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Posts posted by saibot

  1. I considered converting my Glock to an Open gun, but it just seems like it gets my halfway there (just my perception I guess) and it's money I could put towards a 2011.

    Thanks for the advice everyone. Looks like I'll probably shoot for the Trubore if I can swing it. Any common parts I should have in my rangebag for it?

    Thanks again!

  2. Experts-

    I was considering shooting Open next season to focus primarily on shot calling during the match and enhancing/speeding up my movement. Plus it just looks like fun!

    I want to start out on the 2011 platform and was looking at the STI Truebore. Any advice on the switch? I have NO experience with Open other than messing around with a buddy's Open gun once. Can I compete with a stock STI? Will it be reliable? Or do I have to have it worked on a bunch? Any suggestions on what I may need or want to do to it?

    Thanks all!

  3. Good write up. My Vanek triggers have the trigger housing that can be adjusted for pre travel and over travel and the travel is as short as the Fulcrum triggers. Try it, you will like it.

    Any ideas on how to do it safely? It looks like you would be hitting the striker safety pretty quickly if you start turning the screw much. And did your trigger safety hit the frame and need any work?

    Thanks for the info!

  4. Good Articles.

    The steel guide rod is now allowed in IDPA SSP. Rules say material no heavier than stainless steel. Polymer was the old rule but due to the gen4 guns having the dual steel system they changed the rule.

    This is pretty much exactly how I have my 34 set up except mine is a gen3 and I do my own trigger work.

    Thanks for letting me know that! Great to know my backup gun is legal without messing with it.

  5. I'm talking about the striker/firing pin spring at 4#s.

    Yep, me too. In fact if you look at the picture with all of the parts, the "light" spring is 2 lbs.

    I wonder if it's because it's part of the kit???

    The Zev kit I got came with 2 springs. One for a standard 3# trigger pull and one for a light 2# trigger pull. Not 2 and 3# springs. Not sure what the actual spring poundage is on the springs. You might want to check the package and see what it says exactly. It's kind of confusing how they mark them.

    Ahh, well that makes more sense. Gratuitous over usage of the # character!


    I was wondering how the heck that would have worked. Thanks for the info!

  6. USPSA Match (6.14.14)

    I was able to get one more match in before our baby's birth (just days away) by pulling the Father's Day card.


    And it went pretty well. The first stage was pretty rough and I had a bad plan because I thought one of the targets wasn't available on the other positions, thinking it was multiple targets. Bonehead move, and executed even worse. The key to the stage was going 1 for 1 on the steel and I was moving way to fast to do that. Glad to have that one out of the way. The second stage, I was still going a bit to fast and not calling every shot and didn't get A's on everything so I decided to do WHAT I KNOW I'm supposed to do and call every shot. Don't rush. Go match speed. It turns out my match speed is just about as fast as my speed mode, I just forget that sometimes. After that, the rest of the match was great. I was still first in B class Production by almost 30 points and 4th in Production overall, just behind 2 M's and an A who took first.

    Moral of the story? Call every shot!

    It sure was a ton of fun and I shot an 78% on the classifier which was the icing on the cake.

    And sorry if this all sounds boastful. Just excited about what all of the practice is doing for my game and reporting the results.

  7. Interesting discussion. I just put a Venek classic in my Gen 4 17 and went with the 4.5 lb spring and several light strikes with magtech ammo first try. I put the 5 lb spring in and Ill be trying that soon... hopefully that will fix it. I can be having light strikes.

    Do you have a lightened striker? If not, I highly recommend it. That will drastically reduce your light strikes.

    Ya, and they're supposed to be longer, too. I sure wish I could get the Jager again. My Vanek and Jager just run flawlessly, even with the light spring. I sure hope my ZEV system works as well.

  8. I've had 2 light strikes in about 3000 shots with Remington primers. I keep thinking about putting in the 4.5# spring instead of the 4# spring in there now. But, the light strikes just haven't been that prevalent.

    Hmmm. I wonder how mine is going to do. It came with a 3lb and 3.5lb spring. I guess we'll see. I'm running CCI primers now so I wonder how the compare to your Remington's as far as energy required to detonate?

    Thanks for the info!

  9. Hey Glockists!

    Last year I asked you all for help on switching to the Glock and building up a G34 for competing in USPSA Production. Thread was here:


    Well it was a smashing success and I've been super happy with it's performance and reliability. I though you might be interested in seeing the new version I just built up along with my parts and process. I hope it helps out anyone looking to do the same!

    Thanks again to you all for all of the help you've provided. Very much appreciated.

    Link to the new one:


  10. Emjei-

    Thanks! It was a ton of fun and a pretty challenging match.

    I messed around with Ben Stoeger's Tangfolio when he was out here and it was pretty nice. I really don't dig the SA/DA triggers though. At this point, the Glock is fine. I'm sure it's not the gun that's holding me back.


    What are you shooting?

  11. Ben's book is very simple and easy to understand but after reading your impressions about Steve's book it has to have something better

    Btw I shot IPSC yesterday and placed 8 out of 42 and 4th in Production ....Dry Fire DOES work

    Love CZ


    Most of the dry fire resources are going to be pretty similar, just finding the one(s) that resonate with you, or have something different to keep you interested is the key.

    Congrats on the strong finish!

    And I totally agree, dry fire does work! In fact I just saw the results from the IDPA match yesterday. I'm happy to report I won the match!

    :) :) :)

    First pistol match win for me.

  12. 6.8.14 IDPA Match

    I had a dang good day today at our local IDPA match. I haven't seen the results yet, but I shot pretty darn well and think I will place pretty well. My did make three errors, shot one target out of order since it really wasn't placed well, and clipped a no shoot on one stage that I didn't call, and missed a plate in front of a no shoot that got a lot of people. My accuracy was good and my speed was good, too. All of my draws were fast as well as all of my reloads! All of the dry fire changes have really been paying off. I really love to see everything come together from all of my work. Very exciting!

  13. OK, here's a quick snip from the post that had some of the local guys batting this around (Chuck Anderson, Jason Snoddy, etc)

    Short Version:

    Since the part is a OFM part, and it's available from the factory on a production approved gun, AND the part dosent make the "foot print" any larger, only the length, it's GTG.

    Longer Version:

    Reguarding the "FBI" magazine release:21.6 "Any other components which are externally visible may ONLY be replaced with OFM parts which are offered on the specific model of gun or another approved gun from the same manufacturer except as specifically clarified below. Examples of external components which may only be replaced with OFM parts include (but are not limited to): magazine releases, slide stops, thumb safeties and triggers.
    The Vanek trigger, much like the Speed Bump trigger, has an external modification that makes it illegal for Production division. The Speed Bump trigger has the travel screw mounted to the rear of the trigger and is visible externally, the Vanek trigger, has relocated the pivot pin about 3/16” above the factory specs, and has filled in the original hole with a black material that is still visible on inspection.
    Special Notes/Clarifications:
    •Barrels are considered “external parts” and are subject to specific restrictions in 21.4 and associated rulings.
    •A factory/OFM magazine release which extends only the length of the magazine release may be used. A magazine release which provides a larger surface area (paddles, buttons) may only be used if it is an OFM part available on an approved model of gun.
    •Externally-visible parts from “custom shop” guns will only be considered “OFM parts” if the custom-shop gun is on the NROI list of approved Production guns.

  14. Glock makes the factory mag release for the Gen 4 models 20 and 21 large frame models which is slightly longer because of the bigger frame. It will work in the Gen 4 small frame models, but my understanding is that it is not production legal for the small frame models (17, 22, 34, 35) because it is not offered as an option from the factory on any of them. The longer factory mag release is offered on the previous Gen 3 34 and 35's, and is therefore legal for production on the 17 and 22. I think this is probably an Amidon question looking for a place to happen.

    There was a pretty big discussion about this somewhere (can't remember or I'd post link) and it was determined to be Production legal. I'll search around and see if I can find it. But unless something changed, you're fine to use the OEM Glock Extended on your small frame in Production.

  15. I think all generations of the glock 34 and 35 have extended mag releases. If that isn't extended enough for you then you need to look to the aftermarket.

    I really don't need it extended. I was just asking if Glock makes a factory extended mag release, longer then the one already

    issued in the standard Gen 4.

    Take a look at my post earlier in the thread where I have a picture comparing the Gen4 stock, the OEM extended, and the Zev. I think it'll show you what you want to know.

    If you guys need a picture at a different angle let me know.

  16. Dry fire (5.28.14)

    I spent about 45 minutes working on classifier skills with the Anderson drills tonight and dang do they work for me! I was pushing, but not sloppy, and was consistently hitting 3.90 on the 6 reload 6 and the El Pres. I'm pretty happy with that and discovered the two areas that seem to be my bottleneck are getting the sights on the first target and snapping my support hand to the index point to grab the magazine for the reload. When those are perfect the time is even quicker.

    I also worked on exploding between positions and doing a reload on the way. Smoked me.

  17. USPSA Match (5.24.14)

    Just a quick post about the match I shot yesterday, which is the first match I've gotten to shoot in a while and the first match I shot since my classes with Stoeger and Anderson. I was lucky enough to squad with a most of the people I shot the Anderson class with last weekend (and a couple from the Stoeger class, too) and it was great to see everyone shooting so much better. Amazing to see what good instruction, drive, and practice will do for your game.

    So, as far as my personal results, it could have been better. Not to say I didn't improve, it's just that I now have much higher expectations. Getting a 1st place ribbon would have made my day in the past (which I did, 1st in B class/Production) but I didn't shoot my best the entire time which cost me some places in the rankings (4th of 33 in Production and 14th of 80 overall).

    I know I need to focus on all of the shots I did make, not the few I didn't or I'm going to have some mental/SI damage, but I guess I'm still trying to find the perfect point between speed and accuracy for a given shot.

    I know that from my above summery it sounds like a had a bad match, not the case at all really. I had many small victories along the way including some very fast times in some places and going one for one on most of the steel, no No Shoots, and some great stage planning if I do say so myself. :)

    I did get "prop f*@$*$d" on some messed up pepper popper which was beyond my control as did the guy who took 1st in Production.

    OK, with that rant above, what to work on? Calling EVERY shot! I'm generally pretty good at this but got ahead of myself (lost control?) a couple of times and paid the price, including the hit just outside of the perf (which was ruled correctly as a Mike) on the head of target on the classifier. That error probably cost me more than anything else in the match. I also called a C and D on a target in a 4 target array that I was raging on and didn't make it up. Bad decision. I saw it happen and kept going and that cost me as well.

    So, my list to work on is forcing myself to call every shot every time, make up bad shots, and of course, always be working on accuracy. I am happy the with double alphas I took on some of the farthest targets in the match which is all from correcting my trigger control issues that Stoeger identified. It was super satisfying to draw and take down 3 mini poppers with No Shoots behind them with blinding speed while leaving the position. Those Anderson drills paid off big time.

    The one other "macro" skill I need to work on is to get moving sooner and get shooting sooner. Anderson spends a lot of time on this and we drilled it a bunch. I really see the value of this, but have not yet really internalized it into my subconscious yet. I think that skill is one of the big things that separates the A's from the GM's.

    So to wrap up, I now have the list of things that I need to work on going forward, and have set my sights on A class. It just went to a "nice to have one day" to "let's get busy and take down my A card!"

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