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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

We Need You On April 28-30


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Dan ‘gb’ Carden and John Bagakis will be leading our squad of revolver shooters in an attempt to show the rest of USPSA that 6 is ENOUGH to get the job done…so if you feel ‘manly’ enough, bring out the wheel gun and join us for a great time, we’ll have plenty of good jokes about your shooting and reloading style and you’ll be learning the fine art of twisting the truth to cover up you mistakes…we’re almost breaking 20 shooters right now, so hurry up & go to the Sacramento Action Pistol site and download the match application. We want your attendance, we’ve had the promise of some great ICORE shooters coming on board for this match. We want to leave enough moons on the ground for it to be a tripping hazard…

It will be great time, so sign up now and start the reloading presses, should be 8 great stages in the warm California sun….

Richmond Hot Shots need your attendance at this match, this is your chance to watch some of the best shooters (& speed reloaders) do their thing...

mike sousa

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Well, Dan and John twisted my arm... I WAS going to shoot Production but I guess I can put together enough ammo to shoot Revolver division.. Now I just need to figure out if it'll be Major or Minor, probably major. Of course I can't start practicing with it till Dan gets it back to me... <_< It should be a fun match. Maybe we should all ask Robbie to come up for it.. It would be a good precursor to the Icore....


Edited by sargenv
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Mike, ........."gb".........?

Like i cant figure that one out!!!!!

well it's not 'golden boy' (yet)...

make sure Vince gets a nice trigger, something in the 12lb range so he doesn't notice the difference between his 610 and Sig....


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Ok, so I just checked the competitor list for the GBC and I'm all by my lonesome on that list. I switched to Revo division. So where are all of you that talked me into this?:D


didn't you get the memo?

GB Carden is giving a revolver only class to the Swedish Bikini Team over at his place same time as the match so we all thought we'd rather help him do that than go up to hot ol' Sacramento... www.swedishbikiniteam.com

Seriously, I just sent my stuff in and it should get there in a day or two...I don't know about the rest of the gang...


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  • 1 month later...

Ok, I just looked at the competitor list.. It's really difficult to get a squad of Revo shooters if no one shows up. There are only 4 of us at this point. Come on and get registered! :)

There are several people on this board that live in the area.. Come on you guys and gals, get over here! There is enough of a gap between this match and the ICORE in June to save and you can shoot this match in 1 day if you want to!


Edited by sargenv
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