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Irresponsible Parents


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This was published in a local paper. :angry: Where were the parents??? :huh:

By JULIE SCHLABS, Staff Writer

July 3, 2003

A boy visiting San Angelo was shot in the eye with a BB gun in July 2001, and his mother is going to the courts for relief.

According to court records, a young boy and his friend were playing with their BB guns in a living room. One of the boys pulled the trigger, documents state, but he didn't aim at his friend. The BB ricocheted and lodged into the other boys' left eye, where the fated BB remains.

The mother of the injured boy filed a civil suit this week in district court against the gun manufacturer and the hardware store that peddled the weapon. She's asking the court to award damages and attorney fees.

The suit charges that the two businesses breached products liability and negligently violated industry standards by failing to adequately warn of the dangers of the toy gun.

''The product was marketed as being less powerful than a real gun when it actually possessed power far above that which is reasonable and necessary for its intended use as a 'safer than real' gun. . . . '' the suit stated.

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Who was supervising these children and why where they playing with BB guns in the house? I grew up with guns in the house. They were not locked up or out of reach. I knew what they were and what they were capable of(even the BB gun) without having to read a product warning. I also knew that they were off limits to me without proper supervision(dad). People want to blame anyone but themselves or their children for their wrongs and then want to sue someone for damages they or their children caused. I hate that a child was injured but the woman needs to get a life. She should be thankful her child is still alive. Children are what they are raised to be. If they are spoiled and raised to have no sense of worth then they will never amount to anything(well maybe a politician or lawyer).

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I agree with Jeeper.

Before starting to use real guns, I played a lot with BB guns (I still have a self customized replica of a Colt XM-177 with scope and laser pointer that can fire BBs @ 800 rpm :wub: ).

All BB gun boxes had various sheets describing (by drawings, and not Chinese/Japanese alphabet) what you had to do (wear glasses) what you had not to do (shoot anything else than a paper target) or even the dangers involved (ricochets, in facts).

I suppose the boys and their parents were too illitterate to even read Drawings!

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