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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

New young shooters

Merlin Orr

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Does me a world of good to talk to new JRs coming into the sport - USPSA. I have been corresponding with a young man named Cameron Tom who just shot his first match. LOL He shoots just like I do - too fast with too many penalties. :P Makes my day to hear someone with a lot of energy talking about his experiences!

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Cameron has a great attitude and he is safe. He handles himself very well. I RO'd him on a practice stage we had setup one weekend after it had rained during the week. The ground was really loose. During the COF he came tearing around a corner and slipped. On the way down he kept his gun out in front, parallel to the ground, and pointed down range. His finger was cleary out of the trigger guard. After he "landed" he didn't freak out. He got back up and finished the course of fire. It was extremely well done.

We'll be watching his progress with interest. :)

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Yea, I'll add my .02 to Cameron, a real cool kid. He and I talk from time to time on AOL instant messanger, I guess he just saw somehow that I started as a Jr. shooter and that I had AIM as well. Merlin mentioned his energy and enthusiasm.... Hell yea, every time I talk to him he has some great story to tell about practice or a match or something. Merlin, I dont know of any .40 uppers off hand, but if you wanna get him hooked up, I'll kick in some cash.

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Yea, I'll add my .02 to Cameron, a real cool kid. He and I talk from time to time on AOL instant messanger, I guess he just saw somehow that I started as a Jr. shooter and that I had AIM as well. Merlin mentioned his energy and enthusiasm.... Hell yea, every time I talk to him he has some great story to tell about practice or a match or something. Merlin, I dont know of any .40 uppers off hand, but if you wanna get him hooked up, I'll kick in some cash.

PM Sent. B)

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