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Posts posted by lawboy

  1. If you walk up to a stage and see a Texas star or polish plate rack or a 35 yd PP or whatever and your first thought is " oh great, not another ------" you're already defeated. Do whatever it takes to turn this weakness into a strength .. Shoot the damn thing at every practice session until you can't wait to see it at a match ... And you'll be on you way. For me, as a new shooter it was steel, I secretly dreaded seeing it at a match because I KNEW I couldn't hit them. That was before I incorporated shooting steel in every practice session, now, the more steel the better ... Just my 2 cents ....

    Bingo! If you can shoot steel well, you have a built in leg up on most other shooters in your class/division. Many people simply lack the fundamentals of accuracy necessary to consistently go one for one on steel. Get there, and you will be able to bank of taking first or at least top three on any stage that is heavy on steel. Personally, I LOVE steel of all types and get very excited when I get to the match and see white steel all over the bays! :cheers::goof:

  2. Tumbler RHS fits into the frame and housing. While it probably makes no difference, I feel it supports the housing better.

    Ahhh. That makes sense and you might be right. Since I just put in a new set of safeties this week, I am going to run with the D style for now and see how they hold up. Since we really do not use the safeties in Production, I am not anticipating any problems.

  3. I run the tumbler safeties in my guns. Just preference. I should have one set of the thin sets at the shop. Can let you know Friday if I do.

    What is the benefit of the tumbler safeties?

    Would I need a different sear cage to switch from D style to tumbler?

  4. If you are looking at trying to save some money by buying less expensive mags,I would caution against it, it always ends up costing more in the long run it seems. I am sure your pistol isn't cheap, give it the best mags you can get!


    You have to ask yourself, "self, can I really afford this sport?" Either you can or you can't. If you can, do yourself a favor and make a committment to get the right equipment out of the gate. If you can't move on. There are no satisfying shortcuts IMHO.

  5. Sorry to resurrect this thread, but I received my parts order for Stuart. He was kind enough to put it together and wait until my buddy arrived for Area 2 to pay for it and pick it up. Thank you, Stuart, for your consideration!

    Anyway, first thing I did was fit the SP01 ambi safety to the Shadow and remove those hideous and intefering big safety paddles.

    OMG, the difference is HUGE and ALL GOOD! No problems activating the safety with a normal grip and no problem with getting a good hold on the gun.Also, I fit the new unit much tighter.

    The only thing I had to do was file the keyed part of the left safety shaft so that the right paddle would fit correctly. Did have to alter the tab that blocks sear movement as it was perfect out of the box.

    I think I am now good to go with this gun for 2013.

    P.S. also got a set of rubber grips and like them more than the thin ALs or the VZs. For $27 you cannot beat that!

  6. Already replied to this one but I will add that I have since mounted a strong box in the bed of the truck. I keep 500 rounds of each a caliber I shoot in competition in the box at tall times against the event that I leave home without my match ammo. :rolleyes:

  7. All this talk of gaming the stage, or that the designer wrote the WSB to confuse the shooters, to me, is nonsense. Either you know the rulebook or you don't. This goes for both the shooters and the stage designer. Once the (legal) stage is on the ground and the WSB is posted, the stage is shot according to the rulebook. The fact that nobody in the history of the universe ever foresaw it being shot the way I/you/he/she shot it is just fine. In fact, that is testament to the true genius of this sport -- Freestyle!

    People who get upset because somebody knew more about the rules than they did and thus came up with a better game plan during the walk through period provided by the rules ... to me those people are in the wrong sport. There is a sport that provides a script for how the stage is to be shot. They also provide you with a canned fantasy about the scenario. They are very accommodating in that sport from what I can tell ...

  8. Heat it up.

    Also, locking it into a vice may not be a very rigid setup, depending on the vice and how the vice itself is mounted. There can be a lot of "spring" in such a setup that will soak up a good amount of the blow force.

    What i do is put a single strip of masking tape on either side of the slide. I then C clamp it directly to the bench top on its side, with the rights extending past the edge of the bench. This is a very rigid mount and once you break the chemical bond of the locktite the sight WILL MOVE if hit with a brass punch. Ditch the nylon punch.

  9. Her: "I have a great deal for you."

    Me: "what deal?"

    Her: " I am selling a motorcycle named Black Bart."

    Me: " I don't need a motorcycle. Thanks."

    Now, my name is Bart and, as my avatar shows, I am Black. So it was a rather crude and presumptuous joke to be telling to a stranger. However, I did not get bent out of shape.

    Next morning, we start shooting VERY FIRST STAGE this woman is my RO. I did not request a new RO. I shot the stage, and got on with the match. Ended up winning my division too.

    Folks need to lighten up and just have fun.

    I totally agree with you about people being thin-skinned, but did you not realize she was hitting on you?

    Congrats on shooting a good match there, btw.

    haha.Had not thought of that.

    May follow up when I come back next year! :roflol:

    Of course, it will likely be too late ... motorcycle will be sold already. hehe.

  10. What Flex and Chris said was exactly what I was about to post.

    To go a bit further, I believe folks in the B-class range can execute much higher than their classification percentage, and much lower as well-- to the point where it basically averages out. It is my firm belief that the difference between B and M class is consistency and consistency alone.

    That right there is deep.

    I will need to ponder on this ... a lot.

    Consistency and consistency alone ...

    Man, that is deep!

  11. This whole topic reminds me of the foolishness that goes on in the house on that Top Shot show. Just silliness. People are way too thin skinned.

    This year shot a few Level II matches. At one match, my buddies and I drove in the day before to get checked in and look at the stages and just relax after a long drive before shooting the following morning. When we got to the range the ROs were just finishing up shooting the match. Mind you, we have never shot at this match (out of state) or club and knew nobody. So we go to the clubhouse and no one is in there. We go back outside and a woman approaches us. We introduce all around and she tells us the match director will be along shortly. We say thanks. Match director comes over after a bit, gets us sorted out.

    We leave and head to the nearest bay to look at the stage. On the way over, the same woman approaches us, stops directly in my path.

    Her: "I have a great deal for you."

    Me: "what deal?"

    Her: " I am selling a motorcycle named Black Bart."

    Me: " I don't need a motorcycle. Thanks."

    Now, my name is Bart and, as my avatar shows, I am Black. So it was a rather crude and presumptuous joke to be telling to a stranger. However, I did not get bent out of shape.

    Next morning, we start shooting VERY FIRST STAGE this woman is my RO. I did not request a new RO. I shot the stage, and got on with the match. Ended up winning my division too.

    Folks need to lighten up and just have fun.

  12. Up to 30.

    There are more available (I live out Lawboy's way), but there are other obligations.

    There are plenty of matches in our area. Hopefully we will be getting another monthly match in Lincoln soon, this one would be a SATURDAY match. That is unheard of out here. The mo matches, the mo betta! :cheers:

    If we start including IDPA, Steel Challenge, Ruger Rimfire Challenge, 3-Gun, 2-Gun, Rifle only, and Shotgun only, and rogue action pistol matches, you could shoot damn near every day! haha. And people talk smack on CA :rolleyes:

  13. IMO, if you've got a CZ where the safety moves too easily and it bugs you, then there's really no other solution that'll really last other than coughing up $30 for the new part, and then fitting it how you want it (new left-side safety for ambi's).

    On CZ safeties there's a raised, square pad that sits towards the left side of the frame and tucks up and under the sear arm the protrudes out of the top of the sear-cage/ejector-housing... In order to get a the safety/safeties to engage, you have to file off the front corner (or back corner, can't remember exactly without looking at it, just take your slide off and you should be able to see what I'm talking about...) of that pad so the safety can be raised and allow that pad to butt up against that sear-arm, blocking the sear from moving. So if one is patient, and resigns themselves to taking things apart and reassembling as many times as it takes, you can file off just a little each try until you get it to where with a fair amount of muscle you can force it to engage. Voila, stiff safety on and off, maybe stone it real quick to smooth things up (or not and just let it wear in) and that's it, you should be good.

    (IMPORTANT: make sure the hammer is back with the gun in SA mode as you're checking things out!)

    Anyone who's installed a competition hammer before probably already knows what I'm talking about here, but to get 'em to snick on and off with authority you've pretty much got to go slow, trying, and re-trying until it's right there. There's a fair amount of room to over file where the safeties will function and do what they should, but engagement won't exactly feel real positive, I've actually had a couple guns (and heard it's fairly common) with competition hammers that were where they allowed the safety to be be engaged with the hammer down in DA or at half-cock... Done as described above, there's no safety movement at all with the hammer down and engaging it has to be totally deliberate with the hammer back in SA mode. It's actually quite easy, but go to far and the part is toast so be aware and try more, and file less, before you go too far.

    (sorry for the any typos, long posts are a bitch on an iPhone)

    Hope this helps.

    Omg!! Thank you thank you thank you! Ordering my standard safety now!

  14. I think I will standardize on 1.150. I tried 1.155-1.158 last night and they ran fine.

    backing off a little also ran fine with good accuracy and gives me a little cushion to make sure I do not have any rounds that do not go all the way into battery.

  15. Lawboy,

    The shape of the bullet has a lot to do with OAL. I far prefer to shoot JHP's...Zero's when I can get them. The curve on the Zero's is "fatter" (technical term) than the Montana Gold JHP's. And way "fatter" than the solid points of either brand...or the CMJ's. I don't use...never have...lead or plated bullets, so I have no info about them. Any way, the Zero's cause problems with the slide release mechanism and hits the lead much, much sooner. I wind up with much shorter OAL's than those reported above. I think you have to determine the OAL for YOUR choice of bullet, the brand of bullet, and YOUR pistol.

    Load a "way-long" (another technical term) bullet in a case with no crimp; chamber it; carefully extract it; measure it for length. This should tell you where YOUR lead begins for that bullet. Make sure they will function in YOUR mags and make sure they are clearing your slide lock button.

    Depending on your obtained OAL, choose a powder that complements the space in the brass. I've never had problems with a compressed load, but others don't seem to like it.

    These are things you may already know...


    I understand how to determine the limit of OAL for the gun and I know it is profile specific, hence my question including a request for the bullet each person is using. I am hoping to get some idea of what people are finding successful in their CZs and maybe even find a few folks who are using the same bullet as I am (BC 135). You have to cast a wide net though, to find those nuggets! :cheers:

  16. I know I have been wearing out my welcome in the CZ forum but I am trying to get this gun sorted for 2013 season and you guys here know way more than I do about these pistols. I need the help.

    I had heard these guns cannot run long loaded 9mm. I have been running Bear Creek 135s at 1.135-1.138. Accuracy has been okay, but not great and certainly not the superior accuracy I have heard about.

    Yesterday I missed several plates that I could not understand as the sights were DEAD on.

    Got home and started experimenting with dummy rounds creeping the OAL out and chambering them. Got to 1.155-1.158 and the gun is still swallowing the rounds without any sign of difficulty; the slide is slipping into battery just fine.

    What gives with this? I got the gun used. Maybe a prior owner had the chamber lengthened?

    What OAL are you all running and with what bullets?


  17. That is a badass commercial. Yep, that explains it all. Super cool!!!

    "My Glock gives me confidence to live my life."

    That is a bit much.

    If he gets confidence to live his life from a Glock ... Freaking sad as hell.

    Not family, not faith, but his GLOCK?! lol. Kind of offensive of Glock to even go there.

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