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EzWinScore deletes sub-minor shooter


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This is sort of related to the discussion about DQ'd shooters, zero hit factor, and scores being deleted. For the curious the thread is here:


Anyway, while playing with EzWinScore, I noticed that when a shooter goes sub-minor, the program prompts me if I want to delete the shooter. (I think that the deleting the shooter is required as per Appendix C2.39.)

I assume that I should follow the same procedure for a DQ of allowing for the time limit for arbitration to pass before proceeding to allow the shooter to be deleted. If I need to get preliminary results going, I'll follow the sage advice of making backups. Additionally, I probably should set aside to all scoresheets associated with that shooter just in case. Is this correct?

If I've got a master and multiple slaves, should I follow the same procedure like DQ's when dealing with Chrono entries?

Sort of tangent to all this, why does a DQ'd shooter get zero hit factor (essentially deleted), while a sub-minor shooter gets completed deleted instead of getting a zero hit factor as well?

Edited by Skydiver
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This is sort of related to the discussion about DQ'd shooters, zero hit factor, and scores being deleted. For the curious the thread is here:


Anyway, while playing with EzWinScore, I noticed that when a shooter goes sub-minor, the program prompts me if I want to delete the shooter. (I think that the deleting the shooter is required as per Appendix C2.39.)

I assume that I should follow the same procedure for a DQ of allowing for the time limit for arbitration to pass before proceeding to allow the shooter to be deleted. If I need to get preliminary results going, I'll follow the sage advice of making backups. Additionally, I probably should set aside to all scoresheets associated with that shooter just in case. Is this correct?

If I've got a master and multiple slaves, should I follow the same procedure like DQ's when dealing with Chrono entries?

Sort of tangent to all this, why does a DQ'd shooter get zero hit factor (essentially deleted), while a sub-minor shooter gets completed deleted instead of getting a zero hit factor as well?

Best I could say would be that the DQed shooter is still part of the match even though he's been disqualified from having a score and the subminor guy is shooting the match for no score. No score means he isn't part of the match results so he disappears from the results.

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The DQ & the Subminor shooter have VERY different impacts on final results.

The name of the DQ'd shooter remains on the final results (although with a zero score), and they must stop the match at the point of the DQ. In practical terms - they still count in the match: the division he or she declared still gets to count that shooter, class or category. For instance, if the person who DQ'd was a junior, female Single Stack shooter, she still adds to the number of juniors and ladies when you calculate awards (5 required for recognition of a category). She still counts toward the division totals (10 per division for Area matches or 20 for Nationals). And the match has to send in the same fee for a DQ'd shooter as it pays for every other shooter in the match.

The subminor shooter literally disappears. They get to continue shooting (for no score), so scores are not recorded in the results, the name disappears from the results, and the division loses a shooter. Any category loses a shooter. And the match does not owe any fees for the subminor shooter. Poof - gone.

As a courtesy, I leave them in the match until I am ready to print finals. I save a copy of the db file with them in, so that I can show them completely unofficial results with their "stage scores." Yeah, I know that is not listed anywhere in the rule book. Like I said, it is a courtesy. They paid the match fee, and it is typically a rookie mistake or a moderately experienced shooter with a new firearm who hasn't done the math on their reloads or got bad advice.

Linda Chico (L-2035)

Columbia SC

Edited by LChico
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