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Md Awb F 2007


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  • 2 weeks later...

thought about living in VA, but the WW bridge is such a nightmare.... besides, I would need the guns in MD more than in VA. Suitland Parkway area is a war zone at times. We'll see how tha AWB goes for now. I might change my position afterwards depending on how it turns out.

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Does anyone have the final outcome of this? Today was supposed to be "D-day" on this right?

As for "D-day" - yesterday was the start & end of live testimony before the committee. If it makes it out of committee, we have an uphill battle and the governor stated he WILL sign it. Final committee vote is Friday (hopefuly it will die, but the margin will be razor thin).

Sum from yesterday: Antis had virtually NO members of the public & just 20 professional lobbyists from ceasefireMD and Brady/Handgun Control Inc. It is clear they are using MD to "test the waters" in prep for other states' AWBs and a national AWB.

In contrast, 210 gun owners showed up to testify. Included among the witnesses were the president of MD's largest USPSA club, MPSA (organisers of the Mason/Dixon USPSA 3gun) and competition shooter Henry Heymering of MarylandShallIssue.org who runs an IDPA program at the same club. Henry was instrumental in fighting this bill. Logically, with the numbers we had, we should prevail - but remember, this is politics.

Here are two links regarding what we can still do before Friday and what happened at the only day of committee testimony:

LINK to AR15.com coverage


LINK to MDshooters forum coverage




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Ignorance. I just cant get over the fact that these people think that an "assault weapons ban" is going to stop violent crime.

Because you know....criminals who commit violent crime follow the law when attaining their weapons.

Actually, I'm pretty darn sure the people coming up with these laws already know that.

They just issue those statements to convince the uninformed and the fence-sitters as to their good intentions.......... while they hide their real objectives.

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I don't know if they have voted yet or not. I cannot seem to find any information. At the hearing the chairman called for a vote on Friday (3/2).

Following the hearing, myself and a couple others were talking w/ Senator Raskin who is on the committee AND a co-sponsor of the bill. He said he would not be voting for the bill... yes, we may have convinced one of the co-sponsors. That could potentially make it 7-4 in our favor if they call for a vote.

Until the bill's website (http://mlis.state.md.us/2007rs/billfile/SB0043.htm) is updated w/ a vote tally, or I hear word on a vote count, I'll be keeping my fingers crossed. I may call the Judicial Proceedings Committee this week to see if they did vote Friday.


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