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Will .38 super work for .38 Super Comp

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I went to pull the trigger on the Dillon square B for .38 Super (dp20099) one website, but after looking at the manufactures website I noticed that there was another model for Super Comp (dp20115). Will the Super (20099) work for loading Super Comp.

I went at looked at the RL550B and the manufactures website doesn't have a version for Super Comp, it just has one for .38 Super.

But, the 650 calls out a version for Super Comp.

Can I please get some help determining if I can buy the Square B with .38 Super? That's the best bang for buck. Id like to not spend more than $500 on the press alone.


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The difference is the shell plate. supercomp uses the same shell plate as 223 /5.56 does. regular 38 super runs the 9mm plate.

IIRC, you can reload supercomp in the standard 38 super shell plate but if a regular super cases sneaks in it will load right on through where running the 223/556 plate will catch it because it won't fit.

So, most guys running supercomp use the 223 shell plate to weed out the regular 38 super cases as they will not fit under the extractor tuned for supercomp and tend to stop the gun in an ugly and unhappy way.

Did that make sense ?

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