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Everything posted by jayhkr

  1. Oh yeah, I'm in no hurry to plop out 300 rounds an hour at the beginning. I will have a light near the powder drop to ensure I don't mess up that station. Ordered the Dillon Eliminator from Brian too! Such a classy guy! Asked him what he thought about getting extra decap pins and he tossed them in at no charge! Top notch!
  2. Ok so next week my new Dillon SDB will arrive and I will start my adventure down the reloading road! It'll be primarily in 9mm for a G19 and M&P Shield. I've read many manuals, watched many videos and have looked at a lot of data. I just want to double check what I've seen/read. My components are as follows: CCI 500 124 GR RN COATED Bullets << Link provided Titegroup powder Once Fired Range Brass Data shows for a 125 GR Lead bullet (just making sure this data is "close enough" for my 124gr) Min powder is 3.6gr with max of 4.0 and an OAL of 1.125. My thoughts were to load 25 at 3.6, 3.8 and 4.0 to see where I want to be. These are just plinking rounds, nothing needed for competition. Sorry, no chronograph as my indoor ranges don't allow them unless I "reserve for a special occasion which = $$) Trying to get over my jitters now. I understand the basics and am very detailed oriented (drives my wife crazy) not to mention I'm not one that rushes projects. I'd rather take the extra time to make it perfect than speed through just to accomplish it. BUT, the fact still remains we're all working with things that can go BOOM if not done properly. What are some of the things I should be looking for during the process as far as issues go? I know to watch the powder drops, and measure ever 10 case or so. However I didn't know if there was anything else I should inspect when the ammo is complete. Thank you everyone! Happy shooting!
  3. Now the hard part, waiting for that beautiful big blue machine to arrive from Mr. Enos! I honestly don't know who's more excited me or my wife! She really loves her new M&P Shield and she can't wait to have a bunch of ammo for it.....lol she surpries me everyday still!
  4. Thanks CeeZer! I would get a Chronograph, however I shoot indoors and that makes it a little tough. I haven't "gotten in good" with the owners yet but I'm sure the more I'm there the more I'll talk with them and maybe ask them if they would allow me to set one up every now and then for use when the range isn't very busy. I go to 2 different ranges so I have choices. I went with the 1# just to be sure that I would like the powder....no need in spending $200 for a bunch if I don't like the first results! Of course right now beggars can't be choosers. I'll have to post a picture of what I'm talking about on my calipers to show you the notch in them. Thanks again!
  5. Ok, so I FINALLY got my last major component today....1# of Titegroup ($29.00). I've been waiting to order from Brian until I was able to get all the major components needed just because I didn't want to have the machine and not be able to do anything with it. So tomorrow I will be calling Brian to put my order in for the SDB, Eliminator Scale, Case gage, and maybe the 10pk of decapping pins all for 9mm. Hopefully the shipping on it won't take to terribly long (I live in Kansas). So down to a few questions, I've read many manuals, data graphs, and read multiple forums. My main question is OAL. I have the Cabela's digital caliper and there is a small notch by the main slide ruler. Maybe everyone's has this, but it is notched in about 1/16 or 1/8" in from the main caliper part itself. It kind of looks like the perfect place to put the full bullet itself in actually. Where do you measure from, the tip or the "Base" of the caliper? As far as OAL goes, what should I be looking for with my 9mm. I have the SNSCasting.com 124gr plated bullet so basically I should be using LRN data correct? I was thinking of starting my loading at 3.5g of titegroup and do 20 of 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8 and maybe 3.9 to see what will work best in both my Glock and M&P Shield. Any ideas on that thought? These rounds are mainly for plinking, no competition needs. I think I'm all but ready to start this new and fascinating hobby/journey! Nervous, excited, and ready to see the difference between store bought and handmade ammo! According to the online calculator I should be loading at 12.8 cents a round. This is after shipping/taxes and everything. So my components are: 1# Titegroup Powder 5k CCI 500 Primers 1k SNS Casting Plated 124gr Bullets Mixed/Range Brass OH....one more question. I need to also pickup a bottle of One Shot lube. What I've read is put a handful in a ziplock baggie, aerosol 2-3 squirts in there of One Shot, zip up the bag and mix around for a few seconds, open bag, dump brass in a bin and they are ready to go right from there. No need to re-tumble or wipe off, correct? I think I've covered everything that I can think of. All of you guys have been great! I can't say thank you enough for the awesome help everyone here has given me! Of all the websites that have reloading sections in them...this one is HANDS DOWN the very best!!
  6. Ok, well I might be trading the Lyman in for a Lee and maybe pickup a loadbook usa for 9mm too while I'm there! Thanks everyone.
  7. No no, I don't shoot against the back wall at all, I must have misread the 10' for 10" issue which is where I was coming from on not enough room. I just called them and they have a basement area where they hold tournaments. They said if there isn't anything going on the day I want to bring my Chrono in they can setup a table for me to use! Looks like I'm good to go, just need to find a good reliable machine that hopefully I won't shoot on my first test! LOL Thanks guys for the feedback, BUT if anyone else wants to chime in for others that might not be so lucky as I am, it might be advantageous!
  8. Good deal, thanks again. Maybe after I get some much needed experience under my belt I'll get into casting. I have most of the required equipment anyway as I have a small online business selling fishing weights. Just need to get my hands on a little tin to harden the lead up a bit (or use the dunk method I guess too) Plus I'll want to get an aftermarket barrel as my stock Glock barrel won't like lead bullets going through it to much. But it's on the list of things to do by maybe next Christmas!!
  9. I have a few pieces of brass I picked up from the range that has this ring around it. Just curious to what it is and what the purpose of it is/was?
  10. So I'm getting ready to start my adventures in reloading and obviously would like to get as much data as possible, regardless of the fact I'm not loading for competitions. However the range I go to is indoors which means I have VERY limited space. I know most chronographs require a 10' space between muzzle and the first forks, but that's not an option for me. Any suggestions? I don't even think there is 10' from the stall to the back wall with my heels up against it IF the owner were to even give me special permission.
  11. I am probably going to order Bullseye unless I can find 231 at the gun show this weekend. I appreciate the help! Yeah, I've been looking pretty hard for 231, but it's just a waiting game now. Could had gotten some n310 but decided against it as I heard it can be dicey for new reloaders. I have read the pages as far back as January 2013 so I have spent quite a bit of time here! Thank you! I've read multiple"how to's" now I'm looking for data more or less. I think I'll return the book and get my data info from the mfg websites and you fine folks here! Thank you all!!
  12. Yeah, 4#'s would get me by for a while, that's for sure, little over 6.5k rounds roughly. Already have 5k in primers, but only 1k in plated bullets as I know those aren't in short supply. After I procure some powder is when I'm going to make my last purchase of the press itself. Been waiting till I got all the necessary components together first. Such a decision, I might regret this, but I think I'm going to wait till after Saturday when I get back from the gun show. I'm anxious, but not overly anxious and have a few hundred rounds of regular ammo anyway. I've been staying away from our local indoor gun range as it's about as cold inside there as it is outside....and that's COLD. Not a lot of fun when you're fingers get frost bit and you see your own breath while you're shooting. BUT if I can't find anything at the show I'll pull the trigger on this, assuming it's still there.
  13. Ok, so I was on http://www.lohmanarms.com/ and saw I could add 4 and 8 pounds of Bullseye to my cart. Stated on the website that most powders are being shipped in 4 weeks. I know this sounds like a silly question but do I need to jump on this or is this about normal for the websites that ARE taking back orders right now.....OR should I continue to wait till after this weekend when the gun and knife show come to town? 4 pounds is $77 and 8 pounds is $143 (plus hazmat). Just thought I would ask right quick in case this is a once in a lifetime thing that I'm seeing or to take things a bit slower as "it'll be OK" LOL. I hate feeling like I have to "jump" on things like this, since I'm so new on everything.
  14. Thanks guys, just was going off ALL the info given to me and the first then it seemed everyone said was "GET A GOOD MANUAL OR TWO THEN READ IT TEN TIMES" But I was thinking the same thing that most information can be found on most websites. I have read a few books ON reloading and understand what it takes to start reloading. Trust me, I get the importance of safety, I used to make fireworks as a hobby when I was younger and I have the UP MOST respect for things that go bang and and even MORE respect for things that go BOOM. But I do appreciate the feedback in looking at data for lead bullets and working from there. As soon as I get some powder in hand I'll do some research then ask more questions. I have tomorrow off, so I might just make a bunch of phone calls around the area and see if anyone has anything. As much as I would LOVE to buy 8 pounds right away, I also want to experiment just a little too. (I know beggars can't be choosers) but I also don't want to waste money (and powder) on something that won't meet my need. I was told to call Cabela's every day after 1430 to see if UPS delivers anything. Few other places I might try too. Thanks again!
  15. Ok, so I'm getting closer and closer to getting all my pieces ordered so I can start my venture on to reloading. Picked up the 49th Edition Lyman Reloading manual tonight and perused through it to the 9mm section......I don't get it. There are only 9 different bullet types listed and none of them are close to what I have. I bought the 124gr plated round nose from snscasting.com Closest they show in the manual is the 125gr jacketed hollow point bullet. I thought what I purchased was pretty standard, so why isn't it listed in here? I know I need to get another manual forgive me for not running across town to pick one up, but it's 2* outside and I was lucky to just get out once. Was this a waste of money on this manual and should I just return it for something else? 9mm will be the only caliber I load, at least in ANY foreseeable future. Hints, tips, suggestions!? Thanks
  16. I actually got VERY lucky and saw PV had CCI 500 in stock late last night. Did a quick 5k order on them, almost did 10k, but this is my initial reloading order so I'm trying to keep from going nuts to fast out of the gate and allow my money to get all the other components first. But if I see Tula again I'll nab a few to try at least. As long as they go bang, I won't complain to much if a few go click. Thanks everyone.
  17. Well since I waited to long looks like that isn't an issue for now. Oh well, here's to hoping the gun and knife shows will produce. Thanks all!
  18. Thank you, I'll be making my 5-6k purchase soon! Seems Powder Valley has some of the best prices, anyone have another location that beats them at $23.50/k
  19. Probably won't be switching calibers in ANY foreseeable future. Just sticking with the 9mm. I'm going to take the suggested lists of powders to the gun and knife showing next week. Really hoping I can score something there for a reasonable price. I've heard good things about Unique but wasn't sure if it would be something to start off on.
  20. Great info guys! Thank you. This gives me a lot to go on now!
  21. So the tax man just deposited a nice chunk in my bank and after all the "responsibilities" have been dealt with it is nearly time to start making those purchases on my new reloading setup. My biggest issue is powder. Not just finding it (that's part of the thrill of the hunt) but what exactly I should be hunting for! I know early on I'll probably just grab the first thing I see in stock and nab as much as I can to get started on, but is that really the proper way to start out.....well maybe, maybe not. So I ask you guys, what would be a good beginner powder. My setup is very simple, Gen4 Glock 19 all stock, no competition shooting just range plinking with my wife. Will either be shooting the 115g or preferably the 124gr berry's plated bullet in a mix of different brand brass. I was going to try to stick with the CCI primers, but I've been seeing some stuff on Tula so I might go that route if the consensus is high enough. I know there is Blue Dot, Bulls Eye, Unique (although that's a flake and I would like a spherical as I hear it throws better) Universal Clays (not sure about regular Clays), Titegroup, Accurate #2,5,7 Solo 1000, Solo 1250, Vihtavuori N310, N320, N330, N350, 3N37 and mabye N32? This is just what I've researched as being usable in my 9mm. So for a newbie, what would be best.......one of these, all of these, whatever I see and run with it? I think at this point in our powder shortage beggars shouldn't be choosers, but wanted to ask first before I made my first purchase. Thanks all.
  22. So what's the consensus (or is there one on these primers? I don't shoot competition, just regular range plinking with a Gen4 Glock 19 all stock. For $22-24 per 1000 they are not that less than the CCI, but like the OP stated they are in stock. I wouldn't mind picking up about 5k of them if they will be reliable. I get it that there is always a .5% failure on many products out there, so of the 5k that I want to buy I don't see an issue with a few of them being bad, I just don't want 100 of them wasting my time.
  23. Well the tax man just deposited my much anticipated refund....HOWEVER with the shortage of powders I may still hold off on the "main" purchase till I can secure SOMETHING. I have 2 gun & knife shows this month in my area. Figured I would try them and see if I can get something locally. After that getting the rest of the main components shouldn't be to difficult then I'll make my SDB purchase from Brian. I have other questions, but will post them in the appropriate area. Thanks everyone for the feedback and I too will be copying the above suggestion on the primer feed tube! Awesome idea!!
  24. This is what I'm hoping for when our next gun show comes to town. I have 2 chances to nab me some powder this month at one of them! Fingers crossed.
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