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Everything posted by euxx

  1. Let's hear what others say about this one. One scenario when this may not be a good idea is when RO hit a questionable target, so called CRO, then RM and can't score any further until they resolve issue with that target. While now they can just continue scoring and then get back to the problematic one later... Heh, that will be really nice... Until someone run a Monster match with 50 pieces of steel at each stage... I know I'd be annoyed to death by that kind of warning. This kinda breaks natural way of things... i.e. the same things (like names) should look similarly. Using bold to highlight different entities (names vs hitfactor, etc) is not natural... Another problem with bold is that it takes more space (which is already an issue on small screens). But we can gray out problematic rows (incomplete, dnf and dqs). I am really tempted to ditch the hit factor (it seem like most can't see it anyways) and only show status instead (complete/incomplete/dq/dnf). But Ken will most probably disapprove.
  2. Hmm... It is not always the case, but nice idea. Keep them coming. Or better year, register at https://practiscore.com/bugs/ and submit your requests directly. Will save me some time on entering them up there...
  3. There are no such setting. I've added fix for this glitch for 1.0.15 version.
  4. Just look how DQs and DNFs are shown on B&W screen.
  5. You will have to translate this for me. Highest HF wins. Fastest time or most points not necessarily but most points the fastest does. Naturally. But it is completely unrelated to the scoring completeness. There are results screen for checking the results. I wouldn't mix those two...
  6. You will have to translate this for me.
  7. But it is a false assumption in general, it doesn't necessarily verify that. Besides, there is an indicator on the right side that stage result is incomplete. I guess we can also change the row color in this case...
  8. Consider it as a Christmas present. But back to my question, I take you have no issues reading the second line in the scoring shooters list?
  9. The trade off with a bigger font is it will make list of names more cluttered and harder to pick the names out... I also wonder if we should even shoe the hit factor. There is no such thing shown on paper score sheets and it does not necessarily guarantee that scores are entered correctly.
  10. I have question to PractiScore users who using android platform (including Nooks). When scoring shooters, the scored squad/shooter list has two lines for each row. The first one has shooter name and division and second one is showing hit factor, squad and time (if stage is complete). Is font used for that second line easy to read for you? Please specify what device you are using.
  11. Cha-lee, could you please mail these to support? Easier to track them that way...
  12. Could you please email me your exported match *.psc file? I'll take a look.
  13. I thought I already mentioned that. It is really time to close this long thread and use new ones for individual issues...
  14. There is an old feature request to automatically backup match data to external card. I guess it is mostly relevant for Android version (given that there is no external cards for ios devices, unless you use a special adapter). In a mean time you can export match. On android there is an option to export to external SD card. Also, on both platforms you can sync match to multiple devices. So, usually a good idea to pull scores during the match from active devices to a master device or to a special backup device. You'll need a wifi, and simple solution is to use portable wifi router/hotspot. There are some materials on that at https://practiscore.com/support
  15. Divisions should be editable, so you can make them anything you want. Though there is a bug on Android that doesn't allow to edit these divisions.
  16. Just in case someone haven't figured it out, Eugene that Ken is referring to - is me.
  17. Already done in 1.0.14. Any specifics?
  18. Could you please elaborate what's in your opinion is missing for USPSA?
  19. Now you lost me. Not sure what "Lock stage" mean in StageScore. Also from your description it is not clear if order is the same across multiple stages until stage been "locked"...
  20. I was mostly referring to your points: "Simply switch to the next stage and start running shooters from the top down. Instead of "Who shot last time?" and "That and its nobody's fault in how the shooting order is listed, its the devices fault." In other words, you could just say "no whining allowed" to all of those "lame excuses" and be done with it. Probably doesn't matter to you and for the most part it is just technical details, but your is not the only way how Practiscore is used on different matches. So, it can't just support your scenario only and has to be consistent all the way across. Also, I don't think exiting stage and getting back is an issue with StageScore (because you can't add/edit shooters on devices), but it is an issue with Practiscore. Hence randomizing the list every time you exit/enter stage (even not the same one) is a great idea. For example, half of the squad shot stage and then scorer exited stage screen, so the shooters list will be shuffled(e.g. hit Back button too many times or needed to do something in the competitors list or even sync match scores). You actually want just a random order at every stage. That can be done, so same order need to stay for a given stage (unless scorer explicitly randomize it manually).
  21. Really should lock this topic and/or break it into a separate topics for each discussion/issue/etc. Call it "Random per-stage". The order should be generated at the beginning for all to keep order consistent when you enter/exit stage screen (e.g. to add/edit another shooter). +1 to that How about just show the "Review" screen when scores are present and add an "Edit" button to modify when necessary...
  22. Cha-Lee, that's sounds far-fetched to me. You still need to remember who shot before the current shooter. Anyhow, I think this issue can be addressed by introducing a separate "per-stage random order" option. It need to be calculated up-front for all shooters and all stages, so no re-calculation necessary when changing stage and that would work across multiple synced devices too...
  23. If you have one nook per squad the impact is minimal. Except that shooters will have to constantly check with that Nook who is the next shooter and someone already mentioned there are some issues with that, because the way scrolling is working on Nooks, you can't see previous/next shooter in some cases. But if match is run with a separate device per-bay or separate device per-stage (when there is more then one stage in a given bay), re-sorting will be only confusing the squad... Like Ken said, it is impossible to satisfy everything, so it will be better to focus on the most common uses and in some cases adopt /change certain practices when running matches.
  24. There is already an enhancement request on PS issue tracker about that. BUT personally I'd avoid messing with the order (especially when scoring on multiple devices). The less you change - the better. Also keep in mind that things can get more complicated when you take into account different variations of scoring on multiple devices (device per-stage or device per-squad, etc). Most large matches go by competitor number and with smaller matches it could be just simpler to have squad list on paper and don't bother with squadding in Practiscore (e.g. pick the next shooter from the "all shooters" list). Though some may argue that we are trying to go completely paperless... Also worth to mention drag-and-drop won't work too well on devices with small screens (e.g. ipod touch) and on Nooks. Anyhow, that's only my thoughts Ken may have different opinion on that.
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