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Springfield 9mm Lead Bullet Accuracy


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I am at wits end trying to make this gun shoot moly-coated 147 grain lead bullets by BBI and Precision. It shoots 147 grain JHP Raniers, but not the solids, just fine. I use a wide bell, the crimp does not even mark the bullet when I pull them, and I cannot find any setback when I run them through the gun. I have tested a wide range of OAL with an equally wide range of WST loads. 4" at 25 yards would be great! I think the probelm is unique to this gun as everyone I know shoots these bullets.



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You really need to be running the 135s. They feed so much better in a 1911. Also we no longer Moly coat bullets. We use the J/M Specialized Coating from Australia. It is much cleaner with less smoke the our moly formulation. Let me know if this is something you want to try and I will bring you some to Dickson.

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You really need to be running the 135s. They feed so much better in a 1911. Also we no longer Moly coat bullets. We use the J/M Specialized Coating from Australia. It is much cleaner with less smoke the our moly formulation. Let me know if this is something you want to try and I will bring you some to Dickson.


Thanks a bunch. I tried the Precisions hoping they engaged the rifling better since they do not have a grease groove, but they did not help. I am talking 8" groups with velocities ranging from 800 to 1,100 fps. If the Raniers 147 JHPs would not shoot 3" at 25 yards off of bags on a side-by-side test I would turn in my man card.


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