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Posts posted by TISCHLJ

  1. Lots of good buys on mid 90's cars. . .

    For a good mix of mileage, reliability, space and comfort/power check out:

    95-to late 90's Nissan Maximas- Geat engine, good room good cargo area/trunk super reliable- cheep.

    same years full size acuras, lexus, if you want a little more luxury-nice and reliable- good space for 3 or 4 with gear.

    These are nice and reasonable if you shop right- crashworthy and not too expensive if some other driver decides to mess up your ride. . .and hit you :angry2:

    same years mini vans are also nice transport for the blaster crew car pool.

    Check out reliability stats on consumer reports.

    My own rig is a 1995 Chey 9c1 police packaged Caprice with the Corvette motor. 25 mpg on long trips- 300hp :rolleyes:

    A heavy road blaster with 4 in the car and a full trunk.

    Yep, go a head and pull out in front of me- its paid for. . .

  2. I like the 200 gr MG with VV 310 under it.

    Very clean and reliable, load long.

    Snappy and back on target quickly, not too much extra weight to push up and or wear out springs. . .

    Clays also works well with the 200. These BTW are MG TFP and Rainier(when they were cheep) tnfps.

    Check for overpressure signs probably looking around 4.5 gr or therabouts. . .

  3. While I greatly enjoy my 2 STI blasters;

    a review of current innnovations, parts build quality, designs and complete from the factory "custom" pistols indiactes that SVI is the obvious innovator here. SVI is moving the the 2011 style pistol to new levels on many different fronts, If I were looking for a replacement for my STI's, I know I would look to SVI.

    This is good news for all-

    It is refreshing to see such innovation from a USA company . . .

    Great progress!

    It appears all else are playing cath up now.

    From what I've experienced with their customer service, it is top notch, as are their products. . .

  4. Yep, I've got the girlie man hands too. . . .

    Tommy Roupe did a grip reduction for me, with the ZM MSH. Grip is undercut for me and I use the Mitchell Rt side mage release.

    Blaster is an STI Short block kit much like an Edge when it started out- now it's been lightened, and customized.

    STI short trigger with a little extra overtravel.

    The ZM helped alot as this was my first foray into the STI gun realm.

    A few things to look out for:

    The small ZM MSH was very rough on the inside- quite a bit of polishing was needed to get it smooth like I like.

    My Eagle has the regular ZM MSH and it was much more nicely machined then the thin ZM. . .

    Plan on some serious cleanup on those housing tunnels.

    EBG3 is working on a new grip reduction for me at this time, similiar to the SV Scotts grip texture, also with reduction.

    EBG3's grip job is first rate, so I will install it on the Eagle and report back. All The EBG3's I've felt so far feel very, very nice and, well, grippy.

    Goes to show, the polymer grip is handy for those with small hands as much can be done to custom fit the gun to the hand.

  5. My first CV-500 vibrated off a shelf, fell 4 feet onto a concrete floor, broke the base and then kept chugging for about 7 years.

    Then it died, but it didnt owe me a thing.

    I called Dillon, sent them the old one that fell and about $30 and they sent me a new one which lasted about a year. The replacement lasted about a year and then went from vigorous vibrating to barely a shudder.

    While I was waiting for the last replacement Dillon, I ordered an RCBS unit about the same size as the CV-500.

    The RCBS unit is not nearly as rugged and has a lighter plastic bowl and not as easy to get into, but boy does that thing shake! The RCBS unit is still going strong and you can load the thing up and run it for hours and it just keeps working. I attribute this to the lighter bowl which appears to shake easier. Good buy for $59.00 The RCBS unit is about 4 years old now.

  6. I understand. . . I have small hands, short fingers. Left eye dominant and rt handed.

    I shoot pistol thumbs fwd isoceles stance(uspsa) and rifle left handed as my rt eye is no good.

    Dry fire helps alot.

    When you go to the line at a uspsa match, take 2 or 3 trigger pulls at your target as you relax breathe so you can index your sight and relax to shoot.

    Remember, thinner grips may translate into more recoil so there is a fine line between a just right grip and one that is too thin to absorb recoil- the "ol diminshing returns issue. . .

    I shoot uspsa s/s with regular grips and a short STI trigger and LTD with a Roupe reduced grip/STI grip. . .and a regulat STI trigger. .

    Sometimes you can turn this into an advantage at 3gun. .. .I sling the rifle to shoot lh and the pistol is free on the rt side,. . . no sling interferance. . .

    hope this helps- keep practicing. . . .

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