to get bumped to GM on Saturday with the most recent update. Congrats to all the winners and thanks again to all those who made the match what it was. Linda, Larry, Gary, Howard, all the RO's and Stats people, yes you too Joe! :bow:

    It was good to see you Elye, I'm glad you made it down.

    Now it's on to the Nat's, see you guys in Tulsa.

  5. Lynn, I've heard, one knife is no knife, but you took it yo a "whoe nubba lebbel"! (sorry, but that's one of my favorite reoccurring Mad TV skits)

    Here's a pic of my used, not abused Emerson Commander. It's usually seen in the company of a Spyderco Endura that I bought in '96 and a S&W auto that's my 3rd back-up/do anything to it/loan it out knife.


  6. Fat Chance, of course! That's awesome, that must be one sweet ride. Are you asking if IonBond could finish a frame or asking if I'd be interested in a hardtail? I suspect yes to the first question, as to price I'd have to ask. Yes to the second if money was no object. I got my start in BMX a long time ago and then started MTB'ing around '87. I didn't get a dually until '97 and I am pretty spoiled but I would like to tool around on a hardtail singlespeed for giggles. The dually is great for letting the technology do some of the work for you as you don't have to finesse the bike over every little root and rock. Post those pics when you get a chance.

  7. Bummer, I hate it when that happens. I shot this at the VA/MD sectional a couple weeks ago and "missed it by that much". I had 11 alpha's and 1 mike in 4.97 seconds. The miss was the 4th shot on the right hand side just prior to the reload. Oops... :(

  8. That's gotta feel good, leaving a job that's beating you down is priceless! I hope your trip to DC went well, there really is a lot of cool stuff to see. It's tough for me working on Capitol Hill cause I never want to go there and see it on my off time. Maybe this summer..... <_<

  9. Definitely a great match! An unbeatable combination of good stage design, match staff, range facility, and nice weather! Thanks to all who worked so hard to pull this incredible match off. Congrats to the winners, good shooting. How many matches do you go to where you walk away saying, "You don't see that every day?". Good job guys, good job. It was great to see everyone again too, it's always a pleasure.

  10. Thanks a lot everyone. Ogiebb has it right, Errol Lawson (Keal Tooling, FL) built it for me last year and I just had it finished by IonBond. The finish is "Diamond Black" and is ridiculously hard. They also do "silver" and "dark earth" colors for folks who may want a 2 tone look. As far as the gun goes, it's a 9mm commander with a hand made Ti comp/Schuemann barrel. The barrel has 4 holes in it, the 2 originals put there by Wil, and 2 small angled ports that meet in the barrel as 1 hole (think "V"). The gun is very light, ultra reliable, and is just plain fun to shoot. The grip was done by Get'n Grip and was a complete custom job. Jim will listen to your every whim and make it happen. Super nice guy to deal with too!

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