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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Wanna Bees


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I hate guys that insist on making themselves out to be more than they are or were.

We had a guy years ago who insisted on telling everyone he met that he was a Navy SEAL in Vietnam.

This is not the smartest thing to do because :

A. THe SEALs maintain a list of every graduate from BUDS and its easy to check on whether or not the guy is what he says he is

B. They take it personally when someone does this...ESPECIALLY if the have profited from claims that the were SEALS and earned medals in combat.

Their org visits these idiots and embarasses them in public by calling them on all their lies.

They have video'd some of these sessions and the wannabee is reduced to tears or tries to run/hide from them.

The guy's claims were checked...his name is NOT on ther list of BUDS graduates. The response from the Navel Warfare archives V.P. was posted at work for everyone to see. The guy in question never again claimed to be anything other than what he was...an elevator repairman who never saw combat.

If you were'nt a SEAL, Army S.F., Marine Recon thats ok...many were not and served their country honorably.

I spent 4 years in the USMC and never saw combat. I tell everyone I fought the war on boredom...and lost. lol

Don't lay claim to being something you were not....its cute when you're 8 to dress up and pretend to be Audie Murphy...when you're 40-50 doing it its just sad.


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Unfortunately the courts have challenged the "Unearned Valor Act" that was passed by Congress some time ago to prevent persons claiming to have received a Medal of Honor, etc. The courts claim "free speech" under the Bill of Rights to the Constitution as the basis for their ruling. I believe (strongly) that the impersonators must be exposed whenever discovered.

A few years back I met some Navy Special Operations personnel at the Little Creek, VA base. After some conversation, one of the NCOs went out for a few minutes and returned with a thumbs up and a grin. Apparently they wanted to check everyone and I passed their test. I traded one of my 1st Ranger Battalion coins with them and received an "honorary" SEAL coin in return. The SEALS have done an awful lot over the years and tend to downplay their accomplishments. I am honored just knowing some of them.

Jim Roberts

CO, B Company,

1st Bn (Abn), 75th Infantry (Ranger)


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So is this story coincidental?


""We deal with these guys all the time, especially the clergy. It's amazing how many of the clergy are involved in those lies to build that flock up," said retired SEAL Don Shipley."

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