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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

ORPCI Multi Gun Club Match in KY

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Our last ORPCI multi gun of the year is this Saturday (9/29/12). Sign-ups opens at 9:00 AM and we shoot at 10:00 AM. The new shooters meeting will be held at 9:30 AM on Bay 2. The match will again be 3gun or 2gun. There will be seven stages for 3 gun and six for 2 gun. The stages will have choices on which guns to use on some stages. Planning one shot per steel and two per paper the round count will be 79/103 rifle, 52/82 pistol, and 32/38 shot and 2 buckshot. The longest rifle shot will be ~200 yds. The stages and info will be posted at orpci.org.





mg4 2gun.pdf



mg6 2gun.pdf


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