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Posts posted by davehorn

  1. I'm not sure it's a direct correlation.

    Unless you're looking at an adjustable rear, it's much easier to find a shorter front sight. Front sight measurements are pretty standard. I'm not sure how many rear sights even offer a height in their description (not that you couldn't find out), they usually just suggest a front sight height. If you like your current rear sight, changing out the front sight will be the quickest and easiest way to get where you want to be.

  2. or you could do the right thing and follow the rules instead of outright lying or claiming ignorance.

    so because it's a local club match the rules shouldn't apply?

    I understand wanting to get new shooters into the game, but I'd almost guarantee that a g17L is not the only gun in a stable.

    I also don't like dumbing down or ignoring rules because someone's new. Play by the rules or don't play, I'll happily loan you my gun and probably even let you shoot my bullets if you ask.

    Dude, relax. I've twice encountered new shooters who only had a 17L, it's usually the result of poor advice from a gun salesman. I think making equipment exceptions at club matches for new shooters is about the least you can do to welcome them to your club. If they like IDPA, then they can go out and buy legal gear.

  3. I'm using BBIs exclusively now. Same or less smoke than other molys, pricing is same or less, and delivery times are pre-craziness. Most stuff ships same day, nothing takes longer than a week (as of two days ago). I load my 9mms with Solo and .45s with Clays. Their quality has absolutely gone up under new ownership!

    BBI is a shooter owned company and when I spoke with them the other day, they said they are working 16hr days to keep up with demand. That's impressive, and they still offer support to lots of shooters and matches.Again, impressive. Gotta respect a company that puts out a high quality product (that is actually available) and offers so much support to the sport.

  4. It all depends on the gun, ammo and mags. Like anything else, as long as you have made sure it's reliable with your gun/ammo/mag combination, you're fine. Other than that, normal maintenance that you would do to any carry gun will keep it running fine. I think the trick with determining how reliable a 1911 is, is that it can be a slightly more time(and ammo) consuming process as many of them need to be shot it a little bit before you really know what you have.

    Agree 100% with ultimo hombre about the safety. My EDC commander has an ambi and I hate (just haven't gotten it changed). I'm kind of neurotic about checking it at times as about once every 6 mos or so I find it has been bumped off by bumping into tables and stuff at work.

  5. Right now, we are running an end of the year special.

    Microdefender 25 - electronic muffs - $65.00 $45.00

    Passguard Heat Cured Lab Molds (40db of NRR, and you can still hear conversational level sounds!) - $135.00 $110.00.........FREE home impression kit included.

    All Custom in-the-ear electronic plugs - $1100.00+ $650.00/pr........FREE home impression kit included.

    Universal Fit In-The-Ear Electronic Hunter Ears - $599.00 $425.00

    Buy from a shooter who's out there with you........who supports the forums you are members of...........who sponsors the matches you shoot..........who has hundreds of shooters wearing our products already............and who has a BIG surprise coming for the 2013 season.

    You must send me a PM or call us at the number on the website in order to take advantage of these deals.

    I recently got a pair of the microdefenders electronic muffs, mainly to use at the one weekly indoor match I shoot where you almost have to double plug. WOW! These have got to be the best value in electronic muffs out there. At first I wasn't sure if they were working because they weren't "cutting out" during most of the gunfire, only if I was close to the shooter. The rest of the time I could hear normal sounds and have a conversation without the sound cutting on and off. Apparently the microdefenders use digital technology (whereas most of the others are still analog) which is why they are more "selective" as to the sounds that pass through and they don't do the normal "cutting out" of other electronics.

    I'm also interested to try out the Passguard plugs. Supposedly, the stuff they're made with is different from the normal custom plug material and allows low level sounds to "pass through" normally.

    Hear-Pro is doing some really cool stuff!

  6. If I was TT for a day.

    Put all minor power striker fired guns in ESP and allow minor powered revolvers (5,6,7&8 rounders) to play there also.

    XD stays in ESP along with M&P and Glocks allowing all existing ESP mods.

    DA is defined (for IDPA purposes) as the hammer or striker being cocked more than .25" by the first pull of the trigger.

    SSP is a double action class and should be where the Sigs, Berettas, and S&W DA/DAO pistols as well as minor powered revolvers play.

    Since Im not Tiger team. It will stay as is. Except CDP will drop the .45 requirement I predict.

    Don't you think that would stack ESP and all but kill SSP?

    Probably. But those of us who grew up on 80's and early 90's action movies(like me) would bust out the 92's and Sigs and H&Ks(I don't think a Desert Eagle makes weight :roflol: ) and go to town.

    Yes I know Stoeger shoots a Beretta, and yes I know that "with enough training and practice blah, blah,blah . . . " so save it. DA/SA guns are virtually non existent in IDPA for a reason.

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