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Ms. Kitty

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Everything posted by Ms. Kitty

  1. This is exciting. I am seeing some wonderful talent signing up! It's going to a MATCH!
  2. Not to worry...Only basic information is required. You will then get a response from the site stating either entered or waitlist. Keep the email as it will have a confirmation number and password. Use this to sign back in to finish your online registration...Good Luck
  3. Awe you mean where you actually have to make good shots on paper. I like it.PatLet someone shoot you in the D zone and tell me it not a good shot afterwards.Yea but I would be around to complain about it not so much with an A zone hit. A byproduct of the current 2 anywhere to neutralize scoring is sloppy shooting. It is there match let them score it how they want without bashing on it. The same people will still win regardless.Pat Only one way to find out! What I dislike is that it takes longer to score than shoot which means less time to shoot! I haven't spoken to Aaron today, but rules should be posted soon AND it will have the scoring system we will use. Yes, there is a refund-I need to confirm the cut off date. There is a non-refunable $50.00 adminstration fee no matter when you withdraw. I will endeavor to confirm the cut off date and advise you accordingly...but seriously-I'm getting calls from people in the UK wanting to come play and it isn't Mike.45!
  4. OK Ladies and Gentlemen: As stated in the above post, the sign up "Button" for registration is on the webpage. It will allow you to "practice" until we go live. Please note there are several choices under Class which have been added: example RO and Friday. If you are not inetered in shooting the "regular match" and you wish to shoot with the RO's on Friday, choose Friday. We have a limited number of slots available for shooters who wish to shoot with the ROs. The Scoring System ("SS") will automatically handle entering competitors and assigning you a shooter number. The SS will also handle Wait-listing competitors when the match becomes full. When you register, you will receive an email registration confirmation-which is automatically gerenated by the SS-so make sure you enter your email address correctly! Keep your confirmation email whether you are Entered or Waitlisted. Reason(s): If a slot becomes available, you will get an email from me stating a slot has opened. If you choose to participate, you will be removed from Waitlist status to Entered by me. You will need the registration confirmation to log back into the SS to finish your online registration. In addition, if you have questions on whether or not your entry fee is received, you may use the registration confirmation to log in to determine this information and to view your status, change divisions, or add to your squad request! You will have 10 days to mail me your entry fee (including the amount for any shirts you may order). If not received within 10 days, you will be removed from Entered and the next person on the Wait List will be contacted. If removed from the Entered Slot, you will have the choice of being Waitlisted and if a slot opens, you will then be offered that slot. ROs will still need to register... DO NOT send me certified or signature required mail. I will not be home during working hour to sign for it and I won't make trips to the post office. There is no need to Fed Ex, DHL or UPS your check to me. Regular US Mail is sufficient. Thank you and I look forward to seeing you all at the match! Sandra 2013 SEGC Stats
  5. OMG! Could it really be that there will be a Mike.45 sighting 3 times in one year....
  6. OK....so if you are interested in ROing, please send me an email to sorvig@comcast.net. Put in the subject line 2013 SE3GC RO. I've had several people contact me already-so you will see some of the "ole crew!". Please DO NOT pm me on Enos. I need to keep all email requests, etc in one place! ROs will shoot on Friday. The "regular match" will shoot 7-8. Each RO's will have 2 nights room (Fri and Sat) paid for at 1/2 the match hotel rate. Like always, if two ROs stay in the same room, the room will be covered for those nights. Just to be clear, if you require a room for a 3rd night, that night is your responsibility. Still working out the details on when/where registration will be, but as soon as I have that information dialed in, I will post here to keep everyone informed. Woohoo and see you there! Sandra 2013 SE3GC Stats
  7. Please check the webpage for updated www.fb3gun.com. There are hotels in Decatur, TX if the match hotel is full. The LaQuinta should be accepting ammo. Their address is on the website as well. Thank you- BigLucky, you do know the way to a girl's heart!
  8. Right now there are currently 60 people on the wait list to shoot the "regular" match. I still have slots available for anyone who is wanting to shoot with the ROs. If you are interested, please send me an email. Thank you
  9. Ladies and Gentlemen: I need a HUGE favor from each of you. Please Do NOT send me PMs here on this forum regarding this match. If you have a comment/question/issue/concern, please send me an EMAIL at sandra@fb3gun.com. I will NOT respond to PMs here regarding this match nor will I respond to IMs on Facebook, etc. I need to be able to track all comments/questions/issues/concerns in one spot and not spend a large amount of time checking all social media "spots" for possible requests. If you have recently sent me a PM, please send me an email so I may answer your question. I know this sounds "quirky" but it will help me to timely respond to your requests/need for information, etc.. Thank you everyone. See you on the range
  10. Registration: If you are shooting FRIDAY, you may register Thursday, May 2, 2013 At the Range: 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm At the Host Hotel 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm as last resort: Friday at the Range 7:00 am to 7:30 am (Friday Shooters ONLY!) If you are shooting SATURDAY, you may register Friday, May 3, 2013 At the range from 12:00-5:00 on Friday, May 3, 2013 Host Hotel from 6:00-8:00 pm as last resort: Saturday at the Range from 7:00 am to 7:30 am See you there! Miss Kitty
  11. To see if you check has been received/processed: Go to www.matchdirector.com. Click on Competitor Tab. Type 2013 Fallen Brethren and select the match and hit Search. Click on Competitor Tab. In the BLACK BAND under the tab, select Already Registered. It will prompt you for your password and confirmation number. It will then take you to a page that will outline Registration Details, Purchase Items, Payments, Squad Requests, Order Complete. If you are a sponsored shooter, you may see Partial Payment. Do not worry. This is because the system asks me for cash/check/credit card or Waiver. Waiver was selected for you. Sandra 2013 FB3Gun Stats
  12. I have received an overwhelming response to registration AND I am excited about this match. I can't wait to see all my friends and make new ones! Entry fees are coming in fast! Remember, you are not IN the match until the entry fees are received. Simply registering for the match does not quarantee you a slot. Don't miss out on the fun and get your fees in! If you are a sponsored shooter and your sponsor is not "sponsoring the match" but is simply paying your entry fee, it is up to you to get me your entry fee. I will NOT call your sponsor for your fees-it is up to you to follow up with your sponsor. If your sponsor would like to sponsor the Match, please have them visit the website or contact Jim Smith, Brook Hammond, or Cris Greene for more information. If you didn't order a shirt and you would like one, send me an email and I will add your request to the order! Please do not send me a message on facebook or on BE forum. Happy Shooting Everyone and I will see you on the range! Sandra 2013 FB3Gun Stats
  13. If you registered and didn't pick a shirt size, simply write your size on the application when you mail me your check. This issue has been remedied.
  14. Did you get your confirmation number? Use this when you log in and print out the additional information. It will prompt you when you have completed the registration and tell you to print.....
  15. They should Just send in your app with sponsor written on it clearly and tell me who your sponsor is....
  16. Registration is tonight at 9:00 est! If you are a sponsored shooter, please fill out the application and mail it in to me. Make sure you clearly mark that you are a sponsored shooter AND who is sponsoring you for this event.
  17. Hello Everyone: Just a head's up. I was out of town last week (SHOT) and have just returned and trying to get back to "normal!" (everyone I have talked to has come down with the flu!) Having said that if you have sent in your application and you have not yet received your squadding code and/or confirmation from me, don't fret. I will not be processing applications until this weekend when my head is clear! Thank you and I look forward to seeing you on the range! It's going to be a great match!
  18. What a great week/weekend in TX. Thank you Spartan Tactical for all the hard work you did to make this match happen. You guys ROCK! Sponsors really stepped up and we had an awesome prize table. Thank you Remington, DSG and Leupold. Numerous sponsors continue to be generous beyond belief and support us in the sport we love so well. Vendors were on site showing their wears and providing services...Freedom Munitions filled empty magazines with their ammo for shooters to try, Barnes Precision was on site for gunsmithing needs and of course the Big Black Rig, DSG Arms! Special Thanks for Mr. Mark Otto for being my "Bag Stuffer" again! Lee King, TK Martdindill and Tim McKinney for helping place labels on the score sheets with/for me! Julie and Allison in stats assisting with verifications! Bob and Barth Getto and Darrell Morrow for making all the staff look great in Vertx clothes! I look forward to seeing everyone next year! Stay tuned for the 2013 Registration Date to be announced-as for me, I need a week of sleep! See you on the range soon- Sandra 2012 FB3G Stats
  19. Range Condition: Think Rockcastle without the hotel! You will be able to drive to most stages. While I haven't seen where the stages are this year (12 miles of ranch!), last year there was ample parking close by to the stages. There was only one stage that you couldn't drive to, but there was a "vehicle" on site to take shooters back and forth to the stage. But expect dirt roads. All of the hotels will accept shipped ammo. Look forward to seeing you there. Sandra
  20. 1. Jim is working on a vendor to be at the range for lunch. If you are staying at or near the host hotel, the hotels offer breakfast and there is also your choice of fast food chains on the way! 2. Registration Times: Wednesday, October 3 (RO and Thursday Shooters ONLY) 1-5 at the Spartan Tactical Range Complex 6-8 Host Hotel (The Bridgeport Suites) Thursday, October 4 (all shooters) 1:00-5:00 pm at the Spartan Tactical Range Complex 6-8 Host Hotel (The Bridgeport Suites) You are strongly encouraged to register on Thursday. If you can't make it to one of the two times, please send me an e-mail at sorvig@comcast.net ONLY. Do NOT send me a PM here as I will not check BE regularly AND I'd like to keep all notices in one place. 3. No RV parking at the range. There are campsites in Jacksboro, TX located nearby.
  21. Wish I was there with you all. Best wishes everyone! I hope you have great weather and a fantastic match! Sandra
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