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Lazy Fat Man Dog Leashes


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I cant tell you how bad I hate those damn extendable leashes that are like 20 feet long. It is really a true sign of how lazy people have become. I jog in a nearby park with my dogs and often encounter some tub who can barely walk with his usually extremely overweight dog. My dogs are well behaved but most arent. A few weeks ago one of these lazy bastards had his dog out 20 feet and wasnt paying attention and his dog ran up to me and got tangled in mine. I had mine sit and ignore his dog but I got the worst rope burn on the back of my leg from his damn dog. I felt like kicking the damn dog to the moon but realized I should do it to the owner. I gave him a piece of my mind but he ignored me because it was "his right to walk his dog however he wanted to" :angry::angry::angry::angry:

I hate goverment as much as anyone but I think I might try and get those leashes banned in my city parks and trails. Where I lived in phoenix they had a max leash lentgh of 6 feet in many parks. I hate to do that but man do I hate those things.

I really dont mind if people post comments on my post..

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I have to disagree with you.

Whether it was mountain biking with my Ridgeback in Washington, or walking my Border Collies in Arizona or Florida I have always used and like the retractable leashes.

No one ever seems to call me fat or lazy, and I believe a skinny dog is a healthy dog.

Seems you have a people problem and not a leash problem, those same people are the ones that let there dog crap everywhere and dont have the decency to pick it up.

Be very carefull about trying anything via ordnance, it could backfire on you and prevent you from having your dogs in the park at all because there are more mothers with kids and old people than responsible owners that actually run there dogs. JM2C

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I should have said in my last post that I am talking about public trails more than parks. Trails where you must pass other people and dogs in small confined areas.

I definately agree that it is a people problem. It seems to me that most people who use those leashes have never really trained their dogs and have little control over them. It just seems that the two seem to go hand and hand. I guess those people are still better than most because their dogs at least get to go out and get exercise. It is really about common curtousy. If you cant control your dog you should only exercise it where there arent other dogs. Or at least retract the damn thing so it wont bother others. I tell you that a rope burn on the back of your knee will wake you up in the morning though! :D

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I hate lazy dog owners in general. Everybody wants a cute puppy. Nobody wants to deal with the dog. About 1% of dog owners will give their dog the amount and type of exercise that the dog needs to live a happy and healthy life.


Those leashes are just frigging annoying anyway. I took care of one of my neighbor's dogs for a bit and I about drove over that stupid retractible leash with my truck.

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About 1% of dog owners will give their dog the amount and type of exercise that the dog needs to live a happy and healthy life.

That is the real truth Eric. I was out jogging with my girls today when I got stopped by a kid and his mom who wanted to pet my dogs. Being that they are both dalmatians I get this alot and my dogs love the attention. The woman said "how old are your pups?" I told her that one is 10 (or will be in a week) and the other was 7. She almost fell over. SHe said she was a vet tech and couldnt believe that the older one was 10. This made me feel real good and bad at once. I feel bad for all the fat unhealthy dogs she must see daily.

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