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2 to the body, Head shot

Steve Moneypenny

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have done this drill a few times... at 7 yards just like in the IDPA classifier, what are your times. ... i can get a consistant 2.3 sec. and can on a good day blaze one out at 1.98 being my best... granted i don't to this a thousand times a day. but i am curious how good the masters and GM's can do it.

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We have a couple of the Reed Reactive targets at home. You have to be fast because as soon as you hit the first minus zero the target starts to fall back. Sue was around 2.2 and I had some 1.8s. That's with minus zero for the 3 shots. You realize we didn't do this every time. Our arch nemisis RH did a 1.33 I think at a side shoot at the Oh State shoot last year.

Bill Nesbitt

(Edited by BILL at 2:46 pm on June 21, 2002)

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ok, just shot this.. was getting dark. so low light bonus points. :-) j/k

1.31 first shot.

.31 split

.33 split to head

1.95 total

that was my first run out of the stable so to say hadn't shot a gun in... wow... hadn't even dryfired in 12 hrs.

2nd run

1.31 draw



1.82 total.

1.31 draw



1.83 total


1.79 Draw



2.42 total




2.13 Total





best blazer 1.77  1.3 draw .21 split .25 split to head i dropped the first point just an inch out of the -0 zone.

best SOLID 1.30 draw .24 split  .26 split to head = 1.8 felt fantastic, knew and confirmed everything in my mind as it happened. ....... not bad for an Expert

i did this draw a few more times than listed,.. on those i dropped points...

last shot left.. sling one :-) drawing from a wilson tactical assault. beretta elite 2 1.16 BUT it was liek 1.5" out of the -0 section at the 7 o'clock position.

i noticed i am scarry on my draw consistancy... hard to find where to improve..... first :-)!all i need is about 500,000 rounds of practice ammo and i will be set!

read the times direct to a tape recorder from the timer, so no memory fades. and no scribbling that is illegible.

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lmao... i am hoping his was the top score... i have seen rob and ernest both shooot, and honestly rob is the fastest "standing" shooter i have seen. but ernest is much more fluid when it comes to moving and shooting.

i still can't believe the consistant 1.3 draws scarry.. i have never been that consistant.. or that fast especially not that fast that consistantly.. guess the IDPA targets taped on my walls and dry firing does help.

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I just did this yesterday and my 7 yd times ran avrage 2.10 - 2.20 clean I think my best for score during a classifier was 1.98  

I like to practice this drill @ 2-3 yards instead of the old speedrock and I incorporate a step backwards into it. I started doing this about 20 years ago after I spent a day with a retired 4 time world champion kick boxer.  That day  I came to the awful realization very quickly that I was facing a distance problem, and the problem was there was not enough distance between us even at 3 yards.

my average for 3 yards is 1.33 and best is 1.25  no concealment


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a word of advise, you must learn to control your knee-jerk reaction, print out the drill's and then go to the range once you have time/can sneak away..... kind of like a dog humping everything in sight... men can't always get away with humping women in public, so we have to control the urges :-)

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Most of the hot rocks can do this in 1.5 to 1.7, none down.  If you are shooting the classifier, there is no need to try to go that fast, 2.1 or 2 flat is a great time on the classifier.  Again no points down.  Like most shooters there is a difference between what they can do at practice and what they do on race day, but I can shoot it consistently 1.75 in practice and cut it back to about 2.0 when shooting it as part of a stage in a match.

Just like the Bill Drill, I have shot it as fast as 1.6 in practice but I average about 2.1 in matches from concealment.  

You can't win the match with these short strings, but you certainly can loose the match here if you loose concentration and get caught up in being the fastest on the Mozambique or the Bill Drill.

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t-loop is right, you can hurt yourself bad, but only stand to gain a couple of 10ths if you smoke it.

running the classifier fast can have its advantages, i like to see how good of a score i can get, i am sure it can be done in less than 60 seconds, although myself i am a good ways from that at this point.


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