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Posts posted by AustinMike

  1. Reloading components (bullets, primers, powder)

    Mags or components (S_I, Glock, AR, etc.)

    Shooting books/DVDs

    General certificates to buy stuff from Chuck, Angus, Dillon... I'd think folks would be more likely to keep and appreciate a prize if they can actually get something they need.

    At my level, I'm grateful if I get any at all! :rolleyes: I was impressed with the prize table the one time I've been to DT. I'm hoping I'll be able to make it this year, if I can get money for the entry together before it sells out!

  2. Great...more wonderful press for our black rifle "assault weapons." What idiots! Thankfully, they didn't manage to hurt or kill anyone (although it would have been nice if they had done us the favor of removing themselves from the gene pool.) One of the guys that runs a motorcycle forum I frequent works at the school involved and he said the guys were blasting AR's (while drunk) like they were at an al-qaeda rave. I have a hard enough time convincing some of them that guns aren't bad things. Sigh...


  3. You're probably right in the grand scheme of things. The biggest drawback to the G22 would be the shorter sight radius. With the popular trend towards 6" guns in Limited that might even be more of a factor than it used to be. I shoot a G22 a fair amount (have two) and even if I were to add a magwell, good sights, a trigger kit and get the mags to 20 rounds there's no way I could shoot one nearly as well as something like an S_I, but that's me. Depending on how far you take it, I don't recall seeing any/many top shooters using a G22....a G35 is another story entirely, so it's not a Glock thing.

    The G22 was my entry into Limited. I got one because it was $335 (factory refurb), so it was a cheap way to try limited division. I was shooting a 1911 in L-10 previously. One thing that I found interesting is that the sight radius on the G22 is the same as my 1911! Also, I found that shooting 200gr. bullets with a semi-fast powder (UC) felt similar in recoil to my .45 that I was used to. So, it worked out for me. Someone let me borrow a nice S_I Edge style blaster for a match once and while it had a much higher cool factor and nicer trigger, I don't think it helped my match really. With some practice with that gun...maybe? I'm not sure I want to spend $3000 to find out. I have since gone to the G24 (another good used deal) for the extra sight radius. In most aspects of the game, it hasn't mattered that much. On long shots though, like the 50 yard standards at TX State Limited last year, it is sweet! I don't think you see many G22s out there mainly because the G35 exists. For a little more cash, you get a little longer sight radius. I only went G22 initially because it was a helluva deal and I'm cheap! ;)

    Sorry for the thread drift! The point being is that if a G22 is what you've got to play with, stoke it up with some 200gr. bullets and Universal Clays and go have some fun! I for one do not believe that gun will hold you back!

  4. I just point out the "A" zones. And tell them when speed comes they're harder to hit. I just think new competitors should start with shooting A's.

    That's what I tell myself, but I don't always listen to myself either! A big frustration for me is to hit all A's, but have a suck time. I'm impatient and want to go faster, but that usually leads to slop. The best advice folks have given me is to shoot A's as fast as I can. Gotta focus on getting a good sight picture and call the shot, learn to walk before you run, etc.

  5. A G22 is going to be at a disadvantage in every division but Production, where major doesn't apply. Limited-10 would be doable with a magwell, sights and some trigger work.

    Why not Limited? I've shot a G22 for a couple years and can't say that the equipment is holding me back (my skill, or the lack thereof, is another thing :rolleyes: ). I've got a Dawson magwell, sights, and basepads on my mags.

    I found that 200 gr. bullets felt the softest out of the short barrel. I've got a G24 now and I've been using 180 gr. bullets out of the longer barrel. I've been using Universal Clays or Power Pistol myself. I didn't like Titegroup and I thought N320 was too fast to try and push major with heavy bullets out of the shorter G22 barrel, especially if you're using the factory barrel. I might mess with it some in the G24 eventually, since it's easier to make major with that extra barrel length.

  6. My wife informed me that the Meopta scope I bought myself a couple of weeks ago was my Christmas present. Cool by me! Got a Best Buy gift card from my brother, so I'll probably grab a few HD-DVDs. I got the wife tickets to a Dallas Stars game (she's a huge fan!)

    Wish I lived on Sheldon's (aka General Chang) street! The only thing Santa left at my house was a bunch of reindeer poo on my front lawn! :goof:

  7. What I hate is how damn long some people spend getting their tickets, scratch offs, quick picks, whatever. This guy would buy a scratch off and then scratch it off right there! Then buy another. I finally had to say something. Kinda take the conveniente part out of the convenience store. :angry:

    +1! I HATE getting stuck in line trying to pay for gas or a drink behind some yahoo buying lottery tickets and playing at the counter. Nothing like having to wait 10 minutes to hand the clerk my cash while some idiot scratches away in futility and buys several more when the first few don't work out. What's with that anyway? Why not just buy 'em all up front? If you win the damn lottery, the expense of those extra tickets isn't really going to be an issue, now is it? I REALLY HATE seeing people buying food with food stamps, along with a sh!tload of lottery tickets and cigarettes. They supposedly can't afford to feed their family, but there's apparently plenty of excess cash for worthless pieces of paper and a couple cartons of lung darts. Disgusts me! :angry2:

  8. Constant bombardment with advertisements on a subscription service is a huge pet peeve of mine. Geez, I'm paying a monthly fee, leave me the hell alone! I don't watch much TV, but when I want to watch a show I record it so I can just fast forward through the commericials. I gave up listening to local radio stations years ago. Way too many commercials these days. And don't get me started on the crap they dish out on morning drive-in shows. I quit listening way back when everybody was trying to hop on the Howard Stern bandwagon. Sigh, I still remember Austin's own Dale DUDley, "well, we've got a stripper here in the studio", as if that should mean something to me listening to a RADIO on my way in to work! Freakin' idiot. I've had XM radio for a while, but I'm thoroughly disgusted with the commercials on comedy and news channels. Now that I have a Zune with a bazillion songs on it, I think I'm going to cancel my XM subscription. I'd love to have to have comedy channels, but not with 5 minute runs of stupid commercials every 15 minutes. I'd be fine with canceling cable TV too, but my wife objects to that!

  9. I like my Remmy 1100. Got mine for $300 off the used rack at Cabellas. Attached a Choate extension tube and had my smith put on the EZ Loader. Guess that puts around $500 total that I've got in it. Runs like a champ and the only time I've had trouble is with cheap Walmart ammo. I've been feeding it Remington heavy dove from Academy for $4.29 a box and it's very happy. I change out the o-ring every other match with the super cheap ones that Eric W. sells. I've seen other guys shooting 1100s with shell carriers strapped all over the gun without issue (I understand the extra weight can cause issues with the Benelli). I prefer belt shell carriers myself though.

    But, my Remmy is is ugly. The Benelli would look sexier at the range. :lol:

  10. I never cared for the tacticool flip up scope thingys. For 3-gun scopes i like it simple and not there when you shoot kinda covers. The neoprene "Scopecoat" covers are the ticket for my Meopta. And it covers the whole scope for protection.

    Which size Scopecoat do you use?

  11. $630.00 is a SMOKING deal!!! :cheers:

    Lucky Dog....mumble mumble.... :P

    It's like I was meant to have it. That's what I'm telling the wife anyway!

    BTW, what scope caps/cover are good for these things to replace the floppy rubber ones that it came with? I've got a Larue SPR-E ordered to mount the sucker.

  12. Just wanted to follow up and let ya'll know where I ended up. I was leaning toward an Eotech because I love their reticle. Figured I could add a magnifier later if I needed one. Well, I popped into the gun show today and one of the big local AR dealers was selling brand new Meopta 1x4 RD kdot's for $630! Yeah, I drank the Kool-ade and one of them followed me home. Damn you Merlin and Benny, I'm going to be sleeping in the cold tonight because of your bad influence! And I still gotta figure how how to break it to the wife that I need the LaRue mount! Well, at least now I won't ever have to beat myself up thinking I should have got the Meopta from the get-go. Guess I'll have to find me some matches outside of the pistol bays now! :rolleyes: Thanks everyone for their input. Go Team Meopta! :cheers:

  13. I've really liked going from a G22 to a G24. The long slide rocks! The longer sight radius gives me confidence on longer shots and it shoots flatter. Going from a G35...probably not as much difference. You'd still get some extra sight radius. The G24 is too long IMO to pull out of a standard holster though, so you'd have to go with something like a Ghost (that's what I use.) I run a Lone Wolf barrel in mine, which is $100. You could find a cheap G22 to make up the lower and have something suitable for carry or IDPA. Check with Mark at www.summitgunbroker.com, I think he's trying to move some inventory before year end and might be cutting some good deals on rebuilds or police trade-ins. I'd try to talk the seller down to $300 myself, but the G24 and 17L have gotten freakishly high in price lately. Glad I got my G24 before prices shot up. I'd love to have a 17L to play with for steel matches, but I'm waiting until prices come back down to earth.

  14. I've got a Glock 22 with a KKM barrel. I think the 200gr bullets are softer than 180s, but it's easy to make major either way. I was shooting 200gr. Precision coated bullets with Universal Clays. I'm at work right now and don't have my reloading spreadsheet here and I can't remember the charge. It's pretty soft shooting, but very smokey. I've been shooting a Glock 24 as of late and like the feel of that gun better using 180gr bullets.

  15. Lots of varables effect OAL - loose shell plate, some play in the toolhead, brass variances. I think you need to have all stations filled and use same headstamp brass to get a precise look at OAL, but it will still float a bit (or maybe my 550B is just worn out!)

    On the seating, I can't recommend the Redding Competition seating die enough. It does a better job of seating straight that anything else I've seen. The micrometer adjustment makes changing seating depth for different bullets a breeze. My "perfect" die set is rounded out with the Lee undersize sizing die and the Lee factory crimp die. Have fun with that Dillon!

  16. It could be a couple of things. First, see if there is a difference in sensation on either side of the ring finger. The median nerve supplies the thumb side of the ring, the ulnar nerve supplies the little finger side. If you can tell that only the little finger side of the ring is numb, it is most likely the ulnar nerve. The ulnar nerve can have pressure on it at multiple levels, compression at the elbow is called cubital tunnel syndrome, and sometimes just a soft elbow pad will limit flexion enough and prevent enough minor trauma that the nerve will recover. The ulnar nerve can also be compressed in the hand, just distal to the wrist along Guyon's canal, if you've been using a lot of vibrating/impact tools, or a lot of bicycle riding with pressure on this area, you can look up hypothenar hammer syndrome and see it that sounds like what you're experiencing.

    Bottom line, if it has been there a few months, you should probably have it checked out. My recommendation would be for eval by an Orthopedic Surgeon, who will understand the above, a lot of primary care docs won't have a clue.

    Now that you mention it, I did have tingling in my little fingers when I had an ulnar nerve problem. I had tremendous pain in the elbow though. My chiropractor told me to get it checked out, so I saw an orthopedic doc and he referred me to a physical therapist. This started shortly after I started shooting open. Turns out it was an inflamation of the "tunnel" that the ulnar nerve passes through in the elbow. They got it fixed at PT, about 8 weeks worth. Must have been extending my arms too far and the straight back recoil from the open gun was probably battering my elbow. I've gotten the tingling sensation at other times though, with no elbow pain, and the chiropractor was able to fix it. Just depends what the root cause is.

  17. I have no experience with the Simmons scope you are using, but if I were you I would persist in trying to improve your speed with it. You inability to get your head in the right position quickly could be alleviated by one of the following: higher or lower rings, a riser mount that puts the cope further away from your eye, and/or an adjustable stock.

    Yeah and I may come back to the Simmons some day. For now, I just don't have time to "learn it" or mess around with different mountings. Between work and classes, I barely have time to get to a match or two each month. Practice definitely ain't happening. I need something "plug n play" for now. I'm leaning toward the c-more since I've got experience with those from shooting open pistol a bit. I'd like to look through an Eotech though for comparison before buying since it seems to be another popular choice and may be more adaptable to longer shots when needed (albeit rarely.)

  18. since you already have a simmons, if yer shooting open, this works pretty good. although i still like one optic (just waiting for the right one).

    Actually, the rifle came with a small side dot sight (Truglo, I think?) I'm not too crazy about it though. The dot is small, not very bright, and more of a star burst than a dot really. I don't want to compete in open division though, so I need to take it down to one sight.

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