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Posts posted by 78Staff

  1. Also a big fan of the RI light, like others I have them on all of my 1050 toolheads and have one on my 550 setup as well.

    The rear 1050 mounting clip can be a bit annoying when trying to fine tune case flaring or the MBF die, but I usually just pull that clip off when I need to make adjustments there and slip it back on after.  Although, I never thought of using glue or double sided tape, that might work even better.  Any recommendations for what brand/style tape to use?


    Also, I had an issue where one a or two of the led's stopped working after about 2 years - I contact RI and since they only have 1 year warranty he suggested I send them in and would try to repair/replace the diodes for a small fee.  Turns out he was able to fix them and sent them back no charge.  Great customer service.



  2. 6 hours ago, Boomstick303 said:


    I do not get bullet wobble.  I am not saying there is anything wrong with the Dillon hold down/expander die, and that for some it works just fine.  The Dillon die did not prevent sticking with my setup.  I also Wet Tumble my brass with pins so it is squeaky clean. I would surmise, those who do not experience sticking using the Dillon hold down/expander die are dry tumbling their brass for the most part.  I could be wrong, but many have reported the dry tumbling helps prevent sticking. 


    I do lube my brass with a substance like the Dillon lube which I understand is Alcohol and Lanolin base products.  Even with the lube, the funnel would stick.  Once I installed the Redding expander die in station 2 over the swage rod, the issue was completely eliminated.  


    If you are happy with your setup I would stick with it.  If the bullet wobble slows down production, it is something you could consider.


    Yeah I dry tumble... I do have a FART but tbh it just seemed like more trouble than it was worth for my range/plinking loads.  I keep it around in case I want to really bling up some PR brass, but I don't think I've used it in almost 2 years :).

  3. On 6/28/2021 at 11:28 PM, N7VY said:

    When I bought my first Dillon 650 I removed the fail safe rod first thing and put springs on the powder bar. When I transferred over to a 1050 I kept the same springs. Now over 33k rounds later I couldn’t imagine using the fail safe rod. Your results might vary from mine, just my 2 cents worth. 


    I use the older style PM on my 550 with 2 springs and no FS rod... I'm right on top of the press and looking down the case so will see a bad charge.

    But, I've kept the newer style with the ka-klunk safey rod setup on my 1050 toolheads as that is what came with the toolhead kits, but have often thought of pulling that ka-klunk contraption and switching over to springs only like my 550 PM's...  Only reason I haven't is the location of the PM and also using a MBF, so never see the power.  Figured more safety crap more better in that case.   But, still I'm tempted...

  4. On 11/12/2021 at 10:43 AM, Boomstick303 said:

    I wet tumble with pins, lube cases with a substance I mixed that is similar to Dillon’s case lube (lanolin/alcohol mixture) and had sticking issues when I was only using the Dillon and MBF powder funnels using my Dillon Super 1050.  I was then made aware of the Redding expander die by someone on this forum. I installed that in the swaging station and never had a sticking issue since. The press runs super smooth once I dialed in the dies and lubrication amount just right. Make sure you do not over bell the brass with the expander die which will be easy to do if it is not adjusted correctly if you go that route. 




    Not it affiliated with Optics Planet or Redding used link as reference. 


    Let me me know if you have any quaestions. 


    So the Redding Expander does a better job of the stock Dillion Swage/Expander die?  That is setup I use with stock Dillon funnel, and I haven't had the "sticking" issues on the 1050.  The common wisdom was that on the 1050 the MBF funnel wasn't needed due to the existence of the stock Swage/Expander die if setup correctly, but I'm always open to improvements, as I do get some bullet wobble with the dillon expander.

  5. On 10/24/2020 at 8:29 PM, 78Staff said:

    Got a shipping notification for my Blue Bullets order from back in July 🙄


    Oh an my Gallant 9mm order that was supposed to take 4 weeks is going on 2 months now...  luckily i just loaded up about 3K when I made that order and held 1K in reserve, so I'm not hurting...yet.

  6. On 10/7/2020 at 5:05 PM, Michael303 said:

    Has anyone received anything (or heard from) Gallant recently?  I've got an order that just turned 12 weeks old that's still unshipped.  I sent them an email looking for an update last week and haven't received a reply.  Their website now says they're shipping in 6-8 weeks although I'm pretty sure it said 4-5 weeks last week.


    Waiting on an order as well, was not in a rush since i was just backfilling some 9mm but it said 4-5 weeks, and that was early Aug.  So yeah it's behind by a few weeks...

    So far I've ordered:

    1500 158SWC from Blue Bullets back in July, expected now late Oct.
    1K 148BNWC from Grafs (ACME) took about a 2 weeks as they were in stock.

    2K 158SWC from SNS Casting, ordered two weeks ago, took about a week.

    2K 9mm from Gallant in early Aug, still waiting on these.


    Not that it matters if I don't find some small primers lol, I'm into my reserves, less than 5K now. ;(.

  7. 12 hours ago, 78Staff said:

    Got my order from Graf's - took about two weeks, maybe a bit less.  They were ACME 148's that were in stock.  Still waiting on Blue Bullet order from... July I think? 


    Just got update on Blue Bullet order from July... was originally 4-5 weeks, then pushed out to 8-10 weeks (Sept 20th shipping) and now pushed out mid/late October :(.  Good thing I picked up those 148's from Grafs...

  8. On 9/25/2020 at 2:22 PM, risingsun said:


    Same experience with DG, several posts above. The box wasn't even wet. And yes all but 1 plastic bag were torn. A couple hundred bullets escaped.



    I see the same with ACME - bags are always split.  They ship in those wooden boxes with bags inside.  So at least they are contained, but still it's annoying dealing with split open bags.

  9. On 9/20/2020 at 10:34 AM, iflyskyhigh said:

    Loaded 10’s of thousands of Federal SPP and SRP on both Dillon 550 and 650. Standard and magnum.

    I didn’t realize there was an issue.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


    On 9/20/2020 at 7:20 PM, Sarge said:

    There really isn’t if you’re careful and use good reloading practices. Dillon just doesn’t recommend them



    Maybe I will give them a try if they come up again... Dillon doesn't recommend using them since they are softer - I would be loading them on a 1050 not sure if it would make a difference. 

  10. I like to keep 5K in reserve  for times like these, but 5k may not be enough after all.  I've already dipped into my SPP reserve and only have 4K left, which will become 2K if my 158g SWC order ever comes in.  I've passed on Federal SPP a few times the past few weeks due to horror stories of Dillon and Federal primers :(.   LPP I have 10K and no planned reloading sessions for any 45 or 10 in the near future as I am pretty well stocked for those calibers at the moment, so should be ok for the time being.  Well actually I need to load up some 45 AutoRim soon, but I only load about 500K at a time b/c that's all the brass I have for it :).


    Have a buddy who doesn't reload, and is getting low on 9mm and 45 - he went to fun show this weekend and ammo prices were jacked up of course and had limits on qty.  I didn't go but had him check the usual vendors for primers and there were none to be found at the show.

  11. 17 hours ago, HesedTech said:



    It all depends on how the press is set up and what bullets are being used. 

    Personally I use an expander die and the DA powder funnel on my 1050 for coated .356 bullets. The expander die allows a more accurate and straight seating of the bullet and the DA funnel set the bell and case mouth for the bullet to properly sit and not tilt or fall out as it rotates to the seating die. 


    Basically explain your blanket statement, I find the DA funnel a very good alternative for 9, 40 and 45 loading over the stock Dillon on my 1050.


    What he's saying, most of us have found that with the 1050 (and assumingly the 1100), with a correctly setup backer/expander die and swage rod setup in station 3, the standard Dillon funnel works fine for typical MBF use, the DA version funnel is not needed.  So 1050/1100 users can use the Dillon funnel and not have the sticking/popping issues that the DA dropper adds to the mix, esp with new or wet tumbled brass.  The most benefit comes from using it on the 550/650/750 presses.  Double Alpha themselves provided this information.  Now, sure there may be certain situations where still using the DA funnel might work better - but for most typical loading scenarios on the 1050/1100, the stock setup works fine, as long as station 3 is correctly adjusted.  Personally, I load 9/38/10/45 pistol calibers on my 1050 (coated mostly) and don't use the DA funnel for any of them.


    You won't hurt anything by using a DA funnel, but you really don't need it in most cases on a 1050/1100.

  12. On 9/13/2020 at 10:23 PM, coanan said:

    Hey. good luck getting them to even acknowledge the email.  Had a snafu with one of mine and ask if it could be fixed.   Crickets   Totally ignored.  Was going to buy another, but with being ignored like that.  At least they could of said "no", but to be ignored like they were afraid I was going to demand a free replacement or something.


    Phil actually answered the next day.  The lights have a 2 year warranty.  Unfortunately mine are over 2 years old.  He did offer that they might be able to be fixed, I could ship them back and he would replace the diodes or whatever for a small fee and return shipping costs - which seems fair since they are almost 3 years old.  I'll send my two back, if they can't be fixed I will just order a few more. 


    @HOGRIDER - I did ask about using silicone adhesive vs. the clips, and he said his commercial customers do it that way, just have go be sure to clean the toolhead surface of any oils, etc before applying the silicone - just need a few dots.  And it can always be removed later if needed by taking fishing line or similar and pulling between the toolhead and wafer.  So I am going try that on one of my toolheads and see how it does...  If it works out I will setup all of mine that way.



  13. I read lots of complaints about WSP/WLP, but I run them pretty much exclusively through my two RF-100's and 1050/550 without issue.  Rifle may be different however with the thicker cup...


    Common tips for the RF-100, which you've probably already read/tried...


    Just snug the clear cover bolts don't crank them down.

    Same for the collar that goes under the bowl - for WLP mine is snug, for WSP it's actually a hair loose

    Use mid speed, or low to mid... running it wide open or too slow can cause jams

    Sit it on a mouse pad or similar
    put a slight forward lean to it, and if that doesn't help, try the other way.


    I have one set for LP, one for SP, and so never have to fiddle or adjust them, so that helps I'm sure.


    Would I buy them again?  I would say probably not - I would just get a PAL for the cost savings.  But overall they have worked well for me once tuned and adjusted.

  14. 9 hours ago, HOGRIDER said:


    Glad you got your unit in and it's working to your expectations.  I ended up mounting the smaller 5Mp camera in the same location as this one from my previous post:



    So far, it's not really been in the way as I can reach below it to pull brass to check powder levels on the scale, etc.  And if I do end up bumping it, it seems to return pretty much to the original set location.


    I'm currently using the Starlight Lighting system, and it's got plenty of light for the press; I'm just not sold on the mounting brackets.  They work, but sometimes the large one in the rear doesn't want to stay put and it's definitely in the way for any MBF dropper die adjustments.  Next time I have the tool head off, I'm going to replace the retaining brackets with a dab of silicone adhesive.  I'll just have to purchase another wafer when I upgrade to another tool head..............








    Re the Starlights, I agree that rear mount is suspect.  I have four Toolheads with them installed, and have actually lost one of the rear mounts,, so have a rubber band holding it up.  Also, I checked all four last night, and two of the four have bad LED's now.  I've emailed about any warranty, but they are over a year old so I suspect any warranty would likely be a year, at most.  They are still usable, but both have 2 led diodes or whatever they are called that are dead.  They still throw more light than other commonly available lights even with the dead diodes, but I will likely replace them at some point.  I may try the silicone adhesive as well, that seems like a good idea, and just dump the clips - thanks.

  15. 6 hours ago, HOGRIDER said:

    And for comparison purposes, a 6 3/8"(?) iPhone view vs a 10" tablet view..............



    Mine arrived today, the cable is not as stiff as my Whistler setup so it's hard to get it in the right position, and when I do it's easy to bump out of the way - but I am going to play around with it.  But the core functions all work, linked it to an 8" Samsung Tablet.  There is the briefest delay for my setup - not sure if due to older tablet, android version (7.something i think) or other.  But it definitely takes up way less room that the Whistler setup.


    Also made me realize my starlight wafer has two dead led's :(.  (not the one below) I know he's replaced one for me already b/c it had a dead one out of the box, but I've had these for about a year now I guess and are likely not under warranty for that long.



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