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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Progressive Discipline


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I'm a shop foreman. One of my crew is a perpetual problem child. I've spent 5 years trying to make this guy a trustworth part of the team. Failing that, I've tried for 5 years to manage this collection of deficiencies to effect the least amount of workplace chaos.

I'm tired. Instead of being an equal participant, I wind up having to spend an unfair amount of time trying to manage one man.

Yesterday in a heartbeat, he managed to cross the Rubicon.

Unfortunately, instead of getting fired, this just starts the ball rolling with progressive discipline.


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That is one of the reasons I left the big company world for the land of smaller business. If you are a good manager, you know there is a point where an employee is beyond hope of performing as they need to perform in their job. In organizations with lots of processes for discipline, like you said, you spend too much of your time managing the problem employee through the process and not enough time with the rest of your team.

Good luck... Hope the process ends up not driving you insane!

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This being said from a tried and true union man......some people have just got to go. Not saying it should be easy, however there should be better provisions for such things. Any one who wants to im me for one of the best stories ever concerning this, please do. It is a true story, and to this day I regret saving his job. But, as a steward I had to defend him to the best of my ability.

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