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Shadow 2 style wide safety for the SP-01 Shadow (Orange)


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Just for your information if someone needs a good Shadow 2 style wide safety for the CZ 75 lineup of guns (in my case the SP-01 Shadow).

It is now available from CZ UB and comes from the factory on the SP-01 Shadow Orange.


I bought mine from a European dealer LuckyDelta  http://www.luckydelta.com/shop/CZ-Teile-Tuning/Sicherungen-Safety/CZ75-SP-01-SHADOW-ORANGE-WIDE-SAFETY-SET-RECHTSHAND.html

I have never liked the different safeties on the CZ 75 style of guns but this one is really good even if I use a high grip it interferes little to none.


On this old Shadow modified for IPSC standard division (minor) I've also chosen to go with the TS Orange or Czechmate style hammer. The trigger is really nice! I've also used thick retro brass grips that are slightly grind down and epoxied with SiC.

Grips: http://www.luckydelta.com/shop/CZ-Teile-Tuning/Griffschalen/Griffschalen-CZ75-85-MESSING-BRASS-RETRO.html




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