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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Police Confiscation

SRT Driver

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If I have to find something, I hope it's a crate of hand grenades or landmines.  Keeping those would be super illegal and super irresponsible. :lol:

Aw, come on. Just wish for the whole caboose.... a small backpack sized tactical nuke :) :) :) Can you say "big boom"??? I knew you could..... ;)

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Don't want to run afoul of our host's rules against politics, but here is a legislative suggestion:

Another Class III Amnesty as was done in the 1960s.

Back then, it was recognized that many of our valient war vets from WW II and Korea had innocently brought back trophys that were actually class III weapons.

Recognizing that law enforcement should not make prosecuting such vets a priority and also recognizing that since 1934 there has been exactly one mis-use of a registererd Class III, Congress passed an amnesty to allow such guns to be registered. It worked perfectly! Obviously not every gun was brought in, but of those registered, none were subsequently used in a crime over the three decades since then.

I would guese that a few class III guns have probably trickled in from Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, Haiti, Beirut, Kuwait, Iraq, Afganistan & every where else that our servicemen have travelled. Why make them into criminals?

I think another amnesty would be in everyone's interest.


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