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anticipating at range


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I have noticed that I am anticipating the shot at the range causing me to shoot low left. I have not done that in competition, however. I really worry that it might sneak up on me. Is there something I can do to prevent this from happening?

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Mix in a few dummy/snap cap rounds with your regular ammo.

Have another person load your mags for you placing the dummy rounds randomly throughout your practice mags.

When you shoot and come across a dummy round you will be able to immediately see when you're anticipating the round going off.

This will reveal the problem more than anything else you can do and will help you to overcome it.

Also dry firing A LOT will help. Its cheap, quiet, and you can do it almost anywhere, but BE CAREFUL.

When dry firing follow some strict safety rules.

ABSOLUTELY NO ammo in the practice area.

Once you are done? You're DONE.

Don't load up with ammo and then decide to just "try a few more trigger pulls".

The hospital ER can be filled with the guys/gals who performed "just one more".

Had a buddy now a Det Sgt who when we were both rookies decided to do a little dry fire practice.

All was good then he reloaded and for whatever reason decided to try a few more and THOUGHT he had fully unloaded his revolver....he missed one.

BANG! Through the floor of his second floor apt.

He runs downstairs frantically hoping he won't see a prone person on the first floor. Bangs on the door...no answer.

Winds up calling it in and crime scene responds, they force entry into the ground floor apt and (Thank God) no oneis home.

It was embarassing but could have been a LOT worse.

Good luck.


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It is likely you are squeezing your whole hand and not just your trigger finger. Do some dry fire and squeeze the grip with all four fingers. You will notice the barrel dip down and to the left.

As was already said. Practice.

Yankee Dog

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