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half inch groups

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About half inch groups

  • Birthday 07/25/1974

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  • Location
    Orlando FL.
  • Interests
    hydroponics, electronic dance music production, S/D/R&R. Comet s-22's, wasting money on extravagant guns, vintage punk rock, playin my bass.
  • Real Name
    Brian Epstein

half inch groups's Achievements

Looks for Range

Looks for Range (1/11)

  1. Uh... yeah I actually really enjoy shooting it, but I imagine I would really really like that bedell a whole lot more. oh well, just an excuse to get another toy.
  2. lifetime warranty as long as the actual extractor isnt modified. I should be fine.
  3. guess rob melhorn's getting another call... now I have 2 guns for him 2 work on... the aftec sheared the claw off on my limited gun I got from you 3 days after the link broke.. I feel like I bought a used ferrari!
  4. So I should find a nice used upper and fit it then?
  5. Merlin, that was exactly what I was asking. If you read my post, I asked If I should just replace the whole upper w a 9mm. instead of tinkering w the .45 to make it shoot right and never be able to keep up w higher capacity guns. I'm going to buy or build a new open gun, but I still think I'll get the new upper in 9 to play for now. I would have to replace the whole upper right? I couldnt just change out barrels/comps and mags to run 9 major, could I? thanks for your help merlin
  6. I used to manufacture snowboards, tooling, presses and all that crap! I used to have to vertically laminate my own poplar cores... then everything got all honeycomb and foam.. Heck I made the first monocoque snowboard years before nitro. I designed the tooling for CAP technology when Thermal structures was making 5150, Ride, & Lamar. I had a shop and made created some pretty crazy boards! I had a 158 w 133 effective edge for the local socal mountains. fastest freestyle board I ever made.
  7. Vlad, I been meaning to ask you... is your dog a pit or an american bulldog? I rescued the one in the pics and because of his size and 20lb head, I thought he may have been an American Bull dog runt, or maybe a pit/bulldog mix. Just to sweet to describe. dumber than sack of hammers though! I had more problems w beagles than pits. those lil bastards would chew my arm off to get whatever food I had in my hand when I was kid. I required stitches from beagles several times. 1x in the face when I was 3 yo. Friigin snoopy wanted to take my head off over a chinese sparerib! As far as poisoning the dog, why dont you go bite the owner! then call animal control. I dont tolerate violent people, why tolerate a violent dog?
  8. thanks yoshi and bill! I checked grams, speedshooter, dawson, brownells.... nada. that helps a lot. $127 shipped bare bones! I wasnt looking for the gold plated versions with mother of pearl basepads! lol! Man I dont know what to do here! It might be cheaper to just build a new 9mm top end ... its the finest .45 I ever shot, but It still has a little hop in my hand and I gotta figure I'll get hosed on the reload. not to mention the price of ammo. Any suggestions?
  9. Does anyone here know how where to find .45 bigsticks and how to get the max cap. out of em? going crazy trying to find em and any other info as far as springs, followers etc.. thank you.
  10. sorry to hear of such an experience. I grew up w the breed and some are great, some aint. I truly believe it is how you treat the animal, and that its not totally the breeds fault. Pits are the strongest and fastest dog out there. We didnt mind them so much when we used them WW2 to chomp on Nazis. They were Americas dog back in the 30's. hell look at petey from the little rascals! I have had 4 of them in my lifetime and not a single incident. But I'm no trailer trash, thug, methlab owner either. I'm over tryin to save the breed and I now let Labs own me instead. Heres a pic of an 80lb lugnut of love. the most docile creature I ever encountered. He used to share his food with birds and stray cats! I treated him like my best bud and he did the same. Its a damn shame invalids took over the breed and ruined them because they are so loyal and loving! just stubborn as all hell!
  11. I shoot lefty and I love the fat release on the left side. If you use your index finger to release the mag, your finger cant be near the trigger so I dont see how switching it over for right handers would be asking for DQ's if they switched it up... but then again I'm not right handed, but when I practice righty, my thumb is killing after 20 minutes and my reloads are SLOOOWW..
  12. I just broke an aftec and I am really upset about it. my gunsmith has 1 on deck, but at least aftec has a lifetime warranty, so its getting replaced. the claw just sheared right off! first FTE was due to total breakage so I cant complain that much about em and am willing to try em out again.
  13. I know I'm not very well liked here but here it goes... I worked in the industry that proffits from war. Aerospace electronics. Yes we sold parts for space shuttles, satelites, commercial jets and so on, but 90%+ went to the Government, or its contracts for Fighters, AWACS, Bell's Apaches and of course NAVAL stuff too. My family who has been in business for over 35 years made the bulk of its money during veit nam, DS1, and record months for the last 4 years straight w the war on terror. I hate to break it to you guys, but the US does it for money. Arms production benefits a nation when people are working and industry is booming. Why do you think our vice president is so rich? He employs 1000's of 1000's of people to manufacture gear for war. War is proffitable. especially to a country so dependant on foreighn recources. LIKE OIL.. There was a time when we fought to defend nations that could not defend themselves, but that time has passed since the cold war began. My people were saved by the US. I am an eastern european jew, and as you all know, we kicked hitlers ass and it was well deserved. If it wasnt for the US or war fro that matter, I may not be here today and I am so thankful for those who fought to unite my forefathers. On the other hand, I cannot stand what Israel and the US are doing right now. it's plain ridiculous. Were just breeding more terrorists, who never gave a rats ass about USA until we invaded their country and blew it all to sh%t. I dont know about you guys, but If the muslims had the power to invade the US, came here and tried to push their islamic, dictatorship crap on us, you know we'd become the biggest terrorist plot ever! same as we are doing trying to Christianize and democracize their nation. I support our troops and sympathize for them and their families, but I truly believe none would of happened if it werent for greed. ok kick me in the nuts now and call me names! I can take it. BENOS unwanted stepchild, .5"
  14. "it rubs the lotion on the skin and puts in in the basket!" "repeat" It rubs the lotion on its skin, ot it get the hose again! PREEECCCIIIOOUUSS!
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