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Posts posted by Ironman

  1. Hi All,

    I just got the G23 airsoft from my sons as a gift. This green gas gun is a kick to shoot.

    Yesterday we built a plate rack, single swinger and some knock downs plates. We used sheet metal, PVC pipe and some basic tools to create a fun little range.

    How many of you use these guns and what types of drills and targets have worked best for your IPSC/USPSA type practice.


  2. George you bring up a good point. I remember my buddies wanting the shoot my M29. One shot was all it took for some of them to never want to shoot it again. I enjoy the feel of the weight and the smooth trigger on the S&W and still enjoy shooting it today.

    It seems that the more I shoot IPSC/USPSA the less I notice the recoil. Prior to the past couple of years I thought shooting fast was for the movies. I had friends that loved to see how fast they could empty the magazine. To me this seemed foolish, I went for the bull. Now that I have learned about this sport I have found another way to enjoy shooting. At first recoil meant a lot to me so I made my reloads so weak that they would foul the barrel as well as the rest of the pistol. Now I have increased my loads to major and I do not notice the added recoil. I think like others have said my mind is on more important things.

    So Glock or SVI, I have a 35 that I really enjoy but I am getting ready to order an SVI, just cus. :)


  3. I vote that we all use our real names... :D Problem solved ;) I have been to several other Forums and this one by far has the best group of people. I do agree with you TG some of us get a little rough around the edges at times and need to realize that this forum is all about fun and education.


  4. During the past couple of years I have used Winchester large and small pistol primers and have had no problems. It sounds like Federal primers are very popular because they are a little softer and people say they have less misfires. My only concern with the Federal primers is the stories that I have read here regarding them going off during the reloading process.


  5. Thanks guys, when this happened I thought to myself "if you cannot do this sport safely then maybe you should not be competing". Your comments help me think my mistake through and the experience has taught me to look at different things when I walk the stage to decide the best COF. ;)


  6. Hi davecutts, I take no offence at your comments as a matter of fact if others were there I am still trying to figure it all out. Unfortunately my sons filming has my back to the camera when I make the curve behind the gallows after I passed the corner we could see my pistol was down range with the barrel pointed up. So it must have been just as I came to the corner of the gallows. Seeing that I am new I kind of watch how the other guys shoot the stage and try to mirror that. As you said most people went left to right and I agree it I had it all to do again I would shoot it right to left. I noticed that other shooters after me that started on the right side held their guns, sometimes with one hand, definitely pointing down range (another lesson learned). As far as the DQ if I got one I agree that I deserved it, I did make a mistake. On another note John was very nice about explaining what I had done and how to not do it again. One of your friend on the other hand was just plain rude. I guess I could excuse that because after all he was looking down the barrel of a gun just minute’s prior which is enough to get anyone on edge. Once again thanks for your comments and when you see your friends next time tell them that I am truly sorry and I will do everything in my power never to let that happen again. I have never been DQ'd and have been shooting in different compititions for over two years. After the next stage I quit for the day with stage 1 and 2 still left to go.



  7. crazyaboutguns, Thank you for your responce. I think there were alot of thing to be learned from my mistake. You bring up good points that I will take into consideration when I am worthy of being an RO.


  8. I was at an IPSC match this weekend when I messed up. The stage was set up where you started sitting on a three wheeler hands on the bars. Engage two paper targets move 10 foot upstage and engage in 4 more paper targets and four poppers. Here is where I blew it, you then had to retreat 10 feet to get around a wooden deck. I did OK and kept the gun downrange until I turned to make the corner to get around the deck, for a second maybe two the barrel of my gun broke the 180-degree rule. To add insult to injury there were two guys that had setup their chairs there and were watching the match. I was also doing a clip change on the move and guess I just got myself into input overload. I heard the crowd making noise about it but did not realize what I had done. The CRO did not tell me to cease-fire so I finished the COF. Once I finished the CRO told me what I had done. I went over to the two guys and told them I was sorry. :( One of them said “you should be” I felt like shit. :angry: I am very safe when I shoot and take pride in conveying that safe shooting practice to all of my sons and many new shooters that we have taken to the range. Just before I started the stage a well know shooter in the squad before us did the same thing. Some said it was poor stage design but I take total responsibility for my actions and should have been paying more attention to safety. I guess a lesson to learn is that speed is always second to safety. I will do my best never to make this mistake again. Oh, by the way my youngest son was there filming the match for me and so now I have this on tape so I can review it again and again and again…


  9. Well I had to call. The lady just told me that if I knew of any firearms violations this was the number to call and report them to. :angry: It give me a warm feeling inside to know that my tax dollars are being spent on such BS. :angry:


  10. I started jury duty this week and was selected for a trial that will last two weeks. We have a doctor on our team that has been late to the court every time. I hate people that think their time is more important than the rest of the people on the jury. :angry: The good news is that I have finished 1/2 of Brian's book. :D


  11. I have only been slacking for about 3 months during the remodel. I am back at it now... I don't suck as bad this week as I did last week and hopefully by the match this weekend I will confidant enough to have some fun.

    Flex, Even though you posted in the wrong section it was a good response. Thanks.


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