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Posts posted by twix

  1. "I first bought the SDB." That's funny , I did the same thing except I never set it up, just looked at it in the box for a week or two, then took it back to the good folks at AtoZ Reloading and they took it back and credited it to a 650. They earned a good deal of loyalty with that move. One difference between you and I, I shot my first match in December and decided I would need to get a loader to play this game. Still took me six months, I literally rolled up change for a good portion of the cost.

  2. Oh yes the engineering thing Erik. A continual source of contention between myself and my regular shooting partner, as in:  Me"Let's go!  Partner"Wait! We need to talk and over-annalyze it first." Me " Let's get going, we'll fine tune it as we do it." Partner"Wait, let's design it to the nth degree first and if we can't design it perfectly, I may not EVER do it."       I like engineers, I really do, but dang! You drive us drivers batty sometimes.                                                                

  3. Wow! Thanks Erik. Now I'm thinking, should I say what kind of idiot I am? Ok, I erred rather badly, it's a Competition Electronics Pro Timer III. I figure it's old because it has a sticker on it from 1990 USPSA Nats. Anybody that was shooting then and still shooting now has a free pass to smack me upside my head when they see me for calling them old. Same goes for Erik, obvious reason.

  4. What was the entry fee to go to the Nationals? Plus travel, lodging, etc. I would think at that level the trigger would be a bargain at twice the cost. I've only a couple thousand rounds through mine now but works every time with good ammo. And it IS sweet. Light and crisp, with a short and snappy reset. No BS warranty. I guess I'm just curious why these guys switched to Ghost Rocket Connectors after telling us how great their homemade triggers are (thread is "It's Here" in Glock Forum). I've pulled alot of different Glock triggers, still haven't found one as good as CGR's.

    (Edited by twix at 9:04 am on Sep. 5, 2002)

  5. You might be suprised at the "shootability" of your Glock 34 if you do the CGR trigger as you initially planned. The grip tape does help a bunch as well. You didn't let TDEAN and Singlestack talk you out of a nice CGR Glock trigger with all that talk about doing it yourself for cheaper, did you? It's just that I've been wondering why they started screwing around with the Ghost Rocket Connectors AFTER telling us how great their homemade trigger jobs are. I have my own theory, and it's not a negative reflection on either of these guys.

  6. Hey Bill. I'm hoping to make the Miami R&P match at the end of the month. There are a couple of younger M35 shooters there who are looking pretty good, Jason and Chris. Hope to see you there.

  7. Bill, you're perusing. I saw you shoot a match Limited 10 and you felt like a fish out of water. Can't imagine you with a Glock on your hip. Imagining, imagining....nope, that would definitely not look right.

    (Edited by twix at 9:09 am on Sep. 4, 2002)

  8. Hey hey hey! This is a eulogy for a cherished departed Glockster. The congratulations for moving to the upscale neighborhood can be posted back at the race gun nationals thread.

    (Edited by twix at 6:44 pm on Sep. 2, 2002)

  9. Tdean has announced in the thread on the race gun nationals in the match/competition forum that he's abandoning his Glock 20 for a 1911 type gun. I, for one, am truly dissapointed to hear this. To me , Tom was an inspiration, a master class shooter using a Glock. Apparently this decision was based on the failure of some aftermarket parts he had installed in his G-lock?  My favorite TDEAN line, lifted from a thread in the shooting techniques/hangun forum in a thread entitled "It's All in the Wrists" is as follows-"Just pull that trigger as fast as you can, learn the guns timing and tune into that timing as you apply the necessary force to counteract the recoil forces." Ah, he was a good man, sorry to see him go.

  10. Do you reload? If so, you can download the 35 to make a lower power factor for stock classes and plinking.CPTY1 and Singlestack have a nice thread on this froum if you go back. If you do convert, I have been told, altohough this MAY BE WRONG, that the 9mm and .40 Glock mags are the same size, all you have to do is swap the followers to change calibers.

  11. Roo-on! You bad boy! From my limited experience, that grip tape  is seriously adjustable   and   reversible if you don't like it. And affordable. A little kidding. but I won't  respond without without without crap I forgot

  12. Fourteen years and 1,000,000 plus rounds through a 1911? Whew! I should think you could pick up a Sri Lankan rubberband gun and blow alot of us away shooting behind your back. No offense to any Sri Lankans (or anyone else)intended here. I like the grip tape, you can modify your gun to suit without hacking it up, and it's a little tacky too.

  13. G35. Non-captured tungsten rod. Same wear. Not worried, see CGR post above. It SEEMED my wear would have been caused by spring compressing while rod is at angle (spring digging into rod). Just postulatling, could be all wet.

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