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Coen Bros. Movie Quotes


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benos was admiring spook's signature and I got to thinking about all the great quotes from the Coen brothers' movies. Here's a few from the Big Lebowski and O Brother Where Art Thou?

Well I don't want Fop, godammit! I'm a Dapper Dan man!
Well ain't this place a geographical oddity--two weeks from everywhere.
Say, uh, Cousin Wash, I suppose it'd be the acme of foolishness to inquire if you had a hair net.
Well, it didn't look like a two-horse town, but try finding a decent hair jelly.
Damn! We're in a tight spot!
I'll tell you what I am -- I'm the damn paterfamilias!
- I'm voting for yours truly.

  - Well I'm voting for yours truly too.

- Okay... I'm with you fellas.

It does put me in a damn awkward position, vis-a-vis my progeny.
Or, if not smithies per se, were you otherwise trained in the metallurgic arts before straitened circumstances forced you into a life of aimless wanderin'?
I detect, like me, you're endowed with the gift of gab.

Wouldn't we look like a bunch of Johnny-come-latelies, bragging on our own midget, doesn't matter how stumpy.
Them syreens did this to him. They loved him up and turned him into a horny toad.
Way I see it, he got what he deserved, fornicating with some whore of Babylon. These things don't happen for no reason, Delmar. It's obviously some kinda judgment on his character.
Don't try nothing foolish! Your situation is purty nigh hopeless!

Those boys desacrated a burning cross!
This band of miscreants, this very evening, interfered with a lynch mob in the performance of its duty.
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Smokey, this is not 'Nam. This is bowling. There are rules.
I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me. That, or Duder. His Dudeness. Or El Duderino, if, you know, you're not into the whole brevity thing...
Yeah, well... you know... that's just like... your opinion... man.
The Dude: And, you know, he's got emotional problems, man.

Walter Sobchak: You mean... beyond pacifism?

Nobody f*#ks with the Jesus.
f*#k it, man. Let's go bowling.
Hey, careful, man, there's a beverage here!
You want a toe? I can get you a toe, believe me. There are ways, Dude. You don't wanna know about it, believe me.
Saturday, Donny, is shabbas, the Jewish day of rest. That means I don't work, I don't drive a car, I don't f*#king ride in a car, I don't handle money, I don't turn on the oven, and I sure as shit don't f*#king roll!
These men are nihilists. There's nothing to be afraid of.
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Well, I still jerk off manually
No Walter, I don't think Larry was about to crack
New sh!t has come to light....and....Sh!t...man
Enjoying my coffee......
No Walter, you're not wrong, you're just an a_-hole

Well I just realized I could go on and on, but actually every sentence in movie is a quote worth mentioning here, so I'll leave it....

Just buy the friggin' movie....

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Those are just some of the one-liners. There's plenty more funny stuff in conversation, like when they are showing the of the porn tape:

- "Well, you can guess where it goes from here."

- "He fixes the cable?"

I forgot one of the best:

Damn, that rug pulled the whole room together.



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More funny O brother quotes.

-I nicked the census man.

-Now there’s a good boy.

Even if it did put you square with the Lord, the state of Mississippi’s a little more hard-nosed.
The color guard is colored!  Who made them the color guard?

That entire movie cracks me up.


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