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I inherited 1000 230gr cast bullets .452 ( Denny's in Iowa/Idaho?) and was wondering if they would shoot alright in my .45LC's??


IMHO, I would. I'm saving all the lead (non-moly) 200 and 230 that I have for my 45LC.

In fact, there are recipes for these on Hodgdon's data center.

I inherited 1000 230gr cast bullets .452 ( Denny's in Iowa/Idaho?) and was wondering if they would shoot alright in my .45LC's??

That would depend on how old your Long Colt's are? In the 60's the Ruger's were sized .454 but it is my understanding that when they started selling the .45ACP/.45LC interchanable cyclinder models that they changed to .451 rifiling. The best way to find out is to measure the barrel.

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