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Posts posted by AustinMike

  1. eBay has a right to run their business as they see fit and I have a right to do business where I see fit. I expressed in my letter that I find their policy insulting and so I will take my business elsewhere and will encourage everyone I know to do the same. Their new policy isn't an attack on our rights per se, but it is most certainly an extension of an anti-gun board's belief system. I see no legitimate business reason for the decision and it will have a negative impact on their profit and reputation with a lot of us, but in the big picture, probably not as much as we all hope. Finances will take priority over "values", so it'd be sweet to see them suffer with substantial loss of revenues due to a mass exodus of good buyers and sellers, but I won't hold my breath.

    It's frustrating because this is simply a push of someone's ridiculous anti-gun agenda, pathetically masked as a "Good Samaritan" response to the Virginia Tech shootings. I reminded them in my letter that the 9/11 tragedy was carried with box cutters, not guns, and eBay seems to have no problems continuing to sell those. I'd honestly not have had as much of a problem with the policy if they had just said "we don't like guns, so you can't sell their parts on our site." Fine. But to make this out to be the "right thing to do" in response to a school shooting in an effort to play on the public's emotions and attitudes toward guns to further the political agenda of members of their board - now that, as Penn & Teller would say, is bullshit! :angry2:

  2. The Texas Law is very specific on the wording, the size, and even the size of the letters for signs indicating do not carry on our premises. Yes, I've seen signs posted here in Texas, but I've yet to see one that met the legal requirements.

    I've seen exactly one - at the match hotel for the 2006 Double Tap Championship ;) Luckily, not the match hotel for the '07 match....

    You can also see the legal sign on the way into Saxet Gun shows around here. Go figure. <_<

  3. Anybody know how to contact this moron, Matt Halprin? I'd like to call or write and explain why he just cost ebay a customer. What idiocy. What if the Virgina Tech shooter bought his shoes on ebay? Oh no, better ban shoes too! :angry2::angry2::angry2::angry2:

  4. Is it really that easy for the average person to obtain data from an old harddrive?

    All it takes is money these days


    And you'd have to have something on your drive that somebody wants REAL bad. Nobody is going to go to any lengthy measures to retrieve average Joe's pictures of his cat, Muffin.

    FWIW, when I retire my computers, I write a single pass of 0's across the entire drive (by placing it in another system), then install an OS with full format during install before I give it to Goodwill or whoever.

  5. Back when I was searching around for loads for use in my G22, I didn't see too much for N320. Seems like loads I saw were loaded long for S_I. I did try a few loads I saw out here with the 185 bullets, but I wasn't getting near major and I didn't feel comfortable pushing N320 higher. Universal Clays seemed a safer bet, especially since I also bought 200gr. bullets to try. What I like best in the G22 is 200gr. Precisions with 4.4 Universal Clays at 1.135". I've got a KKM barrel, which runs slower than stock.

  6. Don't get me started on how companies mystify erasure of data to sell what are really very simple programs for outrageous prices. These programs just write a pattern to files or disk repeatedly. The purpose of the multiple write passes is to make sure you're overrunning file system or device cache and getting the bits committed to the media. This is really only an issue with file systems or caching drive arrays, IMO. Erasing a hard drive is as simple as putting it in another system as a secondary drive and using a program that will run directly to the physical drive, writing across the whole drive, with Force Unit Access enabled on the write commands. One pass is sufficient if the device honors the request and most do these days. If you want to be absolutely sure, run a couple of times. Run a hundred times if it makes you feel better. Once you've reordered the magnetic signature on the disk one time, it doesn't matter how many more times you do so after that.

    Some utilities have already been recommended and I'd say go with one of those as long as they are free or a very nominal cost. The nicer utilities have a boot floppy or CD so you don't have to move your drive into another system as a secondary drive and that's worth paying a small fee for the convenience.

    I think I need to write one of these drive blend-o-matic utilities one o' these days and sell it to the government for a bazillion dollars. I've already got the functionality in other programs I've written, just need to wrap it in a pretty, user friendly package. Might be my retirement plan right there, hmm.....

  7. ME TOO! And times like this is when you need that 22-250!!!! :angry2:

    That puny little .22 caliber bullet cannot even begin to unleash enough whoopass for this situation <_< I was thinking more along the lines of many .50 BMG rounds in quick succession might make a better "statement"..... ;)

    I am SOOOO sick of f'n hackers, virus writers, spammers and the lot. I don't think they deserve to be taken out quickly. I'm thinking more like covering them in honey and tying them to a stake on top of the biggest fire ant mound I can find. Slow and painful.... :angry2:

  8. I'd shoot it in Limited (in fact, I do shoot a G22 in Limited.) UMC ammo seemed the softest feeling to me, that made major. If you want to shoot Production and you have to shoot factory ammo, see if you can find any Monarch green box stuff. Academy sells it here. It's reloadable brass and I want to say it was like around 140PF when I chrono'd it. It was a real powder-puff feeling .40 load, perfect for Production. That said, I'd be planning to get a Dillon as my next purchase, if you want to keep shooting .40.

  9. My mom used to make us peanut butter and miracle whip sandwiches.

    Ugh...I think I just threw up in my mouth a little. :sick:

    Mayo is an awful perversion of eggs beaten in a whipped frenzy into a foul tasting concoction that ruins the taste of all that it is slathered over. It is evil incarnate. :devil:

    I'm not a fan of any common condiments. I suppose they can be used to mask the taste of bad food, but I generally prefer to taste my food, not some super processed mystery goo out of a squeeze bottle. When I do opt for a little something extra on my sandwich, a spicy BBQ or steak sauce or some fresh pesto is OK.

  10. Awesome! If I could get a slot and time off and money for entry fee...I'd shoot revolver. I'm not even sure how the slot thing works to be honest. I don't think any of those "ifs" will happen for me, but I think that's great that Sam & everyone else are doing this! Wish someone else in these parts would shoot revolver at a USPSA match. I'm the lone 6 gunner when I take mine out. :(

  11. Will wonders never cease? I stopped by Sportsmans Warehouse today to see if they happened to have any 4th of July sales on reloading stuff and they had four 1K boxes of Federal small pistol primers on the shelf! They've been out so long that they had taken the price tag off the shelf, so I had to go ask how much they were. They were $22.99, compared to $24.99 for Winchester! I asked if they had any more and the guy said yes, but no such luck - he had mistaken some shotshell primers in the back for these. Weird that they had these, but I grabbed them. They must have been hidden in some back stock or something and they just put them out. The department manager said that his Federal rep is still saying they have no primers to sell to anyone. My Glock trigger jobs are usually OK with Winchesters, but I like the extra insurance of the softer primers and they were cheaper to boot! Score! :cheers:

  12. Tom,

    This morning I found a crack in the frame of my 340PD, just below where the barrel screws into the frame. I wonder what SW will say about that.

    That stinks, but I'm sure they'll take care of you. Do you shoot a lot magnum loads through yours? Your threshold for pain must be pretty high if you do! :o

  13. I've got a 360PD and I like it. Truth be told, I'd rather have the hammerless model, but I saw the 360PD in a used gun display case for $450. Looked like it had never been shot, still had some factory grease on it. No idea why it was so cheap, other than the dealer said he didn't have the box for it - like I care. It followed me home and my wife said I could keep it as long as I took care of it. ;) I carry this gun most of the time, but sometimes I carry a Glock 23. I like the little J-frame because it's light and easier to conceal. I often carry it in the front pocket of 5-11 pants in an Uncle Mike's pocket holster. The holster covers the hammer and when I draw, I've trained myself to cover the hammer with my thumb just to make sure there are no snags. Lots of practice draws and no snags. I also sometimes use an IWB holster, again with no snag issues. My only complaint is the stupid Hi-Viz front sight. A night sight would have been a better choice in my opinion, but I've yet to find one anywhere.

    I carry with the Speer Gold Dot 135gr .38 +P loads, which were designed for snub nosed revos. I tried a few .357 loads, all of which were, shall we say, unpleasant to shoot, to say the least. Due to excessive recoil, extreme noise, and blinding flash, I personally don't feel that .357 is a good choice for a 2in barreled gun. I'm not a ballistics expert, but I'd venture to guess that a lot of the energy of full power .357 loads is wasted as a lot of powder is burning outside of the barrel, as evidenced by huge fireballs. Given the short length of barrel to burn in, I think a hot .38 load is just fine.

  14. I've shot a G22 in Limited for the past year or so, but I picked up a G24 and shot it for the first time last weekend. So far, I like it! The G22 seems to move and point well on closer targets, but I really dig the longer sight radius on the longer shots. I'd been using 200gr. bullets in the G22, but I might have to switch to a lighter bullet in the longer gun. I'm not sure I like the heavy bullet with the long slide - seems like the slide could use a little speeding up. Personally, I thought it felt too awkward to draw the long slide out of a regular holster, so I got a Ghost. The G24 felt like I was drawing a broad sword from my kydex holster. ;) I can't say I felt disadvantaged with a G22, I just wanted to play with a longer sight radius for a while.

    Glocks are cool, collect 'em all. :)

  15. I'm running 4.4 Universal with 200gr. Precision moly bullets at 1.135" in my KKM barreled Glock 22. That gets me 170PF. Fairly soft and I haven't seen any pressure signs. I've also used Power Pistol in the same combination. Can't remember the charge off hand, but I thought the recoil was a little more harsh and kind of torqued the gun hard. I could probably live with it though. I'm just not comfortable running anything faster in that short barreled gun, especially since the barrel seems slow and I generally have to use higher charges than I see posted out here to make PF. I'm not a Titegroup fan, burns too freakin' hot and tends to dirty things up with the moly coated bullets in my experience.

  16. We were just hit with some ridiculously restrictive web filters by the powers that be last week. This forum was one of the things I couldn't get to. We hacked around it, which is how I'm happily typing this now. :lol:

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