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Posts posted by moverfive

  1. I know this has been done a few times.....it has kind of become a running joke: After hearing the wrong commands being used by a RO, the RM pinned the commands on the front of his shirt, for "future reference." I know we did this more as a joke at a club match by being a little over-dramatic with one RO, I think by making him carry the rule book or something. :blink:

    And for those of you that have been playing this game for a long time, maybe you can relate to this. There are times when I use the old commands from many years ago. Probably my biggest goof is that I will say "slide forward" at times. I guess when you grow up saying it, it is hard to remove it from memory/habits.

    But as many have said, when the range commands are totally butchered, that does bother me some. Primarily because we all take our hearing sensitivity up a few notches at various points of the commands so that we can react at the start of the buzzer. So if that timing is goofed up, it can mess up the shooter big time.

    One point that I do want to add.....the questions and comments BEFORE "Make Ready," the RO can say whatever he wants. If the RO wants to precede with "Do you understand the course of fire," that is in their prerogative. But once they say "Make Ready," game over for leeway.

  2. Since this is a question I have answered so many times - for those that setup stages at their club matches to resemble Alabama's stages, and let's go so far as to say that they were able to 100% replicate the actual stages.....mainly excluding timing targets (swingers, drop turners, and etc.), there really isn't an advantage gained by shooting them beforehand.

    I am sure many would love to argue that particular point with me. But here is how I see it - for those that have shot this game for a good bit of time, was there a single target array in the Alabama match that you haven't shot many, many times? When I used to work with folks many years ago, I would setup a simple stage and then ask if anyone has shot this stage yet. I would get a goofy look since they were thinking, "no, we just set this stage up." I would respond by asking - you have never shot four targets around a wall? You have never shot a popper? You never shot a zebra target? They would then realize they have shot every aspect of this stage many times. However, on this particular stage, they may not have assemble those parts in the exact order needed to shoot it properly.

    With that said, I shot every single target array at the Alabama match hundreds of times. But guess what? I still didn't properly execute as well as I had hoped and obviously not as well as a few others that beat me.

    But as Randall said, clubs trying to emulate stages for a current match is an old habit. Whether they nail the accuracy of the setup or not is not a factor in the overall results and thus isn't anything worth mentioning when commenting about the results or quality of the match.

  3. Hey Nick, do you have a round count? Number of stages etc?

    The match will have 132 rounds (before any last second changes that might be necessary).

    They were putting rock down in the bays as of yesterday.....so keep that in mind for a few of you that aren't used to that horrible surface.

    I never asked about a classifier. However, the folks that designed the stages typically want one in every match they are involved......so I would be surprised to not see a classifier.

  4. Having done a few matches - when certain people want to shoot your match that could add credibility, give the match classifier status, and etc.,those folks will be accommodated. And the same goes with friends, friends of the host club, and etc., I will also try to accommodate them just the same....one of the benefits of running a match.

    With all of that said, I don't break up folks wanting to shoot together nor do I change their schedules to accommodate any of these late entering folks. I will get you into the match but not at the expense of any of the previously registered shooters.

    Does everyone else shooting the match think that is fair? To be perfectly honest, I don't care. Since I am not changing what they signed up for, they shouldn't care about anyone else. And as far as changing the odds of winning? If anyone is concerned about that, then it sounds like they need to practice more in order to put the odds back in their favor.

  5. We have been using Palms now for years in TN - including many Level II matches.

    For local matches, the upfront registration was the initial hump we have to overcome at NTPS, primarily because of how squadding is done in EZWin versus how our matches operate. Combine that with the fact that it was nothing for us to have 70 - 100 scores, the complexity of getting the matches started appeared quite high.

    We solved all of the obvious problems by writing a separate Excel file that is actually used to sync up the Palms and would also link up with the Palm Registration export from EZWin. The EZWin step handled by creating a 'New Match' file to include everyone that might shoot in the match, including each division they might shoot. In other words, our EZWin New Match had like 700+ entries. This method basically pre-regisered 95% of the shooters (with the remaining 5% being first-timers). And once registered for a division, your shooter number for that division remains constant in every subsequent match you shoot. This required some dedicated upfront work......but it was materially only one-time work.

    That EZWin Registration would be imported into the Palm Excel file (or even entered into the Excel first and the update EZWin later). To establish squads, I would simply enter the associated shooter number into the squad of choice and their name/division would auto-populate. Using this method allowed us to easily view who was in each squad and to ensure we had the proper "experience" in each to manage the squad. Once confirmed, hit another macro button and ONLY the present shooters would be pushed to the Palms. I would say that registration was extended by about 15 minutes over pure paper.....but saved HOURS of work after the match.

    That is the method we have been using for over 5 years and it has been wonderful for us.

    As for Level II matches, we use EZWin in the 'normal' manner as others do with Palms. And yes, we also use paper in scoring. We use the exact same paper size typically seen at Level II and above matches......the difference is that we write the summary information from the Palm to the paper. So you will see your time, number of A's, B's, C's, D's, M's, NS', Procedures, and then hit factor......all on a big sheet of paper instead of that thin pocket lint some matches have. While the information is being written on the scoresheet, the shooter can verify the scores directly from the Palm before they sign.

    From my many discussions, the folks that have problems with Palm scoring software is because they had a single bad experience. And that bad experience is usually from poor implementation and pre-work on the host club's part, and in most cases they had literally just started using Palms. I can remember during one Nationals watching the RO's score with Palms, you would have thought they had just seen the Palm scoring for the first time that morning. The time to score and the resulting confidence of getting an accurate was way too long and way too low. I know I wouldn't have looked favorably on Palms if that were my first experience in seeing them in action. Whereas if you come to one of our matches, our RO's have been using the Palms for years and will probably have the score done BEFORE you show clear. :surprise: And to be honest, I have someone scoring with the Palms after one or two stages of demonstration......give them a few matches, and it is no problem afterwards.

    If anyone would like a copy of the Excel file we wrote/modified, let me know and I can forward it to you.

  6. There is another aspect to this topic that I call 'shot placement.' And I believe that is one level above shot calling. Trying to explain the difference is difficult as it could easily be argued they are the same. My quick and simple explanation comes down to the ability to call AND place any shot anywhere on the target at the same, consistent speed.

    For example: Using a full size target at 12 yards, can you easily shoot a 4-inch group in the A-zone at stage speed (let's say 0.20 splits)? Consistently doing so would be demonstrating your ability to call shots. Now let's cover half the target with a no-shoot, still leaving a generous portion of the A-zone. Can you repeat that same group in the A-zone with the EXACT same splits? If not, then you have issues placing your shot at stage speed.

    Think about it, most people slow down when shooting at those type of target presentations. Why? There was still plenty of target, plenty of A-zone to put your 4-inch group.

    In my opinion, the ability to place shots at speed is what separates a Master from a GM. If you listen to most GM's, their shooting pace remains somewhat constant despite full target, half target, and etc. at comparable distances.

  7. What kills me is that the BOD could be working on SC at this moment...instead of dealing with this mess. Talk about a time suck that wasn't needed.

    While I'm not on the SC committee (it was pretty full), I've been chomping at the bit to help with SC. I planned on spending quite a bit of time on it over the holidays, which are now half over and have been filled with this trigger pull fiasco.

    Let's hope this fiasco awakens a few of the BOD members that seem to want USPSA/BOD to act unilaterally of its membership. While many do not post on Enos, but based on the emails I have received from just my section - I think it is safe to assume that for every one poster here, there are many non-posters with similar opinions. And it appears based on these posts that (a) this 3lb trigger pull is not wanted and the membership has NO understanding of why it was passed and (B) we expect the BOD to be more open about proposals and their reasons for them along with expecting an opportunity for us to provide feedback prior to any vote.

    When this 3lb requirement came up a few years ago, I had lengthy discussions with a couple of AD's. And in my opinion, it sounded like they were searching for a logical reason to support this change but couldn't find one. One "reason" they did make was - what about future advancements like electronic triggers?

    ....IF something does come along that would be detrimental to or against the foundation of the sport: Bring it to the attention of membership and see how we feel about it. Give us the facts, we can then provide feedback to our AD's, and then they can vote based on the views of who they represent. What a concept! To do anything else is like saying the membership isn't capable of understanding what they want....we will make that decision for you.

  8. [...

    That's great, but we can't do that. The USPSA BOD doesn't have the money, or need to meet every couple months. The 13 month implementation date was simply because of the need to post this to members (which BTW Pat, is how USPSA is required to announce rule changes. That way everyone who gets the Official Newsletter has them.) ...

    Oh I understand the 13 month lag completely; it just bears the added proof that this wasn't a crisis decision that had to be made RIGHT NOW.

    But the fact is you DO meet many more times than twice a year now. There have already been a great many rules changes made in phone meetings and electronic meetings. And especially, the platform on which electronic meetings run is wholly owned and hosted by uspsa.org and therefore costs nothing to use, so budgetary considerations do not apply here.

    Exactly Bill, for the reasons you just listed, these are EXCUSES as opposed to legitimate reasons for passing this rule without membership input and doing so far in advance of its actual implementation.

    If the BOD was serious about having legitimate discussions, giving the membership time to provide feedback - there could be a proposal made via an electronic meeting (or some similar form), the proposal could then be made public via meeting agenda (allowing for some initial feedback or areas of concern to be asked), and then the proposal could be discussed at the next actual BOD meeting where all points could be debated, then the issue could be presented to the membership for final feedback, and then a final vote via electronic means. Given the schedule of the actual meeting, that entire process could take as little as 3 to 4 months from start to finish, with no extra costs, and no extra meetings (other than electronic ones potentially).

    What I would like to see (as many have also suggested) is the BOD coming up with procedures to allow more membership input, especially for such issues as rule changes...as opposed to reasons for lack of it. And when the BOD continues making missteps, like this 3lb rule change, it erodes the confidence membership has in USPSA's leadership and thus the feeling of actually being involved......and then we wonder why we only have a 30% response rate in elections.

  9. Polls are interesting but very limited in the useful info provided simPly due to small sample size. I do find the numbers a bit surprising. I didn't think there would be that many people in favor of the limit. I do find it telling that of the 40 ish votes for only one person has posted in favor on this thread. It's about what I've seen off Enos. The ones with the minority position you really have to talk to because the don't want to get jumped.

    The other interesting stat, at least right now is that less than 20% of frequent shooters support, a little over 20% of less frequent support and 33% of never shoot support. The less experience you have with the division, the more you want a trigger pull limit.

    The question I have is are those votes because they know what's better for Production, or is the trigger pull now holding them away from shooting Production. If its the latter there might be some validity to the cursed thing.

    A couple of things - for anyone to be surprised by these results of this poll......this is the EXACT same reaction from the first time this trigger pull requirement was proposed. For those that visit this forum, there was a major uproar at that time and thus no different from this time.

    But here again is the REASONS why you are hearing such an uproar. This requirement was passed without input or the opportunity to get input from the membership. And while this lack of desire for membership input has been BAU with this BOD (meaning in today's electronic age there is plenty of opportunity to solicit easy feedback), most of the cases have been in an attempt to solve a problem. And so with this 3lb trigger pull requirement - WHAT problem exists (even if only with a few BOD members) is being corrected? All of the requirements to test this trigger pull, are we sure the ability to do so is almost fool-proof?

    Those will be the questions I will be asking very specifically.

  10. There are many folks that have the talent to make Master but yet they seem to remain stuck in B-class. Part of that is because they do the same bad habits and/or don't approach what it takes to get to the 'next level' properly.....and thus why their performances are very inconsistent.

    If you look at those folks' stage scores, they look like a yo-yo. And part of that problem is a philosophy that I so disagree with - get your hits and then your speed will come. That is like telling someone to start walking and eventually you will somehow start running 4-minute miles - won't happen. So unknowingly, their natural and physical abilities allows them to shoot faster than they have learned (as opposed to faster than their abilities) and so they either have a GREAT stage or a CRAPPY stage, usually nothing in the middle. Then after a couple of crappy stages, they intentionally slow down because they don't won't to miss anymore and start turning in mediocre scores. ....hence the yo-yo effect.

    The solution is relatively easy but from the folks I have worked with - actually executing that solution could be quick or require a lot of time and practice.

  11. While I was in Pearl Harbor, my office was on the water front and each morning at 7:55 on December 7 a jet would make a simulated bombing run over the Memorial. The first time I experienced this, my reaction was - why is a plane flying so low over the harbor? And that reaction reminded me of a similar scene depicted in "Tora Tora Tora" as a couple of guys started flag ceremony.

    But a funny story about the Memorial. The entrance to the Naval base and the Memorial are very close to each other and thus easily confusing tourists, especially for foreign visitors. This story filters back to me while a couple of my guys were on temporary duty assigned to the main base (doing gate guard and other security type things):

    An older Japanese couple mistakenly comes to the Naval Base entrance and is promptly stopped. When the gentleman asked the gate guard, "Excuse me, where is the Arizona?" The gate guard replies, "Right where you left it."

    The thing that most amazed me about Pearl Harbor - how small it is. When I think about how many ships were in the Harbor that day (and then knowing the carriers were not there), I would look at the harbor and just wonder how in the heck that many ships and Japanese planes fit into that small area......and no wonder the Japanese sunk so many ships, they couldn't miss!

    For those that haven't been there, I have attached a picture from the mid-90's that might help put things into perspective and possibly help folks get a better appreciation of things when they watch movies and documentaries on Pearl Harbor.

    The very left and lower portions of the picture is the 'surface' side and SURFPAC's house (commander of naval surface forces) is just beyond the left of the pic (remember the scene in 'Tora Tora Tora' when he walks out of his house and sees the damage in the harbor). The middle section is the submarin base, and then just above that is submarine maintenance area and tons of warehouses and such. And then in the upper portion of the pic, that is Ford Island.....and if you look hard enough, you can see the infamous tower (left middle part of the island). And close to the right tip of Ford Island, the USS Arizona - the little white spot with something appearing to be attached to the right side of it.

    Also of note - the fuel tanks. Not sure if these are the exact same locations in 1941, but it gives you some perspective as to how close they are to the harbor and how in the heck did they not think to hit them?


  12. While everyone is thanking Sam for the match (and very deserving as we all know), I want to thank everyone for attending.

    If you sit back and look at the number of revolver shooters at the MCC and compare that number back to how many actually shoot revolver, it is obvious many folks come to have fun but primarily to also support a bigger cause - helping Le Bonheur.

    When I look at the distance so many of you traveled for this match, I am amazed at the support we are getting for this match and cause.

    I won't try to steal any thunder from when Sam is able to post the final numbers for our donation. However it may be several days before all of that is available and Sam is actually in front of a computer. Therefore, I will throw a teaser to say - I think it is safe to say that the 2011 MCC is the most successful match to date and you all will be very proud of the donation we are about to make.

    Again, thank you all for attending and please put this match on your 2012 calendar.

  13. Right now I only have 4 speedloaders registered. (3 Unclassified and 1 B)

    For the entire match, I have 77 registered revolver shooters (with 3 registered for other non-recognized divisions). And that breakdown is:

    GM 7 9%

    M 7 9%

    A 9 12%

    B 24 31%

    C 12 16%

    D 3 4%

    U 15 19%

    Total 77 100%

    Uh, are you saying that there are only 4 in the speedloader category, with 3 being unclassified and 1 being B classified? If that is the case then I would be number 5 in speedloader, and I am C rated. With the requirement that at least 5 participants have to be in a category for it to be recognized it would be important were someone (in this case it looks like me) were overlooked.

    I look forward to a very challenging and fun match, as the previous two have been.

    Sorry about that.....in my stats file, I had a formula error as it related to Speedloaders' classification.

    We currently only have 4 in that category (at least only 4 showing "speedloader" on their application) - 1 A, 1 B, 1 C, and 1 U.

    But it sounds like we may just get over the recognition top in that category if some extra folks are coming or some just forgot to register in that category.

  14. Match Hotel Update

    I just heard that the rooms reserved for us at the match hotel have all been taken, so no match rate. I have a call to their sales folks to see if I can a few more rooms added, but am being told that the chances of that happening are small.

    I just checked with our previous match hotel and they are showing rooms at $93 - $94 per night, about $5 higher than Holiday Inn. That is the hotel we are now recommending and their contact information is:

    Wingate Hotel

    2270 N. Germantown Pkwy

    Memphis, TN 38016

    Ph: 901-386-1110


  15. As I read through all of these posts, all of the conversations I have had with Sam concerning his MCC match keep coming back into play.

    I can see a lot of good ideas in this thread that could potentially make revolver more appealing to a greater audience; however, that is all they are today - just ideas.

    If you look at the historical participation in revolver division, most won't see a whole lot that tells you there is realistic chance for significant growth. And the large part of that reason is because more people find that shooting the automatics is more fun and fitting to our sport. Now that doesn't mean there aren't many that wouldn't shoot revolver or find it fun to do so in some matches. It just means that given the cost of this sport, most folks only have resources available to shoot one division properly......and so they are going to put that money and effort into one division in which they perceive to be the most fun. So where is the incentive for USPSA to overhaul the revolver division?

    Addressing those issues is the underlying reasons for Sam's MCC match. His first two goals is to (1) offer a match to expose as many as possible to the division and (2) to show USPSA that there is a much larger crowd that is willing to shoot revolver if given a realistic opportunity (meaning - like SS, let's take away the direct competition against open, limited, and production).

    Sam's match has been drawing numbers in the upper-60's the past few years (with this year getting very close to 75 shooters). Yes 75% of these folks probably will not shoot revolver much outside of this match. But we are exposing those 75% to this division and given the numbers, they enjoy shooting the match! Next Sam wants this match to be the US Nationals for revolvers and thus provide a realistic opportunity for many to really shoot revolver, similar to how the SS Nationals exists today. Without the SS Nationals, how many folks (including some of the "named-shooters") would seriously shoot SS?

    If we can show USPSA that there is a solid following for the revolver division, this will open the door for allowing a separate Revolver Nationals and potentially encourage some rule changes in order to help maximize its participation. So for those that are really serious about revolver, maximize what you do have (as opposed to a lot of wishful thinking) and that means continuing to support Sam's efforts with the MCC. Even if you cannot attend the match, you can support it by buying raffle tickets (as part of his sales pitch to USPSA will be the level of support we are giving to Le Bonheur). And then when the time comes, contact the entire BOD to support the creation of a separate Revolver Nationals. If we can make all of that happen, then many of these rule changes/ideas will be taken a little more seriously.

    .....and no, none of that was a sales pitch for raffle tickets. :rolleyes:

  16. One more point.....the one thing that might seriously increase interest in USPSA Revo would be a well-run stand-alone National Championship with great stages and a kick-ass prize table.

    That might give the top GM shooters in USPSA, and many more of the rank and file guys, a reason to put down their autos and pick up the wheels.

    That is a good suggestion. I am going to pass this idea to Sam and see if he can do something about it. :goof:

  17. I did some ciphering. The USPSA self squadding shows that we have 74 shooters entered as revolver competitors. The percentage per class breaks down like this:

    GM - 9.4

    M - 9.4

    A - 12.2

    B - 32.4

    C - 17.6

    D - 4.1

    U - 14.9

    Is this class distribution similar to other Level II or higher matches?

    Let me throw this "you must keep in mind" item while looking at all of this.....

    This match has around 3x the typical number of revolver shooters than what you will see at other matches where all (most) divisions are recognized. And the number of folks with a revolver classification isn't as high as other divisions (or if they have one, it was sort obtained by default like my unearned M classification due to me being a GM in other divisions). So to compare the participation in this match against other Level 2 and higher matches may not give you a fair comparison.

    And to some extent, outside of the previously discussed reasons, that is some of the reasons why Sam is hosting this match - to give those people that would like to shoot revolver but don't because they prefer to shoot where "most are competing." Then the secondary reason, Sam wants GM's in other divisions to shoot this match so that we will quickly remember what humble pie tastes like. :D

  18. Here is the squad schedule for the match.....we will be posting on MCC's website too.

    And so everyone doesn't forget - we still have tickets available for the raffle.

    Remember that we will have two raffles (one for everyone and one for just those attending the match).

    When does squad 16 shoot stages 9 and 10??? I feel so left out... :wacko:

    Looking forward to next week!

    the confused cajun,


    Thank you!!!! I goofed up. I can never get a range that makes squadding easy. In this case, Sam told me that I can only have two squads on stages 7, 8, and 9. So I played with that restriction for about 1/2 hour last night......and obviously needed another 1/2 hour. The corrected version is posted.

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