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Shooting for M

shooting for M

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I'm fairly new to the forum and just getting back to USPSA. I've been fortunate with range time since I started competing again and lately very fortunate with ammo. Last week I did the first week of the "Shooters Approach to Practice" practice schedule. I did OK still getting too aggresive on the trigger and pushing too hard for my abitlity. I did some other drills this week and felt pretty good about them including the Burkett timing drills yesterday.

Now there's today. The worst shooting session I can remember. I was doing some plate rack drills working on getting set up in the box and transition drills all on the plate rack. I couldn't get the same grip twice from the holster. missing like crazy couldn't keep my mind on what I was doing, so I called it quits early and came back to start this.

My medium term goal is to make Master class in two years.

My long term goal is to keep having fun, 'cause if it ain't fun whats the point.

My short term goal was B class by the end of the year, well I'm there, 62.2%.

Now I'm shooting for top three B class in Single Stack Nationals next year.

This seems like a good place to start a Range Diary and keep me on task. Also too keep track of my progress. I'm going to have to start writing things down anyway, so this will keep me doing it.

Ride hard, shoot straight and speak the truth.

BTW feel free to post any suggestions you have.


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Short time topractice today. Just did some El Prez at various distances and some percision shooting. Made some great groups about 3" at 15yds offhand. Then the El prez drills. I was hitting the gun all wrong in the holster, same as yesterday, I need to work on that dry and slow and perfect. Here are the times:


6.89 -15 points

1.42 draw

1.88 reload

5.63 -20

1.25 draw

2.08 reload

5.70 -3

1.42 draw

1.60 reload, Finally a good run(for me)


6.68 -4

1.60 Draw

1.78 reload

5.61 -10

1.48 draw

1.6 reload

5.71 -9

1.40 draw

1.65 reload


7.07 -17 YIKES

1.52 draw

1.83 reload

8.74 -13

1.67 draw

2.42 reload

6.83 -13

1.67 draw

1.76 reload felt good don't think I ever saw my sight clear.

I really need to slow down a bit and see my sights at the 15. I could really tell the difference between my second shot and transition at the 7 and 10 was double tapping as hard as I was trying not to. I am thinking no matter what I am dong the first couple times on a drill for that day run at <50% speed and get perfect before I even think about speeding up. Sounds simple ;) .

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Nice blaster J. I like it. When your wife gets mad at you and you have to sell it...put me 1st in line. :cheers:

I couldn't make it to Pima today because of work. Oh...ask Marc about buying his mags. They run!

Thanks, Marc forgot his mags today. But I shot pretty good. I moved much better than usual, I guess the work is payiong off. I still need to work on trigger control. I was seeing the sights better than ever for the most part, just too hard on the trigger. I've gotta work on that more this week. I didn't stick around for the final posting of scores but 3-5 were much better than usual, of course there were a couple key shooters not there today, but even the boss said I was moving better than ever.

Didn't get to shoot the new blaster today but I ordered the holster, maybe this week.

I'm happy to see the improvement already but I still have a long way to go for the M.


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Went shooting today for the first time this week. I didn't really write anything down just did a little slow fire(still need some work), and some movement drills. I noticed something wierd. I was shooting at about 10yds from two boxes about 5-6yds apart. hits were OK but the drill was draw shoot two from box A then two from box B then B to A. I was averaging 3.7-4.1 seconds. My splits were wierd, .19-.27 forthe first pair then .33-.42 for the second. Any suggestions are welcome.

I think I was shooting my first shot as I was stopping then waiting to finish stopping for my second. I was trying not to double tap the first pair after I noticed the trend and I dont think I was.

I need to start using the video camera if I'm going to be practicing by myself.


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Decent day today. Did some of the same drills as yesterday, starting really slow and dry, then live and sped up. My splits were almost identical from the first and second positions, about .20-.30, still about 1.8-2.1 for the movement.

Bill drills. 7yds 7X all from 1.9-2.2 only dropped 5 points total.

10yds, 2X 2.4, 2.32 dropped 2 points total

15yds 1X 2.9, trigger freeze and dropped 2D and 1 C too fast

20yds 1X 3.85 down 2

25yds 1X 4.45 down 3 Is this as slow as I think it is?

1 magazine slow fire from 15 yds, all touching. Slow trigger control is getting a little better already, again, still need some work on the timer at 20yds and beyond.

Started dry firing last night, 20-25 minutes, just standing draws and reloads. I need to find out what you are looking for in transitions dry.


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Shot yesterday. Tried that baseball standards classifier, 03-14; 71, 84, 71, points, good things to practice. Then some EL Prez

1. 6.33 2. 6.16 3. 6.59

1.61 draw 1.55 1.51

1.74 Reload 1.70 1.90

-7 Points -10 -5

Still running .18-.22 splitsand .29-.37 transitions.

Then some Bill Drills

7yds 2.30, 1.18 draw, -3 points

10yds 2.33, 1.25 draw, -6

15yds 2.68, 1.34 draw, -1

20yds 3.61, 1.61 draw, -3

25yds 3.71, 1.52 draw, -12 too fast

Had a good day.


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Got an actual practice session today, first day in a while. Did some one handed draws, hits were awful unless I slowed down so much that I might has well not even use a timer. Did some Bill drills from various distances ok hits, 3.00 par time, couldn't really make more than 4-5 at 25. Trigger control still needs a lot of work, I see a lot of dry fire and snap caps in my future.

I ndon't know what happened but the schedule I am on called for El Prez to finish the day, 2 runs:

1. 6.3 -10

2. 5.56

1.35 draw

1.71 reload


YAHOO Best ever I thought something happened to the timer, about 20-29 splits and transitions could hardly tell the differences. I still need to pick up the reload. Tommorow, week 2 day 2.


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As you know, I have a lot to improve on but one thing I've worked on and has helped me is......when I practice my one-handed draw with shots I have tried different stances (such as blading more and less to the target and even squaring up to the target more). I have found a stance I am comfortable with and I'm really trying to build on that. We're so used to the stances that we're taught at work that sometimes we forget we can try something different. Just food for thought.

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As you know, I have a lot to improve on but one thing I've worked on and has helped me is......when I practice my one-handed draw with shots I have tried different stances (such as blading more and less to the target and even squaring up to the target more). I have found a stance I am comfortable with and I'm really trying to build on that. We're so used to the stances that we're taught at work that sometimes we forget we can try something different. Just food for thought.

Thanks, that's good point, I've gotta start thinking outside the BP box. I'll try that next time the sylabus calls for one handed stuff.


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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Been practicing and working too much to write much here lately. Practice sessions are going OK, some days better than others.

Had my first great match. took 3rd overall shooting SS at the local match, but only 3 stages, for a change my worst finish was the stand and shoot classifier, but still 5th overall on that one.

Here's some average times from my practice sessions over the last couple weeks.

-Draw times are averaging about 1.0 from 7

-reloads about 1.6 with single stack

-Got the bill drill under 2 with all A's pretty consistant

-transition drills are getting better, but the left target is still getting more C's than I'd like, times are the same left to right or right to left, guess I need to slow down a bit right to left.

-receding bullseyes are getting better, to 25yds well within upper A/B

-hits are mostly A's on the Barnhart 4 box drill, still rushing too much on some of the further shots

-Trigger control is getting better, but still needs major work

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  • 4 months later...

Guess I haven't posted here in a while. Doing OK, rereading my goals from starting this I guess I didn't quite accomplish some of my goals, I have realized that making Master in the next year might be seriously pushing it, but I'm still shooting for it, I have had one M classifier, 87% in limited.

I have made one goal, sort of, I ended up "C" class in SS and took second, but I would have been 3rd in "B" so I'll say I made that one.

I've been a little burned out lately and have been slacking as far as the practice routines go, but still shooting a bit.

Finally started shooting my limited gun and loving it. If I make it to L10/Limited nats this year I'm shooting for top 5 B class.

New short term goal is to re-read Enos' book and get Steve Anderson's book and start some of the drills there for dry-fire. I think I really need some structure in my practice sessions.


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  • 2 months later...

Haven't been posting here like I have wanted, but I haven't been shooting as much as I have wanted either. I have been doing much better at the local matches, but I have noticed nerves starting to get to me on the first stage. I think I know what that's about hopefully I can stop thinking about it.

edited for premature posting :wacko:


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  • 2 weeks later...

Shot a bit today, just a qual with the STI and a couple groups slow fire. Trying to use the relaxation/not thinking techniques described in Brian's book. This is going to take a while.

Would get about 1, sometimes 2 rounds, then tense up like normal.

I don't know what it is about me shooting groups, well, I do know, but medium to slow my groups don't change at all, I am shooting about 4-5" 10 shot groups at 10 yards! Looks like nothing but precision practice for a while, I've been saying it, but now I need to really do it.'


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  • 1 year later...

WOW! two years since my last post here! Well, things are going better now, I now have an M in Limited, Precision shooting has gotten better but still a bit lacking. Shot a pretty good match last saturday except of course the classifier, stupid one handed shooting. Nats in three months better get the rear in gear!

I thought about changing my screen name, but with how I have been thinking lately, I think this is more about mastering the pistol which is a never ending journey, so I'll leave it.

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  • 3 months later...

Well, 2010 Nationalshas come and gone. I did OK I guees, are we ever happy :rolleyes: ? I had a grand thoughts of trying to shoot 85%, HA 76% wasn't even close...I thnk my goal was gone with the first stage, nothing like shooting slow AND inaccurate! :surprise: I guess for my first major as a master I should have been happier. Looking back, I wasn't pushing very hard trying too hard for points. Maybe better next year.

Shot a Glock for the first time in a while today, 8# connectors are crazy! Going to shoot three matches in three weeks next month, gonna be crazy...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, shot my first NRA TPC Match yesterday...them middle zones are small and if you drop points it hurts, BAD!!! The Glock ran great, and I won a stage, but some others were BAAAADDD. Ended up top 10 though I guess not terrrible for my first attempt at a three gun match and with that scoring to boot. Not so sure if I like the scoring, but it's a game and gotta adjust for the rules, and practice loading the shotgun!

Back to the STI this week, thank goodness I am tired of that goofy trigger! Got some new loads to try before the match hope they work. I am trying the lighter bullets, played with some 155s before and kinda liked them but didn't really shoot enough to judge for sure.

Hope the steel arrives in time for the SCSA Match in two weeks!, it looks like it will be close...

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  • 1 month later...

Well have shot all 8 stages from the World SCSA match over the last couple months/matches. Being the MD is kind of a pain, I can't imagine doing it for the USPSA every month as well, I need to start helping our MD more.

Anyway, shooting steel has taught me a couple things. It has made me realize that although I have improved my movement and reloads a lot, my stand and shoot stuff is now lacking more comparitively speaking. It has also showed me that even though I thought I was calling a lot of my shots, I am still not being absolutely patient on all shots. I think I am about .01 seconds off on some shots. Oh, and my draw sucks! For USPSA .1-.2 seconds on a draw is nothing. In steel, with 5 draws per stage it can hurt.

Oh, and the STI does NOT like Speer brass!

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Merry Christmas Jason. Glad I found this post, now I can follow your progress. Jessie and I are going to make as many of the Roswell matches as we can. Next match make sure we squad up together and I will have Jessie video you. That might help with the journey. Greg

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Greg! Hope Jesse's training is going well. Hope to see you next match, and happy new year!

Shot El Prez yesterday for the cassifier and the results were: 47 points, -20 for penalties in 5.16 for a HF of 5.2326 BTW shooting an extra shot in virginia count hurts BAD! :surprise: I was way off pace, and just not feeling it all day. I still had a blast, our MD came up with some interesting stages, more "friendly" to the low cap shooters. Going to start a better routine now that I will have more time to shoot. My goal is to get 2 live fire sessions per week, but up my dryfire to 3-4 times per week for a while, maybe 20 minutes per, and see how it goes. I need to get better on some fundamentals, getting my first shots off sooner and get more confident with SOTM.

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Thanks Greg! Hope Jesse's training is going well. Hope to see you next match, and happy new year!

Shot El Prez yesterday for the cassifier and the results were: 47 points, -20 for penalties in 5.16 for a HF of 5.2326 BTW shooting an extra shot in virginia count hurts BAD! :surprise: I was way off pace, and just not feeling it all day. I still had a blast, our MD came up with some interesting stages, more "friendly" to the low cap shooters. Going to start a better routine now that I will have more time to shoot. My goal is to get 2 live fire sessions per week, but up my dryfire to 3-4 times per week for a while, maybe 20 minutes per, and see how it goes. I need to get better on some fundamentals, getting my first shots off sooner and get more confident with SOTM.

I think El Prez got to everyone this weekend. If they didnt throw a extra shot they missed one (like i did).

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