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How long can you go without doing it?

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How long have you been forced to go without being able to practice due to work, illness, travel, family obligations, etc. How long did it take you to get back up to speed?

Between family illness and a broken weak hand trigger finger I'm having a hard time getting motivated into practicing. Help! I need something but I don't know what it is.

I guess my real question is; How do you bereak a slump?

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I've had 2 slumps of 6 months, one due to injury, and the other due to stupid choices of women.

It took me maybe a week of dry firing and 2 or 3 matches to get back up to speed....which I'm sure I could do in a few days if I had access to a range to live fire practice at.

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I won my first match after a 4 month slump. Not going to the range that is. I worked hard at home dry firing though.

I would break the slump by practicing things that you can do and like to practice. Just dry fire for 30 minutes a day. I doubt you wil be any slower at all.

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Going on 7 months without firing a shot from any of my pistols. I can't wait to see the rust fly at my first match back. I think it will take me a couple of matches and practice days to get back into my "C" groove. TXAG

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I really don't get to practice. Occasionally, I'll get to do a little dry fire and mag change work before a bigger match, but that is about it. Don't have the time, money, or convenient facilities to practice....

I may have the facilities soon though,,,,movin' to the country. Literally, next to nothing around me so I might get to do a little shootin' Only have one neighbor to P.O. :)

I just have to really focus as I'm preparing for stages and visualize what I'm going to do and just do it. I'm one classifier away from my A card in L10,,,,I wish I could practice,,,,,I may actually get pretty good at this game one of these days.


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Hip replacement surgery on November 25, 2002... Back at the range December 17, along with am adjacent full schedule of work, visits to the gun shops and all the usual domestic errands and professional photoshoots in the meantime. Almost NOTHING can keep me from the range if I really want to be there. Yesssss! :D

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