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Switching from G30 to G21 killed my accuracy!

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I am exasperated.

I started shooting steel matches and a handful of USPSA matches about a year ago. I actually started out shooting a sub-compact 9mm, the Glock 26, and I did great with that. Then I bought a G17 and shot with that for almost all my matches. A few times I used my G30, the sub-compact .45 Auto. I love shooting .45 ACP, but obviously, using a two-finger grip on something like that and trying to reload quickly is a nightmare. Nevertheless, I normally did a lot better with my G30 than what most people thought was possible for the average guy using such a gun.

So a few weeks ago I picked up the full-size G21 because I wanted to shoot major at USPSA matches and be able to reload without pinching myself during quick reloads.

Well, now I suck. My times had been improving slowly, but steadily when shooting the G17. However, I just don't like that gun very much. I improved the trigger a bit, but I still don't like the feel of the G17's trigger pull. And the 9mm recoil seems more harsh than what I get with a .45ACP. Whether it's true or not, I feel like I can get my front sight back on target for a follow up much quicker using either my G30 or G21. The problem is that with my new G21, my accuracy has just gone down the toilet! Seriously. I can't hit worth squat on longer shots, so some of those qualifier stages in the USPSA matches completely ruin my score. I did way better using my G17 and and my G30.

My grip is unavoidably different on the full size guns than on the sub-compacts. I suspect that this change is what has killed me (less of a problem moving to the G17 for some reason). However, the idea that a full-size would be more challenging than a sub-compact seems really counter-intuitive to me. I am going nuts trying to figure out why this gun is harder to shoot than my sub-compacts and to a certain extent, my G17. I don't want to go back to 9mm, but I might have to if I can't get my problem under control.

If anybody has any idea what my problem is or a good way of addressing whatever it is I'm doing wrong, please let me know.


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Groups groups groups. Shoot some groups, and pay attention to what is happening when you pull the trigger. Make sure you are not blinking. (Ask somebody to watch you if you need to)

Where are your shots hitting? Low left? Just all over the place?

My guess is that you are gripping the 21 in a way that does not help you manipulate the trigger cleanly. Try pointing the gun at a white wall, and pulling the trigger smoothly through with no wobble of the sights. If you can do that in dry fire, try some live fire, slow at first.

Once you can make good hits slow fire, speed it up, and see where, and why it falls apart. I don't think there's any quick answer to this one. You are going to have to learn the new gun, and there's no substitute for practice. I do the white wall drill just about every day with my Glock 20, and I think it's helped a lot.

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The grip on the Glock 21 is huge in comparision to the Glock 17. It could be throwing off your grip and trigger finger position which affects your accuracy.. On my glock 30,(my carry gun) I use Glock 21 mags for my reloads. It is much easier to grab the larger mag off the belt.

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+1 on the grip of a 21 being large. Look at the Glock 21 SF ..... sf (short frame) has a different grip to address the size issue. Same mags, same holsters. It makes a big difference. I don't know the status of the G21SF as far as competition rules go.

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Actually, I was referring to a G21 SF. That is the one I own. It really does feel pretty skinny. I haven't measured, but it would not surprise me if the distance from the backstrap to the trigger is almost the same as on my G17. Admittedly, the 21 SF is wider due to the large diameter of the cartridges.

I recently put the large backstrap on my G17 gen 4 (big hands) and think I think I actually have to reach further now for the trigger on that gun than on my 21 SF. I'd have to measure to be sure, but that's what it feels like.

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+1 on the grip of a 21 being large. Look at the Glock 21 SF ..... sf (short frame) has a different grip to address the size issue. Same mags, same holsters. It makes a big difference. I don't know the status of the G21SF as far as competition rules go.

It is fine for competition, they have it listed in the production gun listing in the USPSA manual. I am shooting one for the time being.

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