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I have always been a fan of Sony cameras. Heck, I've got 3 at the house right now. However, I brought a Cannon PowerShot A1000IS to Afghanistan for the year. It was one that I bought for my wife a year or two ago. I had actually bought her a new Cannon hence the reason for bringing this one. Let me tell you; this thing has been a fricken trooper. Everything that you can imagine has happened to this camera. It has been dropped, thrown, shot at (not hit fortunately) and I fell on it into 3 feet of water this winter. Granted it was in a pouch on my chest rig, none the less it got soaked. It actually quit working so I bought a new Sony Cybershot. 3 days later my cannon started working again. I guess it just had to dry out. Granted its not a Cannon Rebel EOS but for a digital its a rugged champ. One of my team members has one also. His zoom quit working, but his is a trooper too.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm selling all my DSLR Nikon gear due to not having enough time to invest in that hobby...what with my Harley and shootin'... I have been very interested in the upcoming Nikon 1 and the Sony version of that camera. I don't know what Canon offers since I can't view their cameras on their site.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Geez, people, it's "Canon"... A cannon is a whole other thing... ;)

I have a G12 that's been serving me well in the P&S/street camera type of role. It also makes a decent little video camera. Canon doesn't make an EVIL (Electronic Viewfinder Interchangeable Lens) camera, and hasn't yet announced one, so I don't know if there's an equivalent. The next closest thing would be a Rebel of some flavor with an articulated LCD...

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  • 3 weeks later...

As P&S goes the G-12 is the cream of the crop. My main DSLR body is a 1D3 and it continues to impress and I much prefer it to my 1Ds. The AF,buffer and frame rate are incredible and it simply soaks colors.

Shot this a couple days ago with a 100-400L aboard the '3.


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Big Stick, I shoot a 1DMkIII, myself ;) It was the first camera to have > 8 bit RAW files, and greater than 8 bit processing in camera. I don't know if it's seeped down into the pro-sumer or consumer level stuff, yet, but that goes a long way toward explaining what you're seeing and describing ;) If you think you've been having nice stuff, wait until you see what I'm dropping $7K on next March surprise.gif

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I'm privvy to the 1DX hype/unveiling,with Beta units being in hands now and would lament the loss of the APS-H sensor out of the gate. Never was seduced by the FF hype...but I shoot all 3 of Canon's DSLR sensor sizes and prefer APS-H to FF or APS-C.

The 7D is their best APS-C DSLR body,but it can't hang with the '3,as I've shot it quite a bit. That despite numerous software/processing upgrades over the now "antiquated" '3. I prefer '3 IQ over the 5D2 efforts at same and the 5D2 is a literal pig in the AF department which disqualifies it fort any serious consideration by me. I've shot it quite a bit too and in conjunction with the 70-200 IS 2,trying to give it all the advantages.

I think I shoot a lot of bodies and the '3 has an uncanny knack to meld a host of attributes on the average and is less concession in final the exchange. I'd call that win/win,which is the best of things.


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I'm privvy to the 1DX hype/unveiling,with Beta units being in hands now and would lament the loss of the APS-H sensor out of the gate. Never was seduced by the FF hype...but I shoot all 3 of Canon's DSLR sensor sizes and prefer APS-H to FF or APS-C.

There's a lot of hype, for sure - my desire for a FF sensor is probably for opposite reasons, as (judging by your pictures) our primary uses are probably quite a bit different. The action stuff I shoot tends to be fairly close, and having a FF sensor makes my 24-70 more useful for me, rather than less. In addition, due to the difference in resolution (and assuming they didn't jack anything up in the senor along the way), you should be able to have better IQ at the same crop (the 1DX should be roughly 12MP at an APS-H crop) - it's also 14-bit, rather than 12-bit, which (again, assuming no f-ups by Canon) should give another jump in color reproduction and tonal variation.

Also, I shoot a lot of fitness portrait stuff - the additional DOF at a given FOV only helps me out in that setting. The added resolution and improved low light performance also help me out in situations I find myself in a lot. A proper DNG profile for Lightroom/Camera Raw tends to resolve the color issues I see on a lot of cameras, too.

So, "horses for courses", of course :) Don't get me wrong - I love my MkIII. And I've found like you do that it just tends to do the right thing with color and such.

The 7D is their best APS-C DSLR body,but it can't hang with the '3,as I've shot it quite a bit. That despite numerous software/processing upgrades over the now "antiquated" '3. I prefer '3 IQ over the 5D2 efforts at same and the 5D2 is a literal pig in the AF department which disqualifies it fort any serious consideration by me. I've shot it quite a bit too and in conjunction with the 70-200 IS 2,trying to give it all the advantages.

I've not shot extensively with either, but I've played around with a 5D some, and have messed with some files from a 5DMkII (the lit images on the http://drperformanceshooting.com website were shot by a friend using a 5DMkII), and I have to say that I find both of those cameras very acceptable for the portrait work I do. I agree on the AF performance on them, without a doubt. I've only messed with a 7D in the video context...

Here's a couple of examples... 5D shot first:


And a couple of 1DMkIII shots...


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I'm running & gunning Outdoors and in ambient light. I never bought into the DOF/Bokeh hype either and when I wish to decrease DOF and blow out the background ala Bokeh,I simply swing fast glass and do so. But I've the luxury of shooting all 3 sensor sizes,so don't fall for any ruses.

Controlled lighting in a studio setting is very forgiving of bodies and how they meter on the fly and to their AF capabilities. As to the 24-70,I prefer the 24-105 and will eat a stop of light to garner IS and another 35mm of focal length in the exchange,as those are great trades. One needs to gun a couple stops faster than 2.8 anyhow,for marked separation and a good body will happily compensate the 1 ISO bump difference between the two max apertures. As a rule I prefer 24-105 IQ over the 24-70's to boot.

The 7D is a very capable body,yet a touch noisy for my tastes. It's AF blows the 5D/5D2 out of the water,as well as that of the 40/50/60D lineage. I much prefer the '3's files.

'3 Bokeh is easily arranged,in conjunction with DOF control. Hand held,ISO 100,F/1.4 and 1/60.



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