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Chriss Grube

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Posts posted by Chriss Grube

  1. Spend good money on a nice vehicle, park at the end of the lot and have some dick slide a beater right next to you.....yep there's a reason some people need to get their dumb asses shot.

  2. Yep totally outrageous......until the guy with no license, insurance and is drunk hits you or your family and then it will the the typical old crap of the police should have done something to stop this! God I love my job.....People bitch when we do it and then bitch more when they think we didn't do enough. Of course all the monday morning quarterbacks know how to do it so much better too!

  3. How else is some washed up has been from 30 - 40 years ago going to get any press and sell tickets if they don't say something stupid to piss people off and get some press? They weren't that good in the 70's anyway..........

  4. Kurt,

    I hurts like hell for the first 3-4 weeks then slowly improves. I had l5-s1 fused in April 2003. I was back shooting in 5 months and back to limited duty in 6, full duty in 12 months. Make sure they put you in a good physical therapy plan. Check all the doctors. I had 3 really well known ones tell me yeah we can fix it but you'll never work ion LE again. I found a good one that had a better outlook on the career front.


    Find a new doctor. You will end up with permanent nerve damage and when you finally can't walk it may not be repairable.

  5. Money and guns make the world go round get over it. One year they are terrorists the next they are freedom fighters with US backing. We sent loads of money and equipment to A-stan when they were fighting the Russians, did the same with Saddam against Iran, and plenty of other countries, now look where things stand.

  6. The problem is all the psycho babble BS of bullying. Some are great and some will be little monsters, you can usually find the problem by a quick look at the parents. Kids will be kids and will find a way to work things out if the parents stay out of the way. Generally the little monster will harass the wrong kid and get his clock cleaned and the problem will end. Now days the school and the parents make a big deal out of it and it turns into a mess.

  7. Now there's good advice call and complain to his supervisor that he gave you a ticket and made a mistake on it. No where in the info was there anything the Trooper did wrong other than being young and writing the wrong info from a registration given by the driver. Oh yeah he asked the standard question "do you know how fast you were going?" Contrary to the answers here it is usually a chance for the person to give a reason if they have one. You would be surprised how many people end up with a warning after that. Oh yeah and he had a smuck look, ok he was probably trying not to laugh his ass off when all the stuff came flying out all over. I get about 3-5 calls a month from people that think that way. I was wrong but the Trooper wasn't nice, didn't explain everything, blah blah blah. I love the age of no personal responsibility. Yep I screwed up but it is somebody else's fault.

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