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Posts posted by lawboy

  1. I'd be willing to bet that most of the people who want modified back have either never fired a modified gun ...

    Guilty. But I don't see how a comped 40 cal with a dot sight and *thumb rest [generic]* on it would be any more difficult to shoot than a standard 40 limited gun without comp and optic and *thumb rest [generic]*. If there is something else going on here I cannot understand without shooting one that makes it so difficult, please enlighten me. I mean, I have put A LOT of 310gr 44 Magnum downrange with very accurate results and never found it particularly difficult.

  2. All good advice, except that golf thing. Just say no!

    I believe this advice is also iffy:

    If you want to shoot, eat beans for six months and buy what you need so you can shoot.

    Read it carefully. "IF you want to shoot." If you don't, then it is not advice applicable to you. But this thread is chock full of folks who want to shoot and are lamenting the lack of ammunition necessary to do so. If you want to shoot regardless of what Obama, Federal, CCI and the local shop are doing on any given day, then you need to have the "stuffs" necessary to shoot ... in large quantities ... all the time. This requires a financial sacrifice one time to get that level built up, at least for most of us. I did it. I have never regretted it and I did not starve.

  3. one thing to keep in mind though if you reload - don't use Remington primers - i did and it made for a miserable IDPA classifier with about 15 fails to fire due to light primer strikes, stick to Federal primers

    I have been using Winchester, CCI and Federal match primers. No problems with any of these.

  4. I think, anyone who shows up at a match with a gun they don't think will be competitive in any of the 6 divisions, should be able to create their own division. Then they can feel good about winning their division. Does it matter they were the only person in the Taurus Judge division?

    Now that is funny. I will give you that. :goof:

  5. Here is my great idea for a division change. Let's have a Classic Division. We would do away with Single Stack and instead, in Classic Division, you could run either a 1911 or a Browning Hi-Power. The 1911s in 40 and 45 would score major, 9mm would score minor. Same magazine rules as currently apply in SS. The Hi-Powers in 9mm would score minor, the 40s would score major. BHP in 9mm limited to 10 rounds in mag, those in 40 limited to 8 rounds in mag. We would need a weight limit for the BHP and we could still use the same box as is currently used in SS.

    I think a lot of people (such as myself) would love to run their BHPs in USPSA. I have done it once or twice just for the heck in limited 10, but it would be so much more fun to run them in a division dedicated to JMBs classics.

    The best thing about a Classic division is that it really would not take anything away from the 1911 in terms of its competitiveness in the game and would just bring another old warhorse back out to the course.

    That is all.

  6. Nice vids, thanks for posting.

    I'm about to start using my 75 Shadow in IDPA this seaons. Just got it from CZC about a week ago. Can't wait to put some rounds down range with it.

    You are going to really enjoy it. I want a CZ 75 Shadow as well. Both as a back up to the SPO1 Shadow and to play IDPA at times. Also think I might CCW that one.

  7. I wasn't going to stop unless I was told to stop.

    And that's the correct way to approach it.

    I disagree anytime there is range equipment failure you should stop and unload and show clear.

    I need to look, but I think a REF can only be declared by the RO. Therefore, if the RO doesn't stop you then the COF should continue. If you stop voluntarily, for any reason, the COF will be scored/penalized as appropriate.

    For this particular situation it sounds like the RO should have declared a Stop, and issued a reshoot. If the RO doesn't then you complete the COF and then state your position.

    That's how I learned it in RO class.

  8. I have always loved the modified guns. I was saddened when IPSC killed modified. Open guns have never interested me. But the modified guns seem like the pathway to the next iteration of practical, defensive guns that could be carried daily and would yield real world benefits. I have often thought I might build a modified gun and shoot it in open just because I think they are so cool. USPSA should add a modified division. I think it would go over very well in the U.S. I definitely would shoot it.

  9. We have members who announce to the club when they are getting ready to put in an order just so that the expenses can be shared.

    What he said. Our last group buy from Bear Creek was over 100k lbs of bullets. Saved us shipping and got the price down a lot. They dropped the bullets on pallets. There are ways but you have to be willing to spend real money up front. Simple as that. Spend til it hurts.
  10. Say what? No ammo, no components? Do you by chance also need oil for your lamp? :roflol: Some people never learn. MAINTAIN A SUPPLY. Establish a threshold below which you DO NOT GO. Many people use the one-year rule. Me, I have ... enough for a lot longer than that. If you want to shoot, eat beans for six months and buy what you need so you can shoot. If you run out of stuff to shoot blame yourself because it has been widely available for a long time. Nobody even halfway giving a hoot would have ever been caught unawares by this little bubble. And don't even talk about rimfire. There is ZERO reason to ever run low on rimfire. It is so cheap, so widely available, and we all have so many guns that use it. I cannot imagine going below 30K rounds of 22lr. I mean, seriously?

  11. Divers were able to recover 20 abandoned mags at the end of the day. They were split between the ROs to compensate them for the trenchfoot they developed from standing in this for two days.

    I was not feel all that tough! Seriously though, being from Sacramento and commuting to work on a bicycle year round, the rain really did not bother me. I found years ago commuting that shorts are way more comfortable in rain that wet, clingy pants, so long as the wind chill is not too bad. The match really was a lot of fun and I plan to do it annually now. The ROing was excellent and I made a point to personally thank every RO before leaving each stage. They really were that good.

  12. Super Squad is primarily a way to make media coverage easy for the media outlets.

    Also, camera crews running all over kingdom come at a match trying to get coverage of the best shooters is not conducive to running a smooth match. If they can follow a single squad and get their coverage, the sponsors, match officials, TV viewers and the sport as a whole comes out ahead in the opinion of the people who make such decisions.

    What you and I think matters not in the least! :closedeyes:

  13. Design an all-steel stage. Throw at least one popper in to make it legal. Instant one-shot-per-target stage with no additional cost to the club. In addition, anybody who gets through with just one shot per target will have done pretty well in the standings more than likely!

  14. 50%, but set a limit for the max distance they can be used. Kind of like there is a minimum distance for steel. But in this case it would be for rewarding hits on an A-zone instead of safety. At some point it would be an advantage to just get hits on brown.

    I'd call that a good tatical decision that needs to be made by the shooter. We are already about balancing speed vs accuracy, so why should a smaller target be any different? Those who want to spend the time aiming for the A zone should be rewarded for the extra points over their competitors. Whether it is worth the time investment is up to the shooter. I can already create that same scenario with the regular targets.

    Plus, if a MD puts those targets too far out for his shooters, they will let him know it. Vocally first then with their wallets.


  15. I'd love to see one and you don't really need a magwell anyway.

    Magazines are double stack so they taper at the mouth. With practice, that is plenty fast enough really.

    I say go for it and post plenty of pictures because I would love to see one!

    I think dedicated L10 guns are just cool.

  16. Just as a comment---if you start her in Open, you are teaching her to have a solid target focus for everything she does.

    And one of the hardest things to do with someone is to get them to focus on the front sight when shooting irons. If you are planning on having her do anything other than shoot Open for the rest of her life, I'd suggest getting her started on irons instead. Just my personal opinion.

    I know plenty of people start their kids in Open and such---but I'd suggest 1) see if the local club will let her shoot (for no score) with a .22 conversion gun, and then change it to a 9mm later when she is used to the safety aspects of USPSA.

    Agreed. And as a preamble to all of that, take some of your normal match days and do not shoot the match. If you have access to a bay to practice, spend that time with just you and your daughter. Build simple stage every weekend for like four weekends and run her through it a bunch of times with you ROing her with all the commands, etc. just like in a match. If she DQs, let her know it, explain it, then keep on running through the drills. Doing this a couple hours on three or four different days will GREATLY reduce the match stress for her, greatly decrease the chances of a real DQ, and give her plenty of gun handling and stage break down practice to get her started.

  17. FTE rarely happens to me but every time it has, it was because I was too lazy mentally to nail down the game plan, to memorize it. It was not that I did not have enough time to do so, I was just too lazy to focus on the game plan long enough to memorize it. I catch myself doing that at least once in every match. Usually I correct myself but when I don't, FTEs happen.

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