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Getting Steady?

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I shot a PR match yesterday and did really poorly and it seems the problem was getting my AR steady. My reticle was just bouncing around like crazy requiring multiple shots to hit the targets while shooting supported. It was like I was shooting offhand! I try to put the forearm on barrels, etc, but I just can't keep the bobble out. One stage had an old tire on top of a barrel and it was ridiculous how bad it was bouncing around.

Any tips or fundamentals to getting this thing steady while shooting supported? I need help!


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I'll venture out on a limb and bet that it was YOU that was having trouble getting steady and not your rifle. I frequently find myself on a steady and solid platform, but I myself am not in a comfortable and stable position.

Learning to shoot from different positions...knealing, on both knees, sitting, crouched....and practicing in those positions will let you know real quick what kind of position you need to be in when you get to a shooting position with a barrel or barrier.

When standing, make sure you have a wide base of support with your feet. If you still can't get steady, it may be your breathing and a pounding heart. Fitness and practice help with that.

Edited by fastmtnbiker33w
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Thanks for the replies! And yes it is definitely me. The rifle shoot great when I do my part. I'm just looking for ways to practice/dryfire and any fundamental methods I'm probably overlooking. Thanks for the tip on the book! I'll check it out.

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Do they have that book on tape? Im not much of a reader...

Well in that case you'll be glad to know there are lots of pictures in that book! :) It really is very good and its light reading; reads more like Kyle teaches rather than theory packed. It gives great explanations about what you should be doing, but he always caveats everything with the need for getting out there and making it work for you individually.

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