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C-more Version Convertability


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does anybody know how easy it is to convert from the Railway model to SlideRide? -Is it just a case of removing the rail? -Is it glued on? And the location of the screws?

Second question is: how easy is it to convert from Serendipity to SlideRide?

Thanks in advance for any help offered.

Catch ya later,

Lab. :)

PS-I've already done a search and have only found 1 hit where a user was selling their Open Gun with the modification already carried-out inhouse, unfortunately. :(

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Railway to slideride:

just remove the rail by loosening the two clamp screws.

Screw location:

1. rear of the lens.

2. front of the dot module

Serendipity to SlideRide:

Not sure but I've read somewhere in this forum a way to do it.

Apparently, Serendipity has same structure as slideride/railway, you just have to clip off the mount and bore holes in the 2 big screw bolts that attaches to the mount.



Edited by edwin garcia
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Serendipity to Slide ride - Cut off legs, use a belt sander to flatten out what is left of legs till flush with bottom, remove battery cover, remove hold down for dot module, remove plastic plate from bottom of scope, remove torx screw, drill through hole left from torx screw with 3/16 drill, drill trough hole just in fron of lens with 3/16 drill from bottom then drill out the top hole large enough for the head on a 10-32 cap head screw. Mount attaches with (2) 10-32 socket cap head screws.

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