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Automobile Shopping Carts


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Do they have the pink zones yet in Oregon. This is something that they have started around where I live for pregnant women and those with kids. Its kind of like an extension on the handicap spots. I can see it for pregnant women but I want the women with kids to park about 10 blocks from the store and have the kids walk the entire way so by the time they get to the store the kids will ride in anything and not be running around like a pack of hyenas. My parents never let my borther, sister or me run around like we had no manners so I don't expect to have to put up with it either.

Along these lines and it probably is a whole other hate topic:

I have seen several dept stores, restaraunts, etc. with a prominent parking spot (within 10 spaces of the front doors) marked "employee of the month parking only". Well I say the heck with the employee of the month, I am the "customer of the day". What a steaming pile the whole concept of the employee of the month is anyhow. It is just a warm fuzzie title for the wimp-ass winers that can not work a full 8 hours without clockwatching. Then in some great act of reverance to this employee they give them the best parking. I remember working retail at one time and if you parked within 500' of the door you were sent packin. Of course this was back about 15 years when people still had some common sense.

Well enough ranting for today

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"Pouring on the gasoline....

The best part is when the [Pick favorite noun] (ankle biter, urchin, rug rat, piss ant) is screaming at the top of his/her/its lungs.

...lighting the match"

And the Dante's Test only sent you to PURGATORY?????!!!! Man, you LIED somewhere in there!! ;);):D:D

Well I did pay a cash pennance to the Catholic church before I took the test.... :) :)

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Employee of the month sucks. It promotes employee in fighting and backstabbing. I am all for acknowledging employees that do a good job and especially those that go above and beyond but this monthly winner stuff is crap. 90% of the time the "Employee of the Month" is either sleeping with the manager or has their nose crammed far up the manager's backside.

<back to topic>

The other reason to hate those stupid kiddie carts is that they are huge and take up too much of the cart return racks in front of the store. So, when I want to return my cart the damn thing is all filled up. The other day I ran into this so I just picked up my cart and stacked it on top of the stupid kiddie cart. The guy behind me was laughing his a$$ off and piled his cart on top of mine. By the time I left the lot there was a pretty big collection of carts on "Cart Mountain".

Last evening I was back at the same store and there were no plastic kiddie carts to be seen...anywhere. Probably too much to hope that the management took the hint.

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I don't believe Oregon has thought up the Pink Zone yet. Not a bad idea, in a way. Ripe for abuse, though, just like the blue Handicapped Zones..... <_<

The rantin' and' ravin' rugrats need all the exercise we can throw at 'em. They ought to be chained to and required to run on large, automated hamster wheels while the parents are shopping. :angry::D

Now, when I was a kid we had those handy-dandy leashes/halters barely five feet long that kept errant brats in place. Innocent toddlers never got lost (or abducted) and the more assertive rugrat never imposed too deeply on other shoppers. Adults in public had rights in those days. B)

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Now, when I was a kid we had those handy-dandy leashes/halters barely five feet long that kept errant brats in place. Innocent toddlers never got lost (or abducted) and the more assertive rugrat never imposed too deeply on other shoppers. Adults in public had rights in those days. B)

My favorite saying to the Parents of unruley pissants is: "Get a rope on it...and hang it high"

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(kaiserb--)Well I did pay a cash pennance to the Catholic church before I took the test....
Oh, of COURSE...!!! The Church really understands THAT kind of "penance"--and always have! You wily evader, you! :P
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