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Gun Free Zones


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I would not consider Ted Nugent as someone I would want to emulate since he went out of his way to avoid the draft because he was a rock star. I lived in Michigan when he made his infamous radio announcement of how he avoided the draft and suffice to say it was pretty smelly.

If an employer states that no guns are allowed fine, I will find another place to work.

If a store states that no guns are allowed fine, I will find another place to shop.

If a county has a CCW board that decides who may carry concealed fine, I can find another state to live in.

The media needs to stop announcing the names of the people that commit mass murders so they and people after them don't get the idea that they are famous. If it weren't for the media would a couple of high school kids named Klebold & Harris mean anything or Charles Manson or Ted Bundy.

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I hate Gun Free Zones, but, I like Free Gun Zones!

My family shops on line. No one has shot at me throught the internet. Most malls around here are waking porno shops. Daddy's have not tought their daughters how to dress correctly so as not to stir up the hormones in boys and men. That is called defrauding. The Lord calls it Adultry in the Heart.

If you're not in to the Lord, something is wrong. He instituted the first Right to Carry Laws. In fact he commands you to carry.

Luke 22.31: "Then said he (Jesus) unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take [it], and likewise [his] scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one."

He commanded the deciples to arm them shelves! Today he would tell us to buy a gun. (It is silly to take a knife or sword to a gun fight.)

I belong to an organization that turned around the gun laws in Alaska. In Alaska, if you put up a sign, "NO GUNS" then you must provied armed guards at the doors and metal detectors to protect the citizens. It is, I believe, a $5,000 fine to post a sign and not provide protection. And one does not need a permit to carry in Alaska!

We are now working on Texas.

Edited by Redneckerson
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I think they should call them "Rights free zones".

Just like most things along these lines, people planning to hurt others won't be stopped by a sign.......

Well maybe if it read: Please feel to use your right to Carry Concealed here.......WE DO.

Edited by VeryBadshot
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