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Rules Change


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I am thinking about putting together a gun for next years match. I am wondering if anyone can confirm the rules about shrouds. I don't want to buy a shroud then get rid of it without even using it.

Also any rules on prone pads would be useful.

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The Rules Committee has its first meeting in Sept. and another in Oct. to determine any changes. There'll be no official word until late in the year, but "unofficial" reports will be available after each meeting. There are many others awaiting the rulings who are having guns built, and the consensus among the locals here is to get the shrouds, but that's a personal decision on their part. I can't recommend either way yet, as it will come down to how the various members on the Rules Committee feel about any proposed changes, and how much input the active shooters have.

Sorry if this isn't much help, but that's how it stands as of now.


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  • 4 months later...

Well, here it is for what it is worth. I did not say what weekend it would appear, did I?

Again if you have an opinion on this subject I urge you all to contact Rudy at NRA HQ. Also remember that we do have people on that committee that are on our side.


Subject: Proposed Rules Changes


We are now approaching the end of the 26th year of Action Pistol. During this time it has been a major contributor to the shooting sports. The innovative approach by which its competitors have embraced the course of fire, and developed their pistols and equipment, is unprecedented.

The match was designed to be challenging and to bring out the best competitors in the Country. It has done that and more, it now attracts the best in the world.

The rules for this match were designed to allow the competitor maximum freedom to safely shoot the course of fire in a freestyle manor. Any changes to the rules need to be done with this in mind.

In a recent decision the committee found it necessary to re define the safety features of Action Pistols to "bring them in line" with other NRA disciplines. Action Pistol is a discipline in its own right and does not need to be "aligned" to anything.

By far the majority of Open and Metallic Sight handguns are custom built. They start off life as an accumulation of parts that are transformed into some of the most accurate handguns available. The safety features are whatever the gunsmith builds into them, usually a manual thumb safety. Amending the rules to say, "all standard safety features of guns must operate properly," will have no effect on these pistols, but will have consequences for production guns because of the restrictions on pistols in this class.

To my knowledge, in the 26-year history of Action Pistol, there has never been an incident that has not been adequately dealt with by the existing rules. While "Liability" has been touted as the main reason for these changes, there is no evidence to suggest that there is an existing problem. In short there is not! Rule 3.1, 3.1.1, 3.2 and3.18.1 (Firearms and Equipment) clearly state that Handguns shall be serviceable and safe. Rule 10.1.11 describes the "Safe Handgun Condition"

It is rumored that the committee intends to investigate the adoption of a minimum trigger weight for the 2006 season. Trigger weight is currently covered under Rule 3.4. There is no evidence to support the theory that a minimum specified trigger weight will, in any way, alter the reliability of Action Pistol trigger mechanisms. Open Class Modified has been added to the competition to attract shooters from IPSC. These guns do not have a minimum trigger weight. I seriously doubt that any IPSC shooters will alter the trigger weight of their competition gun just to shoot Action Pistol. At a time when we are struggling to attract new competitors this proposal would seem somewhat foolhardy.

Once again it appears that the committee is intent on changing the rules because of a perceived problem that does not exist. If they were to put as much energy into promoting the sport as they do on "frivolous" rules changes we would all be better off.


Active Action Pistol Competitor

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