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Posts posted by Ironman

  1. Please be advised that I am not an engineer but I have done work with engineers for several years. The soil type is the most important factor. If you had solid rock you would not be asking the question because it will stand vertical for years. So let’s say that you have the nastiest expansive soil that there is. What happens to this type of soil when it gets wet is called liquefaction; this is when the soil & water turn into a milk shake. Any type of retaining structure that is used must make sure that water can escape from behind it or else hydraulic pressure is created and down comes the structure you built to retain the dirt. A Civil Engineer can help design something that would work but they could cost you as much as the wall you want to build. Built the wrong way you could create a safety hazard, especially during the rainy season. The best advice I could give you is to divert the water away from the tops of the slopes if you can. If you do build some sort of a wall lean it back toward the dirt and put in some sort of a French drain system in to disperse any water that might build up behind the wall and make sure that the water drains away from the top of the wall.


  2. I have had the good fortune to of training with Taren. I just got a new shotgun and I have just gone over the reload with him. Most of the details have been mentioned all ready. One addition small item would be to keep the nose of the shell tight against the bottom of the receiver when you are rolling the shells down your ring finger. The other advice he gave me was to practice, practice, practice. :D


  3. I hate it when the new job doesn't give you enough time to check out your favorite forum. :angry: I hate slow computers. :unsure: I hate home remodels that you have to do to keep your "better half" off your back for buying so many guns... :P

  4. Today is my last day at my current job. I hate the last day at a place you have been at for years. :( Saying goodbye is hard. I also hate that I am loosing the company digital camera before I had a chance to show off my blaster, reloading room... 7 hours 15 minutes to go :rolleyes:


  5. I purchased the KKM 9 mm conversion barrel and picked up a 9mm Glock clip and my 35 now shoots 9mm with out any problems (so far). The ejector will help your forehead out because with the 40 cal ejector and the stock spring/guide rod setup guess where the brass flies. I used a 13 lb spring in a captured guide rod and had no more black marks on my forehead from the brass. Check out KKM's website http://www.kkmprecision.com/Prod.asp?SubCatID=6


  6. Go to a match and check it out. This will help you understand what is going on and you can learn a lot by just watching. Most folks at the matches are friendly and will answer any questions you may have. Read this site from top to bottom there is a wealth of knowledge here just waiting for you to research it. Last but not least... start slow, hit your target, the speed will come. The most important tip is to be safe and have fun! B)


  7. Hi Joe,

    How many grains of Titegroup do you use? I do not have a chronograph and need to get close to major pf so I can get use to the feel. I have been loading soft (3.6 gr) and checking the guppy with my stock barrel compared to the KKM that I got for my son. I got him the KKM because of all the Kaboom stories and wanted to make sure he would not have any of the 6:00 blow out problems. There is a difference between the two barrels but if no one is having any problems with the stock glock barrel, like you say why spend the money. :)


  8. I was surprised when I read that one of you is getting 8 reloads out of your Glock brass. I have been buying once fired 40 cal brass and letting it lay after getting 2 fires out of it (3rd fire total). I use the EGW die to get the guppy out. What about the rest of you glockmasters, how many times do you reload 40's at major PF? Thanks for your responses.


  9. I researched this several months ago and also purchased a KKM barrel for my son. The Bar-sto barrel has a great reputation but for the type of shooting we are doing I did not see the need to spend the extra $$ on the Bar-sto. My son is very happy with the KKM's accuracy and he likes the look of the stainless.


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